Caudal-fin skeleton in Schindleria qizma; A holotype (NMW 99999), 10.6 mm SL; B paratype (NMW 100001), ~10.9 mm SL; C paratype (NMW 100000), 10.7 mm SL. hy = hypural plate; ur = urostyle, straight and inserted into hypural plate. Each arrow indicates a procurrent ray; asterisk = no procurrent ray developed. Scale = 0.5 mm.
Part of: Ahnelt H, Macek O, Robitzch V (2023) A new species of Schindleria (Teleostei: Gobiiformes: Gobiidae) from the Red Sea (Saudi Arabia) with a specialized caudal-fin complex. Vertebrate Zoology 73: 313-323.