Vertebrate Zoology 63(3): 295-300, doi:
Anablepsoides lineasoppilatae, a new killifish (Teleostei: Rivulidae) from south-eastern Peru
expand article infoSTEFANO Valdesalici, Ingo Schindler
Open Access
Anablepsoides lineasoppilatae, spec. nov. from south-eastern Peru (Departamento Puno and Madre de Dios) is here described. It is a member of the A. limoncochae group and differs from all the other species of this assemblage in its unique colour pattern. In A. lineasoppilatae, the red striped pattern on the flank reaches only to the posterior area of the pectoral fin (versus stripes reaching to the humeral region). Further it distinguished by a grey anal fin (versus yellow), by an inferior lip without any distinctive coloration (versus red inferior lip), by a dorsal fin with a low number of dots (versus transverse stripes on the middle of the dorsal fin) and by an absence of a dark margin on the dorsal fin (rather than a presence).
Anablepsoides limoncochae group, new species, taxonomy, tropical Andes region, Rio Madre de Dios basin.