Predicted (x-axis) by actual (y-axis) areas of teeth in mm^2. Data for each genus are shown in Fig. S1. Dotted diagonal lines represent agreement between predicted and observed areas. first premolar=square, dp2=circle, dp3=triangle, dp4=diamond, m1=plus, m2=asterisk, m3=crossDiamond, m4=crossCircle. Canislat = Canis latrans, Canislup = Canis lupus, Nandibin = Nandinia binotata, Nasuanar = Nasua narica, Nasuanas = Nasua nasua, Nasuasp = Nasua sp., Otocymeg = Otocyon megalotis, Procacap = Procavia capensis, Saghabow = Saghatherium bowni, Thyrolit = Thyrohyrax litholagus, Thyromey = Thyrohyrax meyeri, Viversp = Viverra sp., Vivertan = Viverra tangalanga, Viverzib = Viverra zibethica.

  Part of: McKay CJ, Welbourn-Green C, Seiffert ER, Sallam H, Li J, Kakarala SE, Bennett NC, Asher RJ (2022) Dental development and first premolar homology in placental mammals. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 201-218.