Research Article |
Corresponding author: Diego A. Caraballo ( ) Academic editor: Clara Stefen
© 2024 Micaela A. Chambi Velasquez, Romina Pavé, María A. Argoitia, Pablo Schierloh, María G. Piccirilli, Valeria C. Colombo, Fernando J. Beltrán, Daniel M. Cisterna, Diego A. Caraballo.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Chambi Velasquez MA, Pavé R, Argoitia MA, Schierloh P, Piccirilli MG, Colombo VC, Beltrán FJ, Cisterna DM, Caraballo DA (2024) Revisiting Molossus (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Molossidae) diversity: Exploring southern limits and revealing a novel species in Argentina. Vertebrate Zoology 74: 397-416.
Understanding species diversity and delineating their boundaries are crucial for effective management and conservation efforts. In the case of bats, species identification holds particular importance from an epidemiological standpoint. The genus Molossus (Chiroptera: Molossidae) encompasses 15 species distributed across the Neotropics, ranging from the southeastern United States to Argentina. This genus exhibits two contrasting patterns of variation: some species are cryptic, while others are morphologically distinct yet genetically similar. This study explores the diversity of Molossus in Argentina through a molecular phylogenetic approach. We analyzed sequences from three molecular markers (cyt b, COI, and FGB) along with morphology data obtained from a sample of 64 individuals. Uni- and multivariate analyses of external and cranial measurements were conducted, alongside comparisons of external and cranial characteristics among species. Based on molecular and morphological differences, we describe a new species within the Molossus genus. This newly discovered species exhibits a broad distribution spanning the Paraná River basin across three distinct ecoregions. It is noteworthy that this species is pseudo-cryptic with respect to similar-sized species such as M. molossus and M. melini. Additionally, it is important to mention that all species in Argentina have overlapping distribution ranges. In summary, this study provides valuable insights into the diversity and distribution of Molossus bats in Argentina, employing molecular and morphological analyses. The discovery of a new species underscores the ongoing importance of comprehensive research efforts in understanding and conserving bat populations in the Neotropics.
Mastiff bats, molecular phylogeny, morphology, morphometry, pseudo-cryptic species, South America
Accurate species identification is of paramount importance for various reasons. Firstly, it serves as the foundation for understanding and documenting biodiversity, allowing the recognition and appreciation of the variety of life on Earth (
With over 1400 species comprising 20% of mammal diversity, bats (Order Chiroptera) hold a prominent position in the Tree of Life (
Bats of genus Molossus are distributed throughout the continental and insular Neotropics, from southeastern United States to central Argentina (
In a recent study,
Recently, a fifteenth species, M. melini, was described in Argentina (
Due to the peculiarity of the natural history of this bat genus, the identification of Molossus at the species level poses a common problem in epidemiological surveillance laboratories, fieldwork, and biological collections. Most specimens are cataloged as Molossus sp. or, what is worse, assigned an incorrect species name (typically M. molossus). Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate genes that can provide sufficient information for the identification of Molossus species without employing highly complex and costly methodologies such as GBS.
In this study, we conducted an extensive examination of the Molossus species diversity in Argentina, assessing the taxonomic differentiation at the species level using one nuclear and two mitochondrial markers. To facilitate further research, we compiled a meticulously curated dataset of genetic sequences, enabling the comprehensive assessment of the phylogenetic classification of any Molossus specimen across its entire geographic range. The discovery of a previously unrecognized lineage was confirmed as a distinct species through multivariate analysis of cranial morphology as well as comparisons of cranial and external characteristics with other known species present in Argentina. In summary, our study significantly contributes to the understanding of the diversity and geographical distribution of mastiff bats in the southernmost extents of their range, shedding new light on the biology of this group.
Genomic DNA was extracted from a set of 56 specimens belonging to the genus Molossus, sourced from various locations within Argentina (Table S1), and obtained through three distinct methods. A group of specimens was captured by fieldwork specialists during ecological studies of rabies virus, who followed a protocol involving the capture and subsequent release of the specimens. Wing membrane tissue samples were obtained using a biopsy punch with a diameter of 3 mm. Captures were carried out under the approval of the Ethics and Safety Committee of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Expte. FCV-0869428-17) and the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente de la Provincia de Santa Fe (Expte No. 02,101-00, 181, 129-9, Resolution No. 093/2018). Guidelines of the American Society of Mammalogists (Sikes and the Animal Care and Use Committee of the American Society of Mammalogists 2016) were followed. The second group consisted of ethanol-preserved tissue samples, including muscle and patagium, obtained from museum vouchers deposited in the Colección de Vertebrados of the Instituto Nacional de Limnología (INALI-A), Colección de Mamíferos of the Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales “Florentino Ameghino” (MFA-ZV-M), Colección de Mamíferos of the Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales “Dr. Ángel Gallardo” (MG-ZV-M), and Colección de Mamíferos of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” (MACN-Ma). The remaining samples including intestine, patagium, and muscle tissue were collected from bat specimens from the “Instituto de Zoonosis Luis Pasteur” (Buenos Aires city, Argentina) and personal collections.
One nuclear gene, the intron 7 and short partial sequences of exons 7 and 8 of the β-fibrinogen (FGB) and two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and cytochrome b (cyt b), were sequenced totaling 2567 aligned base pairs (COI — 657 bp; cyt b — 1140 bp; FGB — 770 bp). Primers and PCR conditions for each gene are given in Table S2. Sequences were obtained with both primers for each locus. Samples that failed to produce sequences were discarded, remaining 47 successfully sequenced specimens (Table S1). Coding sequences were checked for the presence of premature stop codons to discard the amplification of pseudogenes.
To test the resolution of each marker we downloaded all available sequences annotated as Molossus in GenBank. Although it is immensely valuable, this public database is susceptible to having lots of errors in the taxonomy of the sequences available in it, especially in taxa with cryptic species and taxonomic instability such as Molossus. Morphological species misidentification and/or lack of taxonomic update are the two sources of error that abound in Molossus sequences in GenBank.
To overcome this issue we designed a strategy consisting in updating all previous names according to the current taxonomy, taking into account species distributions (
In addition to the analysis conducted for each marker separately, phylogenies were inferred from the concatenated mitochondrial loci on one hand, and from the three combined loci on the other. The combined analysis of cyt b and COI genes allows the reconstruction of the same evolutionary history (
A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis was conducted for each locus and the concatenated dataset including representatives of all known species of Molossus. We used sequences of Promops centralis and Eumops auripendulus as outgroups. Nucleotide substitution models were estimated using MrModeltest2 (
The phylogenetic analysis was performed in MrBayes version 3.2.7 (
A median-joining network was constructed with PopART v1.7 (
To compare intra- and interspecific distances we generated a p distances table with the concatenated matrix including the three loci. Pairwise genetic distances were calculated with MEGA X (
We recorded the following data of each specimen analyzed: locality, age class (i.e., subadult or adult), sex, external and cranial measurements, and body mass, following
Univariate (using one-way ANOVA or Kruskal–Wallis test with corresponding pairwise post hoc tests) and multivariate statistical analyses (employing principal component analysis—PCA—coupled with PERMANOVA and its corresponding pairwise post hoc tests) of cranial and external linear measurements were conducted in R Studio (
The trees obtained for all nuclear and mitochondrial loci confirmed the monophyly of the genus Molossus. However, significant discrepancies were observed in internal nodes, particularly between FGB and both mitochondrial genes (Figs S2–S4; File S2). While the nuclear gene fails to recover most species as monophyletic, it can enhance the resolution of another dataset, such as the mtDNA genes (
The phylogeny inferred from the concatenated dataset depicts higher levels of phylogenetic resolution, with the most robustly supported internal nodes (609 parsimony informative sites of a total of 2567) (Fig.
A Bayesian phylogeny obtained from the concatenated dataset (FGB, COI, and cyt b). Branch colors indicate lineage/species membership. The letters accompanying each terminal indicate the lineage based on the analysis of individual genes, while the numbers refer to the number of representatives of each lineage. Node sizes are proportional to their posterior probability (red: 1–0.95; purple-cyan: 0.94–0.75; green-yellow: <0.75). Node support above 0.8 is shown for main lineages. The scale is expressed in substitutions per site. B Uncorrected p distances. Histogram showing intra- and interspecific distances based on the concatenated dataset (FGB, COI, and cyt b). Different colors indicate intraspecific distances (pink), interspecific distances (dark gray), intraspecific distance of M. aztecus (green), distance between Molossus sp. nov. and M. molossus (yellow), distance within Molossus sp. nov. and Molossus sp. 2 (light blue), distance between Molossus sp. nov. and M. melini (red), and distance between M. molossus and Molossus sp. 2 (purple).
The clade of M. fluminensis has moderate support (bpp = 0.84) but is still recovered as monophyletic, and splits into two well-supported subclades. Within this group, there are two previously annotated M. rufus that were updated according to their distribution to M. fluminensis (Fig. S1) and a sequence annotated as M. currentium from Paraguay, a region where the distribution of both M. currentium and M. fluminensis overlap. Notably, the other sequence of M. currentium (also from Paraguay) clusters with M. nigricans, M. sinaloae, and M. rufus. These three species do not overlap with M. currentium, so the most reasonable explanation is that this second haplotype represents the valid M. currentium and the former is, in fact, M. fluminensis.
The species M. pretiosus and M. aztecus from Mexico form a highly supported clade with M. bondae, but fail to be reciprocally monophyletic, indicating that these species are genetically close. Interestingly, the three representatives of M. aztecus from Brazil form a monophyletic clade, sister to the former, although there are two distinct lineages (A and B), as evidenced by the long branch within this group. In contrast, in the mtDNA phylogeny, M. aztecus from Brazil is divided in two non-related clades, one related to M. fluminensis, and the other related to M. melini (Fig. S5; File S2).
The clade of M. melini includes several specimens previously identified as M. molossus, not only from the originally described localities but extending also to the Buenos Aires province. Interestingly, several specimens that fall in the clade of M. melini, do not have the typical ochraceous to orange fur coloration, but instead are chocolate to grayish brown with the venter paler, and that could be the reason for their initial identification as M. molossus (Fig. S7). Sister to this clade is the M. molossus clade which includes the subspecies M. molossus daulensis. This clade groups two of the three M. molossus lineages found with COI: the canonical lineage, and a lineage composed of sequences from Panama and Brazil (Fig. S3; File S2). We conclude that these two lineages are indeed M. molossus. However, as occurs with the cyt b- and COI-based phylogenies, there is another clade of specimens identified as M. molossus with moderate support (bpp = 0.81), that splits into well/moderately supported clades, one (bpp = 0.81) including specimens from Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, Suriname, and Bolivia, while the other is exclusive of Argentinian bats (bpp = 0.97). This last group should be treated as Molossus spp., consisting of Molossus sp. nov. (Argentinian clade) and Molossus sp. 2 (sister clade), since it is reciprocally monophyletic to the canonical lineage of M. molossus (which has a wider distribution and includes the subspecies M. molossus daulensis). It is noteworthy that, except for one sample, Molossus sp. 2 formed part of the M. molossus clade in the mtDNA analysis (Fig. S5) and in the full dataset it groups with Molossus sp. nov.
The genetic distance analysis illustrates the general panorama of Molossus (Fig.
The mtDNA median-joining network illustrates significant differences among M. melini, M. molossus, and Molossus sp. nov. (Fig. S6). Molossus molossus exhibits more than 30 substitutions distinguishing it from the other two species, while M. melini and Molossus sp. nov. display twice this distance, indicative of their classification as distinct species. It is worth noting that certain taxa, such as M. fluminensis, M. coibensis, or the subspecies M. molossus daulensis, exhibit high levels of intraspecific divergence at the mitochondrial level. The chimera constructed using two sequences representing Molossus sp. 2 is closely associated with Molossus sp. nov. However, as will be discussed further, the fragmentary availability of sequences representing Molossus sp. 2 dictates a cautious approach in its treatment.
In order to contrast the above inferred phylogeny with morphological data, we undertook morphometric comparisons using a subset of genetically identified specimens from which we have enough confident linear metric external and cranial measurements. Molossus sp. nov. clearly differentiates from M. fluminensis by consistently exhibiting lower linear measurement values across all external and cranial variables evaluated (one way ANOVA, Fig.
A Genetic confidence score (GIS) was defined for each species group by weighted consideration of known sequences (see File S1 for equation details). Univariate pairwise comparisons of external (B) and cranial measurements (C) of Molossus species present in Argentina (and Brazil) based on genetically confirmed specimens (M. fluminensis, M. melini, M. molossus, and Molossus sp. nov.). Box-and-whisker plots show data distributed across quartiles, the vertical lines indicate the ranges, and outliers are shown as separate data points. *, **, and *** represent significant pairwise differences among species.
Global skull size variation between species, analyzed by PCA using a subset of cranial measurements of genetically confirmed specimens of M. fluminensis, M. melini, M. molossus, and Molossus sp. nov. (see File S1 for specimen details), showed that the convex hull enclosing the specimens of Molossus sp. nov. maps separated from M. molossus (p<0.001) and M. fluminensis (p<0.003) clusters and in a lesser extent with M. melini (p<0.05) (Fig.
Principal component analysis (PCA) of selected cranial metric variables (GLS wo.i, CBL, PC, BB, ZB, MB, LMxT, PL, C-C, M2-M2, LM and LMdT) of genetically confirmed specimens of Molossus distributed in Argentina. A PCA results are presented in a biplot chart with individuals (dots) and variables (blue arrows) plotted together in the PC1 vs PC2 space. Individuals of the same species are enclosed by a convex hull. The mass centroid of each group is indicated by an unlabeled plus sign. Data labels are referenced in File S1 (Table M3). Dot sizes of each specimen is proportional to its genetic information availability score (GIS, see File S1 for score definition details). B Percentages of each cranial variable’s contribution to the first two principal components (Dim1 and Dim2).
Based on the genetic and morphometric evidence shown above, we describe the members of the lineage Molossus sp. nov. as a new species, as follows:
Family Molossidae Gervais, 1856
Genus Molossus É. Geoffroy, 1805
Molossus molossus –
Molossus molossus –
Molossus molossus –
Molossus molossus –
Molossus molossus –
MFA-ZV-M 1494, adult male, preserved as skin, skull, and postcranial skeleton (Figs
External and cranial measurements of the type series of Molossus paranaensis sp. nov. For descriptions of the abbreviations of measurements see “Methods”.
Holotype MFA-ZV-M 1494 | Paratypes | ||||||||||
INALI-A 389 | INALI-A 390 | INALI-A 457 | INALI-A 588 | INALI-A 589 | MFA-ZV-M 1414 | MG-ZV-M 176 | MG-ZV-M 208 | MACN-Ma 30420 | MACN-Ma 30878 | ||
Sex | male | female | female | female | male | male | male | female | female | male | male |
ToL | 107.5 | — | 99 | 98 | 115 | 100 | 92 | 109.14 | 103 | 90.3 | 112.2 |
TL | 40.5 | — | 39 | — | 38 | 33 | 35 | 35.4 | 37 | 29.5 | 37.4 |
HFL | 8 | — | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 9.2 | 7.2 | 10.73 | 9 | 6.7 | 6.2 |
EL | 14.5 | — | 12 | — | 11 | 11.8 | 8.3 | 12 | 12 | 10 | 11 |
FA | 42.84 | 39.4 | 41 | 42.7 | 40.7 | 40.6 | 41.8 | 40.68 | 41.3 | 39.4 | 41.4 |
W | 22 | — | — | 17.3 | 23.5 | 22 | — | 22 | 19 | — | 18.8 |
CBL | 18.8 | 16.3 | 16.5 | 16.7 | 18.2 | 17.2 | — | 16 | 16.7 | — | 16.9 |
ZB | 12 | 11.4 | 11.1 | 11.5 | 12.2 | 12.3 | — | 11.4 | 11.5 | — | 11.2 |
GLS w.i | 19 | 18.2 | 18.6 | 18.7 | 19.2 | 18.9 | — | 18.7 | 18.3 | — | 17.3 |
GLS wo.i | 18.6 | 17.7 | 17.4 | 16.2 | 16.8 | 16.5 | — | 17.7 | 17.6 | — | 16.6 |
PC | 4.3 | 4.3 | 4.2 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.6 | — | 4.3 | 4.2 | — | 3.8 |
BB | 9.2 | 10.1 | 9.6 | 9.6 | 9.9 | 9.9 | — | 9.2 | 9.2 | — | 8.8 |
LMxT | 7.4 | 6.7 | 6.5 | 6.9 | 7.2 | 7.2 | — | 6.8 | 6.9 | — | 6.3 |
PL | 6.6 | 5.5 | 5.6 | 5.8 | 6.1 | 6.5 | — | 5.7 | 5.4 | — | 6.1 |
MB | 10.4 | 11 | 10.1 | 11.2 | 11.5 | 11.6 | — | 10 | 10.2 | — | 10.8 |
LM | 13.5 | 12.5 | 12.3 | 12.7 | 13.3 | 13.2 | — | 12.7 | 12.6 | — | 12.3 |
LMdT | 7.9 | 7.8 | 7.3 | 7.4 | 7.6 | 8 | — | 7.5 | 7.7 | — | 7.5 |
C-C | 5 | 4.9 | 4.6 | 5.3 | 5.5 | 5.4 | — | 4.8 | 5 | — | 4.5 |
M2-M2 | 8.6 | 8.6 | 8.2 | 8.4 | 9.1 | 8.2 | — | 8 | 8.1 | — | 7.9 |
SAR | 1.2 | 1 | 1 | 0.9 | 1 | 1.2 | — | 1.2 | 0.9 | — | — |
INALI-A 389 and 390 adult females, with INALI-A 389 preserved as a skull specimen only, while both specimens are preserved in 70% alcohol, collected on October 2017 at “Desvío Arijón”, San Jerónimo, Santa Fe province, Argentina (lat. –31.88, long. –60.89, 17 m); MG-ZV-M 176 adult female preserved as skin, skull and postcranial skeleton, collected on 16 May 2015 at “Reserva Hídrica Río Carcarañá”, Area Natural Protegida, Pueblo Andino, Iriondo, Santa Fe province, Argentina (lat. –32.67, long. –60.87, 25 m); MG-ZV-M 208 adult female preserved as skin, skull, and postcranial skeleton, collected on 7 May 2016 at “Parque Villarino”, Zavalla, Rosario, Santa Fe province, Argentina (lat. –33.03, long. –60.89, 57 m); MG-ZV-M 296 and MFA-ZV-M 1414 subadult males preserved in 70% alcohol from Rosario, Santa Fe province, Argentina (lat. –32.69, long. –60.72, 30 m); INALI-A 457 adult female preserved as skull and in 70% alcohol, collected on 7 March 2018 at “Estancia Las Gamas”, Vera, Santa Fe province, Argentina (lat. –29.42, long. –60.38, 62 m); INALI-A 588 and 589 adult males with scrotal testes, preserved as skin, skull and postcranial skeleton the first and in 70% alcohol the second, collected on 8 December 2018 at “Establecimiento Inchala”, La Picada, Paraná, Entre Ríos province, Argentina (lat. –31.74, long. –60.26, 29 m); MACN-Ma 30878 an adult male preserved as skull and in 70% alcohol, collected on 7 April 2017 at “Campus Universitario FaCENA-UNNE”, Corrientes city, Corrientes province, Argentina (lat. –27.47, long. –58.78, 61 m); MACN-Ma 30420 adult male preserved in 70% alcohol from Tigre, Buenos Aires province, Argentina (lat. –34.42, long. –58.57, 4 m).
Five individuals, three males and two females, were captured using mist nets at “Sociedad Rural”, Santa Fe city, Santa Fe province, Argentina (lat. –31.63, long. –60.71, 20 m), obtained tissue samples, marked with a haircut and then released (collector Valeria Colombo number: MR 192, 193, 194, 197, 198).
This species is known from ten localities in four provinces of eastern Argentina (Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, and Santa Fe) in the Espinal, Humid Chaco, Humid Pampas, and Paraná Flooded Savanna ecoregions (sensu
It is conceivable that this newly discovered species may have a wider distribution, particularly within the region influenced by the Paraná River.
The name paranaensis is bestowed in reference to the extended distribution of the new species along the Paraná River basin, one of the largest rivers in South America. Paraná is a word from the Mbyá people who speak Tupí (one of the native languages in Argentina), pará = “sea” and nã = “similar to” or “like”, which means “that looks like the sea” or “similar to the sea”. This river shelters a great biodiversity and natural beauty.
Molossus paranaensis is distinguished from all other Molossus species by the following combination of characters: medium size (FA 39.4–42.8 mm; GLS w.i 17.3–19.2 mm; PC 3.8–4.6 mm; LMxT 6.3–7.4 mm); dorsal coloration medium brown (cinnamon to grayish brown sensu
The new species is a medium-sized Molossus (ToL: 90.31–115 mm; FA: 39.4–42.84 mm, n = 13 specimens, 6 males and 7 females). Sexual dimorphism is observed in certain variables (body mass, ToL, CBL, MB, PL, C-C; see Table
The skull is elongated with a short rostrum (compared to the braincase); the infra-orbital foramen is frontally directed; the nasal cavity is taller than wide (in dorsal view the posterior edge of the nasal cavity is triangular); basisphenoid and basioccipitals pits moderately deep although the first more than the second; the occipital is triangular in posterior view; the sagittal crest has low development and the lambdoidal crest is moderately developed and has a quadrangular shape in posterior view as in M. fluminensis, both crests are more pronounced in males. The post-tympanic process of the squamosal is well developed and this is more visible dorsally (Fig.
Molossus paranaensis is a medium-sized Molossus similar to M. bondae, M. currentium, M. molossus, M. melini, and M. verrilli (
Diagnostic external and cranial characters for each Molossus species following
Species | Forearm (mm) | Dorsal hair color | Dorsal hair basal band | GLS with incisors (mm) | Upper incisors | Occipital region | Infra-orbital foramen direction | Format of rostrum |
M. alvarezi | > 42 | Chocolate (cocoa) brown | Bicolor. Large band (1/2) | 19.3 (19.0–20.1) | Pincer-like | Triangular | Lateral | NA |
M. aztecus | < 42 | Dark brown | Unicolor | 17.2 (16.5–18.3) | Spatulated | Quadrangular | Lateral | Triangular |
M. bondae | < 44 | Dark to reddish brown (coffee brown to blackish) | Unicolor | NA (17.3–19.4) | Spatulated | Quadrangular | Lateral | NA |
M. coibensis | < 38 | Medium to dark brown (cocoa brown to blackish) | Unicolor | 16.0 (14.9–16.9) | Spatulated | Quadrangular | Frontal | Square |
M. currentium | < 45 | Dark brown (coffee brown to blackish) | Bicolor | 18.3 (17.9–19.4) | Spatulated | Quadrangular | Lateral | Square |
M. fentoni | < 36 | Medium to dark brown | Bicolor. Short band (1/4) | 15.3 (15.2–16.8) | Pincer-like | Triangular | Lateral | NA |
M. fluminensis | > 46 | Dark brown to blackish | Uni or bicolor. Short band (1/4) | NA (19.0–23.2) | Pincer-like | Quadrangular | Lateral | Triangular |
M. melini | > 41 | Orange to dark brown (yellow ocher, clay, cinnamon and grayish brown) | Bicolor. Short band (1/4) | 18.7 (17.8–19.5) | Pincer-like | Triangular | Lateral | Triangular* |
M. milleri | < 40 | Medium to dark brown | Bicolor. Variable band (1/4–1/2) | 16.1 (15.8–16.4) | Pincer-like | Triangular | Frontal | NA |
M. molossus | < 40 | Light to dark brown (cinnamon to cocoa and grayish brown) | Bicolor. Variable band (1/4–1/2) | 17.4* (17.0–17.9)* | Pincer-like | Triangular | Frontal | Square |
M. nigricans | > 47 | Dark brown to blackish | Uni or bicolor. Short band (1/4) | 20.1–24.1 | Pincer-like | Quadrangular | Lateral | Triangular |
M. paranaensis | > 39* | Medium brown (cinnamon to grayish brown)* | Bicolor. Variable band (1/4–1/2)* | 18.5 (17.3–19.2)* | Pincer-like* | Triangular* | Frontal* | Triangular* |
M. pretiosus | > 44 | Dark brown to blackish or reddish (burnt umber to tawny) | Uni or Bbicolor. Short band (1/3) | 20.5 (18.9–22.4) | Spatulated | Quadrangular | Lateral | Square |
M. rufus | > 46 | Dark brown to blackish | Uni or bicolor. Short band (1/4) | 22.1 (19.9–23.8) | Pincer-like | Quadrangular | Lateral | Triangular |
M. sinaloae | > 46 | Dull, dark brown | Bicolor. Large band (2/3) | 21.0 (19.4–22.4) | Pincer-like | Triangular | Lateral | Triangular |
M. verrilli | < 41 | Medium to dark brown | Bicolor. Large band (1/2) | 17.2 (17.0–17.4) | Pincer-like | Triangular | Frontal | NA |
Molossus paranaensis can be readily differentiated from larger-sized Molossus, such as M. alvarezi, M. fluminensis, M. nigricans, M. pretiosus, M. rufus, and M. sinaloae, all of which have forearm longer than 42.8 mm and dorsal color in general dark brown. Furthermore, among large-sized species, M. paranaensis occurs in sympatry only with M. fluminensis. Finally, M. paranaensis differs from M. aztecus, M. coibensis, M. fentoni, and M. milleri due to its larger forearm (see Table
As species are essential units of analysis in biology, their delimitation is the most fundamental aspect of systematics. However, there are many distinct, and partially incompatible, epistemological views of the species concept that emerge from considering different biological features (reviewed by
In this study, we created a multi-locus reference dataset for precise Molossus species-level identification. The first obstacle that we found in this way was to distinguish erroneously annotated sequences from possible biologically admissible conflicts (see a detailed discussion of this aspect in File S2). As mentioned above, the presence of cryptic taxa may contribute to this problem. In addition to morphological species misidentification, the lack of taxonomic updating in public databases also contributes to conflict in sequence annotation. To address these concerns, we implemented a strategy involving a thorough review of the current taxonomy and distribution of all species within the genus (see File S2).
Three groups of cryptic taxa are currently recognized in Molossus: 1) M. molossus, M. fentoni, M. milleri, and M. verrilli (
In addition to recognized species, we could successfully identify two cryptic/pseudo-cryptic lineages that were previously classified as M. molossus. Molossus spp. comprises two lineages, one distributed in Argentina (M. paranaensis), and the other in northern countries of South America (Molossus sp. 2). The separation between M. paranaensis and M. molossus, is supported by both the phylogeny and genetic distances which positions this value within the range of interspecific distances (Fig.
The morphological analyses mirror the results of the molecular analysis. The PCA of 12 cranial morphometric measurements allowed to distinguish M. paranaensis from all other genetically defined species occurring in Argentina. However, taking into account that the distinction from M. melini is only slightly statistically significant, and that all M. paranaensis specimens analyzed were previously misclassified as M. molossus, according to their external morphology, we can consider these species as pseudo-cryptic (based on differences in morphology and morphometry showed above), as occurs with many other species groups in the genus. It is noteworthy that all genetically corroborated specimens of M. molossus are more differentiated from M. paranaensis, compared to those that were not sequenced (File S1 [Fig. SM1]). Although there could be some degree of misidentification among those samples, we decided to keep them in the analysis shown in File S1 [Figure SM1] because PCA aims to find principal components that capture the maximum variance, and to accurately estimate the variance and covariance of a dataset, a representative sample of data points is needed. It is notable that M. currentium, the only species that lacks genetically confirmed specimens in the PCA dataset (File S1 [Fig. SM1, Table SM3]), is sufficiently distant from M. paranaensis, corroborating that these are two different entities. Furthermore, in the exploratory 2D geometric morphometric analysis conducted for nasal cavity shape comparisons (File S1 [Fig. SM3]), it was observed that the species M. melini, which exhibits significant size overlap with M. paranaensis and M. molossus, distinctly separates from them. This observation suggests that subtle shape variations may not be captured when only size-based comparisons (classic morphometry) are considered.
The integration of morphological and molecular findings leads to the conclusion that all Molossus lineages present in Argentina represent non-cryptic species. Among them, M. fluminensis stands out as the most distinct, notably larger than other species. Despite similar sizes and external morphologies, M. molossus, M. melini, M. currentium, and M. paranaensis can be reliably distinguished by cranial characteristics, categorizing them as pseudo-cryptic species. While field observers may struggle to differentiate these taxa, detailed examination of cranial characters or molecular diagnostic techniques can definitively identify each species. Fur color has been suggested as a marker for species identification in these bats; however, fur coloration can vary across habitats, leading to uncertain identifications. For instance, M. melini was previously distinguished from M. molossus by its characteristic ochraceous to orange fur coloration, but instances of chocolate to grayish brown specimens have been reported recently in Brazil and Argentina, indicating exceptions to this previously stated rule (
The approach implemented in this study facilitated a revision of the diversity and geographic range of Molossus in Argentina, marking the southernmost limits of the genus’ distribution. We confirmed the presence of three of the four species previously reported for the country, as well as reported the presence of the new species M. paranaensis (Fig.
Map showing Molossus species distributions in Argentina according to
In this study, we conducted a review of Molossus bat diversity in Argentina and provided a curated dataset of genetic sequences. This dataset can serve as a valuable resource for testing the phylogenetic assignment of any Molossus specimen across its entire range. Additionally, we compiled a dataset of linear metric variables for five species within the genus, which inhabit central-east Argentina and south-east Brazil. This dataset can facilitate future morphometric comparisons. In the future, other lines of evidence such as echolocation data, or genomic approaches may complement the information provided in this study to have a deeper insight into the differences between the species of Molossus, especially those found at the southern limits of its distribution.
Based on molecular and morphometric evidence, we propose the existence of a novel species within the genus. We believe that this study can aid various stakeholders, including the research community, conservationists, policymakers, and zoonotic surveillance laboratories, to name some, in the challenging task of identifying unknown specimens. The systematics of this genus still has something to say.
We are grateful to the reviewers whose comments and suggestions have improved this manuscript. To all the people who contribute specimens to expand the biological collections. We would like to thank María Eugenia Montani of the vertebrate collection from the Museo Gallardo for her generosity in sample sharing and for a critical discussion of the main results of this study. We would also like to acknowledge Pablo Teta and Alejandro Giraudo, for their expert recommendations in the description of the species. We thank Alejandra Gavazza for some illustrations. To Leonardo Leiva, curator of the vertebrate collection from the Museo Florentino Ameghino and Germán Saigo, of the vertebrate collection from the Museo Gallardo, for providing access to and lending us specimens. Finally, we would like to thank Priscila Medeiros Olímpio for kindly sharing measurements of Brazilian samples. This study was funded by the grants PIP-0587 awarded by the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina to Diego Caraballo, PICT-2019-03347 awarded by the National Agency for the Promotion of Science and Technology (Ministry of Science) from Argentina to Valeria Colombo, the Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas (INEI-ANLIS) Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán to Daniel Cisterna, CAI + D Orientado 2016 (Res. C.S. N° 632/17), PIBAA (28720210100082CO) awarded by the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina (CONICET) to Romina Pavé, Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the Agencia Santafesina de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ASACTEI), Gobierno de la Provincia de Santa Fe (Código IO-2017-00068).
For each specimen, the localities are listed alphabetically by province/state, department, and specific site, and between parentheses: Geographical coordinates, collection acronym and number. The biological collections and their specimens acronyms are: Natural History Museum (formerly British Museum of Natural History, London, United Kingdom (BMNH); Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Campus Sorocaba, Sorocaba, Brazil (ZSP); Colección de Mamíferos Lillo, San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán, Argentina (CML); Colección de Vertebrados of the Instituto Nacional de Limnología, La Capital, Santa Fe, Argentina (INALI-A); Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina (MACN-Ma); Colección de Mamíferos of the Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales "Florentino Ameghino”, Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina (MFA-ZV-M); Colección de Mamíferos of the Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales “Dr. Ángel Gallardo”, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina (MG-ZV-M). Reference: * taken from bibliography.
Molossus fluminensis (n = 12). Argentina: Corrientes, Capital, Campus Universitário Deodoro Roca UNNE (lat. –27,47, long. –58,78; AMA 107, AMA 114, AMA 154); Santa Fe, General Obligado, Villa Ocampo, Portal del Humedal (lat. –28.501433, long. –59.264248; INALI A512); Santa Fe, Vera (lat. –29.46, long. –60.21; MFA-ZV-M 1423).
Molossus melini (n = 9). Argentina: Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (lat. –34.57, long. –58.45; P210); Buenos Aires, San Martín (lat. –34.57, long. –58.54; P500); Entre Ríos, Paraná, Paraná city (lat. –31.746864, long. –60.522371; INALI-A 635); Santa Fe, Rosario, Zavalla, “Parque Villarino” (lat. –33.03, long. –60.89; MG-ZV-M 225).
Molossus molossus (n = 21). Argentina: Corrientes, Capital, Campus Universitário Deodoro Roca UNNE (lat. –27.47, long. –58.78; AMA 10, AMA 15, AMA 26, AMA 65); Entre Ríos, Paraná (lat. –31.730, long. –60.527; MFA-ZV-M 1413); Santa Fe, La Capital, Santa Fe city (lat. –31.66, long. –60,71; MFA-ZV-M 1431, MFA-ZV-M 1435); Santa Fe, La Capital, Santa Fe city (lat. –31.633, long. –60.714; INALI-A 355); Salta, Orán (lat. –23.13, long. –64.32; P961); Jujuy, San Salvador de Jujuy (lat. –24.29, long. –65.29; MACN 30404, P249, P772); Salta, Salta (lat. –24.79, long. –65.41; MACN 30426).
Molossus paranaensis sp. nov. (n = 12). Argentina: Corrientes, Capital, Campus Universitário Deodoro Roca UNNE (lat. –27.47, long. –58.78; MACN 30878); Buenos Aires, Tigre (lat. –34,42, long. –58.57; MACN 30420); Entre Ríos, Paraná, La Picada, “Establecimiento Inchala” (lat. –31.736902, long. –60.260521; INALI-A 588, INALI-A 589); Santa Fe, Esperanza, Sociedad Rural “Las Colonias” (lat. –31.4257, long. –60.9912; MFA-ZV-M 1494); Santa Fe, San Jerónimo, Desvío Arijón (lat. –31.881212, long. –60.888899; INALI-A 389, INALI-A 390); Santa Fe, Rosario (lat. –32.94, long. –60.64; MFA-ZV-M 1414, MG-ZV-M 296), Santa Fe, Vera, Estancia “Las Gamas” (lat. –29.42319, long. –60.381607; INALI-A 457); Santa Fe, Iriondo, Pueblo Andino, Area Natural Protegida “Reserva Hídrica Río Carcarañá” (lat. –32.67, long. –60.87; MG-ZV-M 176); Santa Fe, Rosario, Zavalla, “Parque Villarino” (lat. –33.03, long. –60.89; MG-ZV-M 208).
Molossus currentium (n = 6). Argentina: Corrientes, Goya, Goya, 600 m (lat. –29.144, long. –59.264; BMNH*, BMNH holotype*, BMNH*); Formosa, Pirané, El Colorado (lat. –26.309, long. –59.371; CML 1816*, CML 1817*). Brazil: São Paulo, Carlos Botelho State Park (lat. –24.183, long. –47.916; ZSP 050*).
Molossus fluminensis (n = 7). Argentina: Corrientes, Capital, Campus Universitário Deodoro Roca UNNE (lat. –27,47, long. –58,78; AMA 229, AMA 230); Corrientes, Concepción, Estancia “El Tránsito” (lat. –28.4221, long. –57.6939; INALI-A 114*, INALI-A 115*); Santa Fe, La Capital, Santa Fe city (lat. –31.63847, long. –60.68858; INALI-A 315*); Santa Fe, General Obligado, Villa Ocampo, Portal del Humedal (lat. –28.501433, long. –59.264248; INALI-A 513*); Villa Ocampo, Puerto Ocampo (lat. –28.520952, long. –59.123816; INALI-A 694*).
Molossus melini (n = 3). Argentina: Entre Ríos, Paraná, Paraná city (lat. –31.746864, long. –60.522371; INALI-A 651*, INALI-A 652*, INALI-A 653*); Santa Fe, Caseros, San José de la Esquina, Camping Comunal “El Río”(lat. –33.0933806, long. –61.7054111; MG-ZV-M 472*).
Molossus molossus (n = 8). Argentina: Entre Ríos, Paraná, Paraná city (lat. –31.730, long. –60.527; INALI-A 572*, INALI-A 712*); Santa Fe, La Capital, Ciudad Universitaria UNL (lat. –31.639771, long. –60.671765; INALI-A 150*, INALI-A 170*); Santa Fe, La Capital, Santa Fe city (lat. –31.633, long. –60.714; INALI-A 286, INALI-A 402*); Santa Fe, La Capital, Paraje Chaco Chico (lat. –31.56505, long. –60.639862; INALI-A 619*).
Molossus paranaensis sp. nov. (n = 3). Argentina: Santa Fe, La Capital, Santo Tomé (lat. –31.673, long. –60.774; INALI-A 147*, INALI-A 148*); Santa Fe, San Jerónimo, Desvío Arijón (lat. –31.881212, long. –60.888899; INALI-A 389*).
Only with sequences:
Molossus molossus (n = 3). Argentina: Jujuy, San Salvador de Jujuy (lat. –24.29, long. –65.29; P308); Santa Fe, La Capital, Santa Fe city (lat. –31.66, long. –60.71; 177, 190, released).
Molossus paranaensis sp. nov. (n = 5). Argentina: Santa Fe, La Capital, Santa Fe city, “La Rural” (lat. –31.63, long. –60.71; 192, 193, 194, 197, 198, released).
Molossus melini (n = 3). Argentina: Santa Fe, Esperanza, Sociedad Rural “Las Colonias” (lat. –31.4257, long. –60.9912, 130 released); Santa Fe, La Capital, Santa Fe city, “La Rural” (lat. –31.63, long. –60.71; 196, 199, released).
Figures S1–S7
Data type: .pdf
Explanation notes: Figure S1. Molossus species distributions updated according to current taxonomy. The distribution shapes were downloaded from the IUCN Red List of Threatened species, and updated following
Tables S1–S5
Data type: .pdf
Explanation notes: Table S1. Sample ID, external morphology species identification, post-phylogeny species identification, state, locality, geographic coordinates, and GenBank Accession Numbers of the 47 specimens successfully sequenced in this study. — Table S2. Primers and PCR conditions for each locus analyzed in this study. — Table S3. Specimens/chimeras included in the multilocus dataset. We concatenated the three genes including, whenever possible, specimens with sequences available for the three loci. In cases when this was not achievable, we constructed chimeras ensuring these were formed by individuals of the same species, country and lineage in the single-locus trees. Letters denote different lineages of a given species while numbers enumerate the representatives of a same lineage. — Table S4. Intraspecific uncorrected pairwise distances of specimens/chimeras included in the concatenated dataset (FGB, COI, cyt b). — Table S5. Interspecific uncorrected pairwise distances between all lineages included in the concatenated dataset (FGB, COI, cyt b).
File S1
Data type: .pdf
Explanation notes: Extended methods, input data and results of the morphometric analyses [Tables SM1–SM4, Figures SM1–SM3[.
File S2
Data type: .pdf
Explanation notes: Extended results and discussion of molecular phylogenies.
File S3
Data type: .zip
Explanation notes: ZIP file containing the four annotated phylogenetic trees (FGB, COI, cyt b, mtDNA, concatenated multilocus data).