Surface features of the adhesive disc (A KAUM–I 153217, 29.4 mm SL, weak cyanine stain) and internal supporting skeleton of paired-fin girdles (B–E ROM 85350, 25.4 mm SL) of Discotrema crinophilum. B Pelvic disc supporting skeleton, including elements of pelvic- and pectoral-fin girdle in ventral view (anterior to top of page), outline of pelvic-fin spine and rays highlighted by thin white-dashed line; C close up of pelvic-fin ray 1, showing expanded anterior edge ventral to enlarged hardened papillae (outline show in thin white-dashed line); D ventral postcleithrum and surrounding elements (right side) in dorsal view (anterior to top of page); E dissected ventral postcleithrum (left side) in dorsal view (anterior to top of page). Abbreviations: A–C disc region A–C; AO, accessory ossicle; Bp, basipterygium; Cl, cleithrum; DPcl, dorsal postcleithrum; I, pelvic-fin spine; PcLFi, postcleithral fimbrae; PecFR, pectoral-fin rays; PelR1–4, pelvic-fin soft ray 1–4; PRC, pelvic radial cartilage; VPcl(a), ventral postcleithrum (anterior); VPcl(p), ventral postcleithrum (posterior).

  Part of: Fujiwara K, Motomura H, Summers AP, Conway KW (2024) A new generic name for the “Lepadichthyslineatus complex with a rediagnosis of Discotrema, a senior synonym of Unguitrema, and comments on their phylogenetic relationships (Gobiesocidae: Diademichthyinae). Vertebrate Zoology 74: 279-301.