A. MFA of all species/populations of the brevipalmatus group. B MFA of all species/populations of the brevipalmatus group minus Cyrtodactylus elok. C Histograms of the percent contribution of each data type to the variation in dimensions 1 (Dim-1) and dimensions 2 (Dim-2) based on 6B. The dashed red line represents the average of percent contribution.

  Part of: Grismer LL, Rujirawan A, Yodthong S, Stuart BL, Le Duc M, Trung Le D, Chuaynkern Y, Wood, Jr.PL, Aowphol A (2022) The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Cyrtodactylus brevipalmatus group (Squamata: Gekkonidae) with emphasis on C. interdigitalis and C. ngati. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 245-269. https://doi.org/10.3897/vz.72.e80615