Results of analyses of DArT-generated SNP data for the Diplodactylus galeatus species complex, including D. galeatus (n = 16), D. fyfei sp. nov. (n = 12), D. tjoritjarinya sp. nov. southern ESU (n = 1), and D. tjoritjarinya sp. nov. northern ESU (n = 14). A Population clusters identified with Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA), B Maximum likelihood tree estimated with IQ-TREE, and C Population cluster analyses in STRUCTURE and ADMIXTURE.

  Part of: McDonald PJ, Fenner AL, Torkkola J, Oliver PM (2024) Vicars in the desert: Substrate specialisation and paleo-erosion underpin cryptic speciation in an Australian arid-zone lizard lineage (Diplodactylidae: Diplodactylus). Vertebrate Zoology 74: 577-594.