Climate space as measured by annual rainfall and annual potential evapotranspiration: A across point locations for the three main Diplodactylus galeatus complex populations and 1000 randomly selected points across and between their distributions, B at 1000 random points across the two biogeographic regions (Stony Plains and MacDonnell Ranges; Thackway and Cresswell 1995) occupied by the Diplodactylus galeatus complex and the intervening Finke bioregion, with fitted regression lines and 95% confidence intervals, and C aridity as measured by the ratio of rainfall to potential evapotranspiration across the three bioregions (red dashed line shows the boundary between ‘arid’ (>0.03 to <0.2) and ‘semi-arid’ (>0.2 to <0.5; Whitford and Duval 2020).