Photos in life of Papuascincus eldorado sp. nov.: A holotype (QM J97880) from P’nyang, Western Province; B paratype (BPBM 21669) from Aseki, Morobe Province; C paratype (SAMA R.71758) from Benaria, Hela Province; D paratype (SAMA R.57046) from Gobe, Southern Highlands Province; E–F uncollected specimen from Moran, Hela Province. Image A by Paul M. Oliver, image B by Allen Allison, images C and D by Stephen J. Richards, images E and F by Mark O’Shea.

  Part of: Slavenko A, Richards SJ, Donnellan SC, Allison A, Oliver PM (2024) Gold in the mountains: Striking new species of Papuascincus (Sphenomorphini: Scincidae) from New Guinea. Vertebrate Zoology 74: 133-149.