Caudal skeletons (left side, anterior to left) of A Rhinolepadichthys polyastrous (SAIAB 9319, 25.0 mm SL) and B Discotrema crinophilum (ROM 85350, 25.4 mm SL). Abbreviations: AFR, anal-fin rays; DFR, dorsal-fin rays; DRC, cartilaginous distal radial; Ep, epural; HSPU2, hemal spine of preural centrum 2; LHP, lower hypural plate; NSPU2, neural spine of preural centrum 2; PhC, parhypural cartilage; PU2, 3, preural centrum 2, 3; P-MR, proximal-middle radial; UC, ural centrum; UHP, upper hypural plate. White asterisks (*) indicates caudal-fin rays associated with upper and lower hypural plates.

  Part of: Fujiwara K, Motomura H, Summers AP, Conway KW (2024) A new generic name for the “Lepadichthyslineatus complex with a rediagnosis of Discotrema, a senior synonym of Unguitrema, and comments on their phylogenetic relationships (Gobiesocidae: Diademichthyinae). Vertebrate Zoology 74: 279-301.