Map showing the geographic distribution records and extent of occurrence of the lizards in the Caatinga region: Notomabuya frenata, Psychosaura agmosticha, Psychosaura macrorhyncha, Coleodactylus meridionalis, Gonatodes humeralis, Ameiva ameiva, Ameivula confusioniba, Ameivula nigrigula, Ameivula ocellifera, Ameivula pyrrhogularis, Glaucomastix cyanura, Glaucomastix venetacauda. Red circles represent data occurrence data produced in this study; Black circles represent data from literature. Ecorregions: 1: Brejos; 2: Complexo da Chapada Diamantina; 3: Complexo Ibiapaba – Araripe; 4: Depressão Sertaneja Meridional; 5: Depressão Sertaneja Setentrional; 6: Dunas do São Francisco; 7: Planalto da Borborema; 8: Raso Catarina and 9: São Francisco/Gurguéia.

  Part of: Uchôa LR, Delfim FR, Mesquita DO, Colli GR, Garda AA, Guedes TB (2022) Lizards (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Caatinga, northeastern Brazil: Detailed and updated overview. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 599-659.