Paratypes of Allobates albiventris sp. nov. A Female, MPEG44612, SVL 16.2 mm. B Male, INPAH45038, SVL 14.7 mm. C, F Female, INPAH45054, SVL 17.0 mm. D Male, INPAH45060, SVL 15.6 mm. E Male, INPAH45046, SVL 14.9 mm. G, H Male, INPAH45064, SVL 16.4 mm. White rectangle in (G) delimits the magnified region (H) illustrating the third tubercle on toe IV (arrow). Photographs by J.R.D. Souza.

  Part of: Souza JRD, Ferrão M, Kaefer IL, Cunha-Machado AS, Melo-Sampaio PR, Hanken J, Lima AP (2023) A new pale-ventered nurse frog (Aromobatidae: Allobates) from southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 647-675.