Map of specimen sampling locations of Amolops cremnobatus (orange stars), A. tanfuilianae sp. nov. (blue circles), A. sengae sp. nov. (green diamonds), A. kottelati sp. nov. (red triangles), and A. attiguus sp. nov. (purple squares). Filled symbols are adults and open symbols are tadpoles. Symbols with black dots are sequenced individuals, and symbols without black dots are unsequenced individuals. The sample in Thailand is provisionally referred to A. sengae sp. nov. (see text).

  Part of: Sheridan JA, Phimmachak S, Sivongxay N, Stuart BL (2023) Systematics of the Lao torrent frog, Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat, 1998 (Anura: Ranidae), with descriptions of four new species. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 931-956.