An extended series of rostral to caudal CT slices of Dasyprocta leporine is shown, to show a greater extent of the olfactory recess (numbers indicate rostrocaudal CT slice level). The semicircular lamina is tinted red; frontoturbinals are tinted green; ethmoturbinals and the interturbinal are tinted blue. Slice 1085 is near the rostral-most level of the olfactory recess (or), and space bordered by large bilateral anterolateral recesses (alr). Here, a plate of bone, the transverse lamina (tl) separates the olfactory recess from the nasopharyngeal duct (npd, the space ventral to the latter). The ethmotrubinals (et I, II, III, IV) and frontoturbinals (ft1, 2, 3) gradually become more complex in more caudal slices. An interturbinal (it) is observed among ethmoturbinals (e.g., 1278, 1343), as is common in mammals. An interturbinal (provisionally identified) is also observed among frontoturbinals (1478). The semicircular lamina (sl) is exceedingly elongated rostrally (1085 tp 1250). As this lamina reduces in extent caudally, the frontal recess (fr) expands (1278 to 1403). Ventral to the horizontal lamina (hl), the maxillary recess (mr) is a greatly compressed space (e.g., 1278, 1298). Very caudally, ethmoturbinal make connections to the cribriform plate (cp) with their more dorsal lamellae (examples indicated by **). Scale bar: 3 mm.