General view while alive of Chironius bicarinatus and Chironius gouveai: A an adult of C. bicarinatus (MNRJ 26255) from the municipality of Rio Claro, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; B a juvenile specimen of C. bicarinatus (MNRJ 27463), from the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; C an adult specimen of C. gouveai (unvouchered specimen) from the municipality of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; D a juvenile specimen of C. gouveai (unvouchered specimen) from the municipality of Vacaria, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Photos by M. Bilate (A), F. Dias-Silva (B), M. Borges-Martins (C), and O.L. Balbinot (D).