Transversal µCT images through the nasal cavity of Pentalagus furnessi (M 12940) from anterior (A) to posterior (D). Sections are indicated on the 3D model. Colour code of the right turbinal skeleton refers to Fig. 2. The asterisk (*) refers to the cavity formed by the nasoturbinal and lamina semicircularis. Abbreviations: al, anterior lamella; bc, brain cavity; dI2, upper second deciduous incisor; dl, dorsal lamella; dn, ductus nasopharyngeus; et I–III, ethmoturbinal I–III; fi, foramen incisivum; fr, frontal bone; ft1–2, frontoturbinal 1–2; it, interturbinal; ju, jugal bone; lc, lamina cribrosa; lh, lamina horizontalis; ls, lamina semicircularis; lt, lamina terminalis; M1, upper molar 1; ma, maxillary bone; ms, maxillary sinus; mt, maxilloturbinal; na, nasal bone; nlc; nasolacrimal canal; nt, nasoturbinal; os, orbitosphenoid; P4, upper premolar 4; pal, palatinum; pl, posterior lamella; pm, premaxillary bone; sn, septum nasi; vo, vomer. Not to scale.