Vertebrate Zoology 66(2): 217-219, doi:
Rediscovery of the complete type series of the White-striped Forest Wallaby Dorcopsis hageni Heller, 1897 in the collections of the State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe
expand article infoAlbrecht Manegold
‡ Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Karlsruhe, Germany
Open Access
The complete type series of the White-striped Forest Wallaby Dorcopsis hageni Heller, 1897 comprising the skin of a female as well as skin and skull of a male specimen has been rediscovered in the vertebrate collections of the State Natural History Museum Karlsruhe (SMNK). The skin of the male has been transformed into a mounted specimen at the turn of the 20th century, with has remained broadly unnoticed in the literature. The catalogue of the mammal collections of the SMNK as well as an original label indicates that Erima, not Stephansort, is the type locality of the species. The skull of the type series has been labelled “Dorcopsis dorsolineata Heller”, but there is no evidence that this name has ever been published.
Dorcopsis, Bernhard Hagen, Karl Maria Heller, New Guinea, Madang Province