Research Article |
Corresponding author: Nikolay A. Poyarkov ( ) Corresponding author: Justin L. Lee ( ) Academic editor: Uwe Fritz
© 2024 Parinya Pawangkhanant, Nikolay A. Poyarkov, Harry Ward-Smith, Rupert Grassby-Lewis, Montri Sumontha, Nikita S. Kliukin, Sabira S. Idiiatullina, Alexei V. Trofimets, Chatmongkon Suwannapoom, Justin L. Lee.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Pawangkhanant P, Poyarkov NA, Ward-Smith H, Grassby-Lewis R, Sumontha M, Kliukin NS, Idiiatullina SS, Trofimets AV, Suwannapoom C, Lee JL (2024) A new species of karst-associated kukri snake (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae: Oligodon Fitzinger, 1826) from southern Thailand. Vertebrate Zoology 74: 359-379.
We describe a new species of kukri snake (Oligodon Fitzinger, 1826) from the limestone karst formations of Satun and Trang Provinces in southern Thailand. Phylogenetic analyses based on three mitochondrial DNA fragments (12S–16S ribosomal rRNA and cytochrome b) recover the new species within the Oligodon cinereus species complex, where it forms a deeply divergent yet poorly supported clade sister to Oligodon saiyok
Biodiversity, molecular phylogenetics, Serpentes, Southeast Asia, systematics, taxonomy, Thai–Malay Peninsula
Oligodon Fitzinger, 1826 (family: Colubridae) is the second most speciose snake genus in the world, with the number of recognized species ranging from 87 to 90, depending on the author (
In Thailand, four new Oligodon have been described within the past 10 years, and all are endemic to the country and have localized distributions (
Two more studies (
Sampled localities of the Oligodon cinereus species complex used in this study, including Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov., O. huahin, O. phangan, O. promsombuti, O. purpurascens, O. saiyok, O. joynsoni, O. inornatus, O. nagao, O. cinereus s. str., and unnamed lineages of O. “cinereus” labeled by clade. Base map created using Filled icons denote populations included in phylogenetic analyses; empty icons denote populations not included in the phylogenetic analyses; type localities are indicated by a dot at the center of an icon. Colors and locality numbers correspond to Figure
During herpetological surveys targeting limestone karst formations in Trang and Satun provinces, Thailand, we observed three Oligodon that were referrable to the O. cinereus species complex. A closer examination of the Trang and Satun province specimens revealed additional genetic and morphological differences that separate them from all other members of the genus. In this study, we describe these specimens as a new species and use this opportunity to investigate the phylogenetic position of the four recently described Oligodon from Thailand (O. huahin, O. phangan, O. promsombuti and O. saiyok), all of which have not been included within published molecular datasets until now.
Fieldwork that resulted in the collection of Oligodon was performed across southern Thailand in Kanchanaburi, Phetchaburi, Satun, Surat Thani, and Trang Provinces between 2018 and 2023. Geographic coordinates and altitude of all specimens were obtained using a Garmin GPSMAP 60CSx GPS receiver (USA) and recorded in WGS84 datum. Collected snake specimens were captured by hand and euthanized via injection using a 20% solution of benzocaine, then fixed in formalin before being transferred into 70% ethanol for preservation. Prior to fixation, a small sample of muscle tissue was taken from each specimen and stored in 95% ethanol for molecular analyses. The uncollected specimen of the new species was measured and photographed on-site to examine relevant morphological features and was subsequently released at the point of capture. Specimens and their tissue samples were deposited in the herpetological collections of the School of Agriculture and
Natural Resources, University of Phayao, Phayao, Thailand (AUP) and the
Zoological Museum of Moscow University, Moscow, Russia (
Two tissues of the new species, topotypic specimens of O. huahin, and the name-bearing type specimens of O. phangan, O. promsombuti and O. saiyok were sampled for molecular analyses, in addition to 57 samples of Oligodon from GenBank. One sample each of the snake species Oreocryptophis porphyraceus (Cantor, 1839) (subfamily Colubrinae) and Hebius vibakari (Boie, 1826) (subfamily Natricinae) were used as outgroup taxa to root the tree. Both outgroups represent colubrid species that are highly divergent from Oligodon and have been used in past phylogenetic investigations (
Museum acronyms mentioned in-text follow
We extracted total genomic DNA of novel samples from muscle or skin tissues preserved in 95% ethanol using a Qiagen DNAeasy Blood and Tissue Kit following manufacturers protocols. We performed polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) on extracted DNA and amplified two fragments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): the first including partial sequences of 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA)-Valine and 16S rRNA (total length up to 1981 bp), and a second fragment including the complete sequence of the gene cytochrome b (cyt b) (1091 bp). Primers used for PCRs and sequencing are summarized in Table S2. PCR protocols for 12S–16S rRNA fragments were adapted from
Phylogenetic analyses were performed using 67 samples of Oligodon and the two outgroup taxa O. porphyraceus and H. vibakari. Both Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) approaches were used to estimate phylogenetic trees based on mtDNA sequence data. We used IQ-TREE 2 (
We examined morphological features of the new species and compared them with 239 Oligodon specimens from natural history collections (Appendix S1) and literature descriptions (
Linear measurements and morphological characters follow
Both the ML and BI analyses agree with previously published phylogenies of Oligodon (
The first split within the species complex includes a clade containing O. cinereus clade 4, the new species from Trang and Satun Provinces, Thailand, and O. saiyok. The new species was recovered sister to O. saiyok, and those two species were recovered sister to O. cinereus clade 4 (CAS 205028, locality 4; see Fig.
Phylogenetic tree of Oligodon from the analysis of 12S rRNA–16S rRNA and cyt b mitochondrial DNA gene sequences. For voucher specimen information and GenBank accession numbers see Table S1. Numbers at tree nodes correspond to ML UFBS / BI PP support values, respectively; an en-dash denotes no support. Colors of clades and locality numbers correspond to those in Figure
Based on morphology, the new species from Satun and Trang provinces of Thailand resemble most members of the O. cinereus species group, especially uniform/reticulated morphotypes of O. “cinereus”. Nonetheless, the specimen has a significant genetic distance compared to other clades within the O. cinereus species complex (mean 16S rRNA divergence 2.6% from O. cinereus clade 4; mean cyt b divergence 7.7% from O. saiyok; Table S4). These divergences are larger than other, well-established sister species pairs within Oligodon, such as Oligodon chinensis (Günther, 1888) and Oligodon formosanus (Günther, 1872) (mean 12s-16s divergence 1.8%;
O. speleoserpens sp. nov. is referred to the genus Oligodon based on the presence of enlarged blade-shaped maxillary teeth without a diastema, an elongate and subcylindrical body, and the presence of a large inflated rostral scale that blocks the internasal scales from contacting anteriorly (
We compared Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. with all other members of the O. cinereus species group and use Table S3 to compare it with other Oligodon native to Thailand. Its uniform gray dorsum distinguishes most members of the O. cinereus species group that have banded, cross-barred, or blotched dorsal color patterns; namely, O. albocinctus, Oligodon ancorus (Girard, 1857), Oligodon kampucheanensis Neang, Grismer and Daltry, 2012, O. lipipengi, O. nagao, Oligodon purpurascens (Schlegel, 1837), O. saiyok, and Oligodon teyniei David, Hauser, and Vogel, 2022. Exceptions include O. “cinereus”, O. huahin, O. joynsoni, O. inornatus, and O. phangan, which have variable color patterns, or are uniform/reticulated dorsally. Between these congeners, Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. is most easily distinguished by usually having 19 anterior scale rows (vs. no more than 15 or 17 scale rows anywhere on the body; only one specimen of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. with 17 anterior scale rows) with the reduction from 19 to 17 rows occurring between ventral scales 28 and 30.
More specifically, O. speleoserpens sp. nov. is distinguished from O. huahin by having 189–193 ventrals (vs. 166–173 in males), 47–54 subcaudals (vs. 35–41 in males), 9 infralabials (vs. 7–8), dorsum dark gray (vs. dorsum uniform but lighter gray, tan or orange), and a dark gray venter without conspicuous dark spots or rectangular blotches on the posterior half (vs. venter plain white); from O. inornatus by having 189–193 ventrals (vs. 169–173), 47–54 subcaudals (vs. 31–43), 8 maxillary teeth (vs. 10–11), and a ventral coloration without conspicuous dark spots or rectangular blotches on the posterior half (vs. ventral surface with small square or rectangular spots); from O. joynsoni by having 54 subcaudals in females (vs. 37–41 in females), relative tail length (TailLR) 0.139 in females (vs. 0.125–0.129 in females), 8 maxillary teeth (vs. 11–12), and a uniform gray or grayish–brown dorsum without crossbars or reticulations (vs. light tan, ochre brown or gray, narrow irregular shaped crossbars present on dorsal surface of body and tail); from O. phangan by having 189–193 ventrals (vs. 163–166), 47–54 subcaudals (vs. 33–42), 8 maxillary teeth (vs. 12), 9 infralabials (vs. 8), presubocular present (vs. absent), dorsum uniform gray or grayish–brown (vs. dorsum uniform orange-gray with indistinct vertebral lines present), and a ventral coloration without conspicuous dark spots or rectangular blotches on the posterior half (vs. ventral surface plain white); and from O. promsombuti by having 189–193 ventrals (vs. 177), 47–54 subcaudals (vs. 40), 8 maxillary teeth (vs. 12), 9 infralabials (vs. 8), presubocular present (vs. absent), and a ventral coloration without conspicuous dark spots or rectangular blotches on the posterior half (vs. venter with large rectangular blotches across entire ventral surface). O. speleoserpens sp. nov. differs from all clades hitherto referred to as O. “cinereus” (including O. cinereus sensu stricto) by having 189–193 ventral scales (vs. no more than 186), 47–54 subcaudals (vs. no more than 45), 8 maxillary teeth (vs. 10–13), and 9 infralabials (vs. usually 7–8, rarely 9). Moreover, the posterior portion of the venter is dark and uniform colored in O. speleoserpens sp. nov., whereas uniform or reticulated colored populations of O. “cinereus” we examined (Appendix S1) have an immaculate venter with rectangular spots or blotches on the lateral edge of each ventral scale. The ventral underside of the tail, which is dark gray smeared with minimal white markings, is found in all specimens of O. speleoserpens sp. nov. and is absent in all uniformly patterned O. “cinereus”, as well as most other members of the O. cinereus species complex.
Five additional species of Oligodon outside of the O. cinereus species group may occur in close proximity with O. speleoserpens sp. nov. and are thus compared here. Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. differs from members of the O. cyclurus-taeniatus species group found in the same area of southern Thailand, namely Oligodon fasciolatus (Günther, 1864), Oligodon mouhoti (Boulenger, 1914) and O. taeniatus, by its uniform dark-olive dorsum without any conspicuous head markings (vs. ligher brown dorsum with a well-defined series of vertebral stripes [O. mouhoti and O. taeniatus] or series of large blotches [O. fasciolatus], in addition to the presence of conspicuous nuchal and temporal markings on the head). Next, O. speleoserpens sp. nov. most easily differs from Oligodon signatus (Günther, 1864), restricted to a few provinces at the southern end of Thailand (
Adult male specimen in excellent condition immediately after preservation (Fig.
Photographs of the holotype of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. (
Rostral distinctly enlarged and inflated, wider than high, triangular in dorsal view, partially separating the anterior half of internasals (Fig.
Dorsal scale rows 19–17–15, smooth throughout, without apical pits; dorsal scale reduction from 19 rows to 17 rows occurring at 30th ventral scale on either side of body; reduction from 17 rows to 15 rows occurring at 100th ventral scale on either side; preventrals 2 and ventral scales 189; lateral edges of each ventral scale with discrete lateral keeling; subcaudals 54, paired; total body scales 244; subcaudal ratio 0.221; cloacal plate entire. Maxillary teeth 8, posterior two teeth enlarged, laterally compressed, blade-like. The partially everted hemipenes is bilobed and weakly calyculate (Fig.
In life, dorsal ground color ashy gray, margins of most dorsal scales edged with black, but distinct reticulations absent (Figs
Photographs (a) of the holotype of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. (
The adult female paratype (Fig.
Rostral wider than high, triangular in dorsal view; posterior scale suture of rostral bordering internasals “deep-V” shaped, creating a narrow obtuse angle (~100º, same as holotype); internasals subrectangular, 2.3× wider than long, anterior sutures rounded, concave; prefrontals subpentagonal, 2.4× wider than long, 1.3× longer than internasals, anterior sutures bordering each internasal also rounded; prefrontals 1.3× wider than internasals; frontal pentagonal, shield shaped, 1.2× longer than wide, anterior suture bordering each prefrontal straightened; frontal 1.4× longer than prefrontals; eyes placed posterior relative to the anterior edge of frontal; angle formed by suture producing the posterior vertex of frontal a narrow obtuse angle (~96º); supraoculars subrectangular, 1.4× longer than wide, 1.3× shorter than frontal; parietals subpentagonal, 1.2× longer than wide, width of each scale 1.2× longer than parietal suture, posterior suture of parietals straightened; length of parietals approximately 1.1× longer than frontal; frontal 1.1× longer than parietal suture; anterior angle formed by the sutures between the parietal/frontal and supraocular/parietal a broad obtuse angle (~131º) with its lateral ray pointing somewhat posterolaterally. Nasal scale rectangular, longer than wide, fully divided; loreal 1/1, small and square shaped, 1.2× longer than high, less than half the size of nasal; supralabials 8/8; with 4th and 5th supralabial in contact with orbit; 6th supralabial largest, 1st supralabial smallest; all supralabials in broad contact; preoculars 1/1, wider than long; presubocular 1/1, less than half the size of preocular; postoculars 2/2, uppermost postocular slightly larger in size; anterior temporal 1/1; posterior temporals 2/2; infralabials 9/9 in all specimens, first pair in contact, 4/4 infralabials in contact with anterior chin shields; 5th infralabial largest, both 2nd and 9th infralabials smallest; mental subtriangular, wider than long; small, indistinct mental groove present, condition identical to holotype; chin shields subrectangular, anterior pair 1.2× longer than posterior pair.
Dorsal scale rows 19–17–15, scale ornamentation like holotype; dorsal scale reduction from 19 rows to 17 rows occurring at the 28th ventral scale; reduction from 17 rows to 15 rows occurring at the 113th ventral scale; preventrals 2, ventral scales 193, distinctly keeled; subcaudals 48, paired; total body scales 242; subcaudal ratio 0.198; cloacal plate entire. Maxillary teeth 8, posterior two teeth enlarged and blade-like.
In life, dorsal ground color dark olive–gray (Fig.
Morphological data of another male individual from the same locality as the paratype were collected by two of us (HWS and RGL; Fig.
Selected morphological counts of all three specimens of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. All linear measurements are in millimeters, with abbreviations matching those listed in the materials and methods section.
Character | Oligodon speleoserpens | ||
Catalog number |
No voucher |
Sex | F | M | M |
SVL | 681 | 601 | 612 |
TailL | 110 | 95 | 97 |
TailLR | 0.139 | 0.136 | 0.137 |
HeadL | 16.5 | 16.7 | – |
HeadW | 14.0 | 11.5 | – |
HeadW/L | 0.85 | 0.69 | – |
HeadD | 10.6 | 8.6 | – |
RostralW | 4.91 | 4.9 | – |
FrontalL | 5.6 | 5.3 | – |
FrontalW | 4. 7 | 4.3 | – |
SnoutL | 7.3 | 5.3 | – |
EyeD | 2.7 | 2.7 | – |
EyeLip | 2.9 | 2.6 | – |
DSR | 19-17-15 | 19-17-15 | 17-17-15 |
Preventrals + VEN | 2+193 | 2+189 | 2+190 |
CP | Entire | Entire | Entire |
SC | 48 | 54 | 47 |
SL | 8/8 | 8/8 | 8/8 |
SL-eye | 4+5/4+5 | 4+5/4+5 | 4+5/4+5 |
IL | 9/9 | 9/9 | 9/9 |
IL-CS | 4/4 | 4/4 | 4/4 |
LOR | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 |
PrO | 1/1 | 2/1 | 1/1 |
PrsO | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 |
PtO | 2/2 | 2/2 | 2/2 |
Temporals (Ate + Pte) | 1+2 / 1+2 | 1+2 / 1+2 | 1+2 / 1+2 |
MT | 8 | 8 | – |
The species epithet “speleoserpens” is a compound name combining the Latinzed Greek noun “spēlēum”, meaning “cave” and the Latin noun “serpens [= serpentis]”, the present active participle of “serpō” meaning “to crawl or creep”, often used in reference to snakes. This roughly translates to “cave crawler” or “cave serpent”, an allusion to both the type locality and the discovery of the paratype. We recommend the English common name “Cave Kukri Snake” and the Thai common name “ปี่แก้วควนหิน” (Ngu Pi Kaew Kuan Hin) for this species.
Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. is currently known from only two localities in southeastern Peninsular Thailand: Tham Le Stegodon, Satun Province and Tham Khao Ting cave, Trang Province (see locality 1, Fig.
Habitat photographs (a) of the karst wall above an entrance to Tham Khao Ting Cave, Trang Province, Thailand that the uncollected specimen of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. was found ~12–15 m high; (b) flooded exit of the Tham Khao Ting cave; and (c) flooded habitat 50 m past the entrance of Tham Le Stegodon cave, Satun Province, Thailand. Photographs by Harry Ward–Smith.
The diet of most Oligodon is presumed to consist primarily of reptile eggs and frogs (
Only three specimens of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. have been documented so far, all within a span of six months. The surrounding limestone karst massif where the new species has been collected spans a total area of approximately 10.7 square kilometers. Both sites are offered protection from human development. Tham Le Stegodon is part of the Satun UNESCO Global Geopark and Tham Khao Ting is owned by the Liphang Subdistrict Administrative Organization of Trang Province. The underground river networks of both cave systems are popular tourist attractions for swimming and kayaking. We believe the current level of recreation poses minimal impact on the caves and surrounding karst habitat and is thus unlikely to threaten the conservation of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. at these sites. However, future work on the ecology and behavior of this species is needed to understand whether any other human activities in this region might act as conservation threats. Owing to a lack of ecological information on this species, we suggest classifying Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. as “Data Deficient” based on the criteria adopted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. This classification is based on the fact that little data exists for the new species, and that more information is needed to understand its distributional limits within southern Thailand.
The discovery of Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. brings the total number of recognized Oligodon species to 88 or 91 (see Introduction) and the number of species known from Thailand to 21 (but see David and Pauwels 2005;
Limestone karsts and their caves are well-known for supporting high levels of range-restricted herpetofauna (
It is difficult to make any biogeographic assessments of O. speleoserpens sp. nov. because the broader evolutionary relationships of Oligodon remain poorly understood. Nevertheless, it is instructive to note that O. speleoserpens sp. nov., differs from most of its congeners in the O. cinereus species complex by its placement south of the Isthmus of Kra, a location that is known for its high-levels of species endemism and its function as an area of faunal turnover between Indochina and Peninsular Malaysia (
While only three specimens of O. speleoserpens sp. nov. have been observed so far, a few aspects of its natural history can be hypothesized. One feature found in all individuals of the new species is the presence of keeled ventral scales. This scalational feature has been observed in other Oligodon, including members of the O. cinereus species group (
A significant hurdle preventing a broader understanding of Oligodon systematics has been their low detectability during field surveys, which makes assessments based on large series of specimens difficult. Characters that have traditionally been used to classify Oligodon species include the shape and ornamentation of the hemipenis, number of maxillary teeth, number of dorsal scale rows, and number of body scales (ventrals and subcaudals) (
Outside of these taxonomic decisions, we are unable to sort out the identities of the many lineages recovered in the O. cinereus species complex, and our results raise several issues that await further study. The most glaring is the non-monophyly between O. joynsoni and O. promsombuti, and between O. nagao and O. cinereus clade 3. Both specimens of O. joynsoni sampled for genetic data agree with the morphological diagnosis of that species by having a large number of ventral scales (>190) and a color pattern consisting of dark reticulations and narrow crossbars, with one specimen (KIZ 09128) described in detail by
Our study also supports the existence of a paraphyletic O. “cinereus”, with more than six species nested within or between each of its lineages. The inclusion of O. huahin and O. phangan within the O. cinereus species complex significantly affects each species’ morphological diagnosis because many of their scalation features now overlap with O. “cinereus” sensu lato (Table S3). We included two topotypic samples of O. phangan from Pha Ngan Island and two specimens (AUP TS2605 and CAS 213379) from Krabi Province, Thailand and Yangon, Myanmar, respectively, that cluster within the same clade. While these latter samples would seemingly extend the distribution of O. phangan, their morphologies do not precisely match the original description of the type specimens. For example, CAS 213379 is part of a series of Oligodon collected from Yangon Region, Myanmar, and all of these specimens have a faint reticulated dorsum with dark spots along the posterior portion of the venter. As a result, we conservatively identify the two non-topotypic samples as O. cf. phangan for the time being. At a minimum, our results indicate the morphological diagnoses that would normally distinguish Oligodon from one another fail to accurately describe the lineage diversity found within O. “cinereus”. A clearer understanding of the species boundaries of the O. cinereus species complex will have to await denser sampling of genetic and morphological material.
We are indebted to Ian Dugdale (Baan Maka Nature Lodge, Phetchaburi) for sharing photographs and additional observations of Thai Oligodon, and Mali Naiduangchan (Rabbit in the Moon Foundation, Ratchaburi) for helping us photograph the hemipenis of the O. speleoserpens sp. nov. holotype. We thank the following museum collections staff for allowing us to examine specimens: David Kizirian and Lauren Vonnahme (AMNH); Ned Gilmore (ANSP); Lauren Scheinberg, Erica Ely, and Jens Vindum (CAS); Rachunliu G. Kamei, Sara Ruane, Joshua Mata and Alan Resetar (FMNH); Stevie Kennedy–Gold and Joe Martinez (MCZ); Giuliano Doria and Massimo Petri (MSNG); Patrick D. Campbell and Jeffrey W. Streicher (NHMUK); Amy L. Lathrop (ROM); Gregory L. Schneider and Daniel L. Rabosky (UMMZ); Esther Langan, Addison Wynn, Rob Wilson, George R. Zug (USNM); and Valentina F. Orlova (
Fieldwork and specimen collection were approved by the Institute of Animals for Scientific Purpose Development (Bangkok, Thailand) and the Institutional Ethical Committee of Animal Experimentation of the University of Phayao (certificate no. UPAE64-02-04-005 and permit no. UPAE59-01-04-0022; both issued to CS). All fieldwork was strictly complacent with the ethical conditions of the Thailand Animal Welfare Act. This study was completed within the frameworks of research project E-1.2 of the Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Science and Technology Research Centre for 2023. NAP, NSK, SSI and AVT were financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (RSF grant No. 22-14-00037: fieldwork, specimen collection, morphological examination, molecular phylogenetic analyses, and data analyses). CS was partially supported by the Thailand Science Research and Innovation Fund and the University of Phayao 208/2567 (Unit of Excellence 2024 on the Integrative Diversity Assessment of Aquatic Animals from Thailand).
Appendices S1, S2
Data type: .pdf
Explanation notes: Appendix S1. List of referred Oligodon specimens examined for comparative morphological analysis. — Appendix S2. Expanded phylogeny of Oligodon excluding outgroup genera showing relationships of species outside of the O. cinereus species complex.
Tables S1–S4
Data type: .pdf
Explanation notes: Table S1. List of sequences and corresponding voucher specimens of Oligodon and outgroup taxa used in this study. — Table S2. Primers for PCR and sequencing used in this study. — Table S3. Morphological comparisons between Oligodon speleoserpens sp. nov. and other species of Oligodon native to Thailand. — Table S4. Genetic differentiation of Oligodon within the O. cinereus species complex.