Preserved tadpole of Allobates albiventris sp. nov. (lot INPAH45066), Gosner stage 34. (A) Dorsal, (B) lateral and (C) ventrolateral views of the body, and (D) ventral and (E) ventrolateral views of the oral disc. Scale bar: 10 mm (A–C) and 1 mm (D, E). Photographs by J.R.D. Souza.

  Part of: Souza JRD, Ferrão M, Kaefer IL, Cunha-Machado AS, Melo-Sampaio PR, Hanken J, Lima AP (2023) A new pale-ventered nurse frog (Aromobatidae: Allobates) from southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 647-675.