Discriminant analyses of principal components, showing 95% confidence ellipses. A Males, B females, C tadpoles. Within panels, groups A–E represent Amolops tanfuilianae sp. nov., A. cremnobatus, A. sengae sp. nov., A. kottelati sp. nov., and A. attiguus sp. nov., respectively.

  Part of: Sheridan JA, Phimmachak S, Sivongxay N, Stuart BL (2023) Systematics of the Lao torrent frog, Amolops cremnobatus Inger & Kottelat, 1998 (Anura: Ranidae), with descriptions of four new species. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 931-956. https://doi.org/10.3897/vz.73.e102475