Apomorphic characters of the turbinal skeleton of Lagomorpha mapped on a phylogeny comprising all extant genera based on molecular data (Robinson and Matthee 2005). Position of the early Oligocene lagomorph Palaeolagus haydeni according to Fostowicz-Frelik and Meng (2013). Outgroup comprises Sciurus vulgaris (Rodentia) and Tupaia sp. (Scandentia). Morphological data for previously described species are taken from Ruf (2014) and Ruf et al. (2021). Species for which no data on the turbinal morphology is available are labelled with a question mark. Characters: 1, dendritic maxilloturbinal; 2, excavated nasoturbinal that contacts the lamina semicircularis; 3, rolled up posterior margin of lamina semicircularis; 4, almost straight posterior margin of lamina semicircularis; 5, rolled up ventral lamella of lamina semicircularis; 6, straight ventral lamella of lamina semicircularis; 7, lamina semicircularis with anterolaterally projecting additional process; 8, interturbinal between frontoturbinal 1 and 2; 9, interturbinal between frontoturbinal 1 and 2 reduced in size and complexity; 10, loss of interturbinal between frontoturbinal 1 and 2;11, frontoturbinal 2 reduced in size and complexity; 12, loss of interturbinal between ethmoturbinal I and II; 13, loss of ethmoturbinal III; 14, ethmoturbinal IV; 15, additional interturbinals in frontoturbinal recess; 16, additional interturbinals in ethmoturbinal recess; 17, very slender ethmoturbinal I; 18, slender ethmoturbinal II, III and interturbinal between first two ethmoturbinals. Asterisk (*) indicates characters restricted to certain species.