Vertebrate Zoology 62(2): 181-188, doi:
A new species of Laetacara from the northern Brazil coastal floodplains (Teleostei: Cichlidae) PDF
expand article infoFelipe Polivanov Ottoni§, Pedro H. N. Bragança, Pedro F. Amorim, Cecile S. Gama
‡ Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Chapadinha, Brazil§ Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil
Open Access
Laetacara flamannellus sp. n. is described from the northern Brazilian coastal floodplains. It differs from all its congeners by a combination of character states: presence of a dark brown or black spot located on dorsal-fin base; presence of a yellow stripe on the middle portion of the dorsal fin, crossing the whole fin; presence of an orange ring around the dorsal-fin base spot; absence of a red pigmentation on belly; absence of a red or purple zone on the anal-fin base; absence of a red zone on the caudal-fin base; cycloid scales on the opercle plate; and trunk scales above upper lateral line with few ctenii. The presence of a deep notch in the dorsal margin of the anterior ceratohyal, often used as diagnostic for Laetacara, is confirmed here for L. flamannellus.
Amapá coastal rivers; Cichlinae; Cichlasomatini; Laetacara curviceps; Laetacara dorsigera; South American cichlids; systematics; taxonomy.