Nomenclature of anatomical structures in snake vertebrae (A–M Epicrates cenchria [ISEZ R/437]; N Tropidophis jamaicensis [NHMUK 1964-1239]). A–B anterior trunk vertebra; C–G mid-trunk vertebra; H–I posteriormost trunk vertebra; J–K cloacal vertebra; L–M caudal vertebra; N posterior trunk vertebra. Views: A, C, H, J, L left lateral views; D dorsal view; E ventral view; B, F, I, M, N anterior views; G posterior view. Anatomical abbreviations: c centrum; cd condyle; ct cotyle; d diapophysis; h hypapophysis; ha haemapophysis; hk haemal keel; ir interzygapophyseal ridge; lf lateral foramen; ls lymphapophysis; na neural arch; nc neural canal; ns neural spine; p parapophysis; pcf paracotylar foramen; pd paradiapophysis; pl pleurapophysis; po postzygapophysis; poa postzygapophyseal articular facet; pr prezygapophysis; pra prezygapophyseal articular facet; prp prezygapophyseal accessory process; pt pterapophysis; sf subcentral foramen; sg subcentral groove; sr subcentral ridge; z zygosphene; zy zygantrum. For abbreviations of anatomical structures of the erycid caudal skeleton, see Fig. 106.

  Part of: Szyndlar Z, Georgalis GL (2023) An illustrated atlas of the vertebral morphology of extant non-caenophidian snakes, with special emphasis on the cloacal and caudal portions of the column. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 717-886.