Vertebrate Zoology 58(1): 5-13, doi:
Hyphessobrycon khardinae sp. n. - a new rosy-tetra from Brazil (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae)
expand article infoAxel Zarske
‡ Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde,, Dresden,, Germany
Open Access
Hyphessobrycon khardinae sp. n., a new characid fish (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae), is described from the surroundings of Tapaua, rio Itaparana, Brazil. The new species belongs according to HOEDEMAN (1954) and G ÉRY (1961, 1978) to the callistus-group, according to WEITZMAN & PALMER (1997) to the „rosy tetra clade“ and is characterized by the following combination of features: (1) two to five broad tri- to quincuspid maxillary teeth, (2) two to three tricuspid premaxillary teeth in the external row, (3) five broad quincuspid premaxillary teeth in the internal row, (4) 31–34 scales in a longitudinal row, (5) body relatively deep (2.62–2.93 times in SL), (6) head relatively short (4.07–4.41 times in SL) and (7) a triangular, horizontal, with the tip to the head directed humeral spot.
Characiformes, Characidae, Hyphessobycon, new species, rio Purus, Brazil, Neotropis