Pristimantis guianensis sp. nov. natural history and breeding aspects. A Example of habitat used by the new species; B calling male (INPA-H 43942); C amplectant pair (female INPA-H 43943, male INPA-H 43944), from RFAD, Manaus, Amazonas; D suspended litter spawning about 1 m above the ground, the two clutches are at different stages (left, more developed; right, recent oviposition), from São João da Baliza municipality, Roraima, Brazil. Photographs: A.T. Mônico, except (B) I.Y. Fernandes.

  Part of: Mônico AT, Ferrão M, Chaparro JC, Fouquet A, Lima AP (2022) A new species of rain frog (Anura: Strabomantidae: Pristimantis) from the Guiana Shield and amended diagnosis of P. ockendeni (Boulenger, 1912). Vertebrate Zoology 72: 1035-1065.