Cyrtodactylus namdaphaensis sp. nov. A–G holotype (WII-ADR1416), A dorsal, and B ventral view of the whole body; C dorsal, D ventral, and E lateral view of head; F ventral view of left manus and G left pes; H precloacal pores of paratype WII-ADR1417; I paratype WII-ADR1417, and J paratype WII-ADR1415 in life. Scale bar: 10 mm. I, J not to scale.

  Part of: Boruah B, Narayanan S, Aravind NA, Lalronunga S, Deepak V, Das A (2024) Description of six new species of Cyrtodactylus Gray (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from northeastern India. Vertebrate Zoology 74: 453-486.