Virtual endocasts of the right bony labyrinth of selected adult Pantherinae. A–D Panthera onca (SMF 3067); E–H P. uncia (SMF 5419, left side mirrored); I–L Neofelis diardi (SMF 15470, left side mirrored); M–P N. nebulosa (SMF 40850). Abbreviations: aa, anterior ampulla; acf, aperture of the cochlear fossula; ASC, anterior semicircular canal; av, aquaeductus vestibuli; bp, bony protuberance; bv, canal for blood vessels; cc, crus commune; cco, canaliculus cochleae; co, cochlea; fv, fenestra vestibuli; la, lateral ampulla; LSC, lateral semicircular canal; pa, posterior ampulla; PSC, posterior semicircular canal; sbl, secondary bony lamina; scc, secondary crus commune. Scale bars: 5 mm.

  Part of: Wirkner M, Heyder K, Ruf I (2022) Comparative morphology and postnatal ontogeny of the bony labyrinth in Pantherinae (Felidae, Carnivora) with special emphasis on the lion. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 883-905.