Images related to vertebrate paleontology from the lecture manuscripts of Miklucho-Mayclay. From the zoology lecture of winter semester 1865/66 (Hoßfeld et al. 2022a, p. 152–153): A categories of fossil amniotes (transcript: “Reptilia fossilia / I. Thecodontes / Paleosaurus /Proterosaurus / II. Anomodonta / Cyo Dicynodon / III. Mosasauria / Mosasaurus / Geosaurus / IV. Pterosauria Rhamphorhynchus Pterodactylus V. Enaliosaurus. / Va. Simosauria / Nothosauria / Vb. Ichthyosaurus / Plesiosaurus / Dinosaurus / Iguanodon / Megalosaurus”) with drawings of a partial skeleton of a pterosaur and a silhouette of a plesiosaur. Note the student’s decoration at the bottom of the page; B “Archeopter[yx]”, note that this is not a skeleton of Archaeopteryx lithographica von Meyer 1861, but a pterosaur skeleton (Pterodactylus antiquus Soemmering 1812). Both species are found in Solnhofener Plattenkalk, Eichstätt, Germany. – From the paleontology lecture of summer semester 1866 (Werneburg et al. 2022): C silhouettes of an ichthyosaur and an plesiosaur with following comment (Script Page 19b): “Wahrscheinlich besassen die Thiere ein[e] [[D]a[-] rmspiral[-]clappe] ([Sch[l]uss ? nach d[er] Beschaffen[-]heit der C[o]prolyten).” = “They likely had a spiraled valve in their gut (based on the shape of the coproliths).”; D tooth of a herbivore dinosaur (Script Page 20f); E typological categorization (Script Page 23b) (transcript: “Typus (Orbes Embrens?) = type / Classe = class / Ordo = order / Fam[ilie] = family / G[attung] = genus / Ind[ividuum] = specimen” with following comment: “Die Typen sind v[on]einander gänzlich unabhängig. Diese Typen k[önnen] miteinander nicht verglichen werden.” = “The types are completely independent from each other. These types cannot be compared with each other.”)