Virtual model of desmocranium (white) and chondrocranium (green) of Suncus murinus in the late stage. A, B Dorsal view of the left side; C, D ventral view of the left side; E, F lateral view of the left side; scale = 1 mm. Abbreviations: alt = ala temporalis; ah = ala hypochiasmatica; aor = ala orbit; bcf = basicranial fissure; con = orbitonasal commissure; con = commissura orbitonasalis; cpa = cartilago paraseptalis anterior; cse = sphenethmoid commissure; et I = ethmoturbinal I; fc = carotid foramen; ff = foramen of facial nerve; fh = hypophyseal fenestra; fj = foramen jugulare; fr = frontal; hyf = hypophyseal fossa; lon = laminas orbitonasalis; lta = lamina transversalis anterior; ltp = lamina transversalis posterior; ltr = lamina trabecularis; mc = Meckel’s cartilage; mx = maxilla; mxt = maxilloturbinal; na = nasal; nc = nasalcapsule; oc = otic capsule; onf = orbitonasal fissure; onf = orbitonasal fissure; pa = parietal; pal = palatine bone; pal = palatinum; pm = premaxilla; pm = premaxilla; pn = paranasal cartilage; sh = stylohyal cartilage; soc = supraoccipital cartilage; squ = squamosal; tn = tectum nasi; tp = tectum posterius.

  Part of: Ito K, Kodeara R, Koyasu K, Martinez Q, Koyabu D (2022) The development of nasal turbinal morphology of moles and shrews. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 857-881.