Maximum likelihood phylogeny based on expanded taxon sampling of 242 sequences (13 out of 18 described species; 2117 bps) of the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene. Black circles = high bootstrap support (BS ≥ 95), gray circles = moderate bootstrap support (70 ≤ BS < 95), open circles = low bootstrap support (BS < 70). Low bootstrap values along the backbone of the phylogeny are shown. Lineages highlighted in red were not evaluated by Dubois et al. (2021) and are not reciprocally monophyletic with any currently named genera and hence, had no assignable genus.

  Part of: Mahony S, Kamei RG, Brown RM, Chan KO (2024) Unnecessary splitting of genus-level clades reduces taxonomic stability in amphibians. Vertebrate Zoology 74: 249-277.