Comparison of caudal-fin skeleton in Schindleria. A Schindleria qizma (NMW 100000), paratype, 10.7 mm SL, preserved in ethanol, not stained: urostyle straight and ending inside hypural plate. B Schindleria sp. (uncatalogued), 16.9 mm SL, preserved in ethanol, stained with cephalopod ink. C Schindleria sp. (CAS 38797), 17.7 mm SL, cleared (muscles were digested) and stained with Alcian blue; procurrent rays not shown. B, C flexed urostyle, hook-like tip fused to hypural plate. HPU = haemal spines of preural vertebrae; hy = hypural plate; NPU = neural spines of preural vertebrae; pu2 and pu3 = second and third preural vertebra; ur = urostyle; 1–6 = procurrent rays, last ray elongated. Scale bar = 0.5 mm.