Line drawing of head of Dravidoseps pruthi comb. nov. (neotype, NRC-AA-1291): A dorsal and B lateral view. Scale nomenclature is after Grismer et al. (2019). AL = anterior loreal, CS = chin shields; F = frontal, Fn = frontonasal, Fp = frontoparietal, IL = infralabial, Ip = interparietal, M = mental, N = nasal, Nu = nuchal, P = parietal, Pf = prefrontal, PL = posterior loreal, Pm = postmental, PrO = preocular, PT = primary temporal, PoSL = postsupralabial, PoSpO = postsupraocular (maybe homologous to the last superciliary of Taylor (1935), PoO = postocular, R = rostral, SL = supralabial, SO = supraocular, ST = secondary temporal, and TT = tertiary temporal. * = superciliary and # = postsubocular. This specimen is missing the presubocular on this side of the head.