Vertebrate Zoology 59(2): 143-145, doi:
Again: About the Nomenclature of Trichopodus pectoralis REGAN, 1910; Trichopus cantoris SAUVAGE, 1884 and Osphronemus saigonensis BORODIN, 1930 - a necessary correction (Teleostei: Perciformes: Osphronemidae)
expand article infoHans-Joachim Paepke
Open Access
Here with a correction of some results of my previous paper of 2009 (lit. cit.) is given. The reason is that I could use exclusively literature sources for my studies, because the very important holotype of Osphromenus (sic) trichopterus var. cantoris GÜNTHER, 1861 was missing in the BMNH when I asked for it at the beginning of my research. Later it was detected and only after the publication of my results I could realize that the type BMNH 1860.3.19.319 belongs to another species than I expected. From this it follows that: (1) The fi rst scientifi c description of the Snake-Skin Gourami is not Osphromenus trichopterus var. cantoris GÜNTHER, 1861 as assumed from 1897 up to the twenties of the last century by many authors and by me, but really is Trichopodus pectoralis REGAN, 1910. (2) The taxon Osphromenus trichopterus var. cantoris GÜNTHER, 1861 was based on a single varnished skin (dryfish) of about 93 mm SL only. As an unusual “variety” it belongs to the Threespot Gourami, Trichopodus trichopterus (PALLAS, 1770) but not as assumed to the Snake-Skin Gourami, Trichopodus pectoralis REGAN, 1910. To my knowledge this variety has never been found again anywhere. (3) Consequently the name Osphronemus (sic) saigonensis BORODIN, 1930 is not a junior synonym of Osphromenus trichopterus var. cantoris GÜNTHER, 1861, respectively Trichopodus cantoris (GÜNTHER, 1861), but of Trichopodus pectoralis REGAN, 1910. My statements about the taxon Trichopus cantoris SAUVAGE, 1884 remain unaffected.
Nomenclature, Trichopodus, Trichopus, Osphronemus, Snake-Skin Gourami, Osphronemidae.