Corresponding author: Aurélien Miralles ( ) Academic editor: Uwe Fritz
© 2021 Aurélien Miralles, Teddy Bruy, Angelica Crottini, Andolalao Rakotoarison, Fanomezana M. Ratsoavina, Mark D. Scherz, Robin Schmidt, Jörn Köhler, Frank Glaw, Miguel Vences.
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Miralles A, Bruy T, Crottini A, Rakotoarison A, Ratsoavina FM, Scherz MD, Schmidt R, Köhler J, Glaw F, Vences M (2021) Completing a taxonomic puzzle: integrative review of geckos of the Paroedura bastardi species complex (Squamata, Gekkonidae). Vertebrate Zoology 71: 27-48.
The Paroedura bastardi clade, a subgroup of the Madagascan gecko genus Paroedura, currently comprises four nominal species: P. bastardi, supposedly widely distributed in southern and western Madagascar, P. ibityensis, a montane endemic, and P. tanjaka and P. neglecta, both restricted to the central west region of the island. Previous work has shown that Paroedura bastardi is a species complex with several strongly divergent mitochondrial lineages. Based on one mitochondrial and two nuclear markers, plus detailed morphological data, we undertake an integrative revision of this species complex. Using a representative sampling for seven nuclear and five mitochondrial genes we furthermore propose a phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships among the species in this clade. Our analyses reveal at least three distinct and independent evolutionary lineages currently referred to P. bastardi. Conclusive evidence for the species status of these lineages comes from multiple cases of syntopic occurrence without genetic admixture or morphological intermediates, suggesting reproductive isolation. We discuss the relevance of this line of evidence and the conditions under which concordant differentiation in unlinked loci under sympatry provides a powerful approach to species delimitation, and taxonomically implement our findings by (1) designating a lectotype for Paroedura bastardi, now restricted to the extreme South-East of Madagascar, (2) resurrecting of the binomen Paroedura guibeae Dixon & Kroll, 1974, which is applied to the species predominantly distributed in the South-West, and (3) describing a third species, Paroedura rennerae sp. nov., which has the northernmost distribution within the species complex.
Madagascar, new species, phylogenetics, species delimitation, sympatry, taxonomy.
The gekkonid genus Paroedura is endemic to Madagascar and the Comoro islands (
Another subgroup within Paroedura whose monophyly is supported by molecular data (
Geckos were collected at night by opportunistic searching in potential habitats. Voucher specimens were euthanized by injection with ketamine solution or MS-222, fixed in 90% ethanol or 5% formalin, then transferred to 70% ethanol for long-term storage. Tissue samples were stored in 99% ethanol. Field numbers refer to the collections of Angelica Crottini (ACZC), Franco Andreone (FAZC), Frank Glaw and Miguel Vences (FGMV), Frank Glaw (FGZC) and Aurélien Miralles (MirZC). Vouchers were deposited in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali (
Localities of specimens of the Paroedura bastardi clade analyzed in the present study. Colored shapes represent distinct lineages (species-level taxonomic units, anticipating the results of the present study) and open white rectangles highlight co-occurrence of two lineages. Black crosses superimposed on color shapes indicate specimens for which molecular data were not available, and whose taxonomic assignment is based exclusively on morphology. The localities of Marofandilia and Miandrivazo are based on additional genetic data (two 16S sequences) from
Measurements were taken using a digital Vernier calliper to the nearest 0.1 mm (taken by TB, Fig.
Illustration of the morphological characters used in this study. Quantitative characters: SVL = snout–vent length; TaL = tail length; HL = maximum head length from the anterior margin of the ear opening to the tip of the snout; HW = maximum head width; HH = maximum head height behind the eyes; distE = minimum distance between and the bony edges of the eyeballs in dorsal view; AGL = axilla-groin distance; ED = maximum eye diameter; EO = maximal ear opening; TIBL = distance between the ankle and the knee (tibia length, knee flexed at 90°, left side). Qualitative characters: IO = minimum number of interocular scales separating the eyes (above the center of the eyes); SO = number of granular scales across the upper eyelid (transversally) ; SnoutS = arrangement of the mediodorsal scale rows of the snout tip: mostly forming two transverse rows of granules in contact (c), separated by a third median rows (s) or intermediate pattern (i). Pictures of P. bastardi taken by AM.
Genomic DNA was extracted from tissue samples using proteinase K (10 mg/ml) digestion followed by a standard salt extraction protocol (
To delimit species among the P. bastardi group, analyses based on three independent datasets and involving all the tissue samples available for specimens in the P. bastardi clade (n = 57), plus samples representing 16 different species of Paroedura as out-group (see details in Appendix 3A) were carried out: one phylogenetic tree was inferred based on the mitochondrial DNA dataset (mtDNA: CO1 fragment) and two haplotype networks were reconstructed based on phased nuclear loci (nDNA: CMOS and KIAA1239).
To reconstruct a phylogenetic tree from mtDNA (CO1), the best fitting substitution model was determined in MEGA 7 (
To assess the amount of allele sharing between populations and evaluate the amount of gene flow in contact zones, we built haplotype networks using statistical parsimony, as implemented in the program TCS v.1.21 (
In addition to the previous analyses carried out for species delimitation purposes, three complementary analyses aimed at resolving deep phylogenetic relationships among species were undertaken on a reduced sub-sample (only one specimen per delineated species of the P. bastardi clade) but with a significantly greater number of markers: (1) a phylogenetic analysis based on nine concatenated nuclear markers (ACM4, 380 bp; CMOS, 426 bp; KIAA1239, 869 bp; MXRA5, 795 bp; PDC, 409 bp; PRLR, 534 bp; RAG1, 1041 bp; SACS, two fragments of 975 and 1032 bp, respectively; and TTN, 849 bp); (2) an analysis based on five concatenated mitochondrial markers (12S, 1072 bp; 16S, 603 bp; ND2, 697 bp; ND4, 852 bp; and CO1, 597 bp); and (3) an analysis combining both nuclear and mitochondrial datasets (cf. Appendix 3B). These three datasets represent a total of 7310 bp, 3821 bp and 11133 bp, respectively. For most genes, the following samples were used: P. ibityensis,
Phylogenetic analyses were carried out by partitioned Bayesian Inference, using MrBayes 3.2 (
To compare trees obtained from mtDNA, nDNA, and the combined data sets, we calculated the Icong congruence index (
Mitochondrial DNA phylogenetic tree (CO1). The deepest nodes of the tree are unresolved, and the lineages considered to be part of the Paroedura bastardi clade are recovered as a monophyletic group with very weak support (bootstrap value = 75%). Nevertheless, three of the four nominal species currently recognized – i.e. P. ibityensis, P. neglecta, and P. tanjaka – are recovered as distinct and strongly supported monophyletic groups (≥ 99%). Together they form an unsupported clade (36%). In contrast, Paroedura bastardi sensu lato is not recovered as a monophyletic unit. Instead, this nominal species is divided into four distinct deep mitochondrial lineages, hereafter referred to as P. bastardi A, P. bastardi B, P. bastardi C, and P. bastardi D (which is represented by a single individual). In the CO1 tree, these form a basal polytomy within which the ibityensis-neglecta-tanjaka clade is nested. Of these lineages, P. bastardi A corresponds to P. bastardi Ca02 and Ca03 of
To ensure clarity and the consistency of the comparisons between the different data sets, we arbitrarily choose to use the clustering suggested by the CO1 tree as an interpretative framework, and in the following report individuals based on their mitochondrial assignment as P. bastardi A, B, C or D.
Summary of molecular results from one mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments in individuals of the Paroedura bastardi clade. A Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree based on the CO1 dataset, B, C haplotype networks inferred from the phased sequences of CMOS and KIAA1239, respectively. Circles represent haplotypes inferred by phasing (size proportional to their frequency in the individuals sequenced) and crossbars indicate the number of mutational steps. The colors assigned to the different clades in the CO1 tree are reported on the haplotypes of the corresponding specimens to facilitate comparisons. Gray lines and boxes highlight haplotypes co-occurring in Anja, Isalo, Tranoroa, and Bemaraha.
Nuclear DNA networks (KIAA1239 and CMOS). In terms of overall grouping of individuals, the KIAA1239 haplotype network (Fig.
The CMOS haplotype network (Fig.
Identity of P. bastardi D and of further mitochondrial variants. Paroedura bastardi D is represented by a single sample in the molecular data set only. This sample exhibits discordant phylogenetic signal among markers, and no voucher specimen was available for morphological comparison. Although we are confident that this clade represents a species distinct from P. bastardi C (no shared haplotype between these two clades co-occurring in Anja, suggesting an absence of gene flow), it is impossible, with the limited data, to determine whether this lineage is conspecific with P. bastardi A (affinities suggested by KIAA1239), conspecific with P. bastardi B (affinities suggested by CMOS), or if it represents a fourth distinct evolutionary lineage (as suggested by the CO1 tree). Further investigations, involving a larger number of samples and an examination of their morphological characteristics, are needed to clarify its status.
In previous analyses of the P. bastardi clade (e.g.,
Phylogenetic relationships of species and main lineages. Our multi-gene phylogenetic analysis included single representative samples of all nominal species of the P. bastardi clade, plus P. bastardi A, B, and C. We did not include P. bastardi D because we were only able to sequence two nuclear loci (out of nine) for the single sample at our disposal.
The separate analyses of concatenated nuclear versus concatenated mitochondrial datasets (nine and five markers respectively) recovered incongruent topologies (Icong = 1.14 with P = 0.31, meaning that both trees are less congruent than or as congruent as expected by chance:
Multilocus phylogenetic trees (full dataset concatenated, nDNA and mtDNA concatenated trees), with haplotype networks reconstructed for each of the nuclear markers (after phasing). Photo credits: AM (P. rennerae sp. nov., P. picta, both from Kirindy), MV (P. ibityensis from Itremo), FG and JK (P. neglecta and P. tanjaka, both from Bemaraha), FG and MV (P. bastardi from Berenty, and P. guibeae from Tranoroa).
The tree involving the complete concatenated dataset (nuclear and mitochondrial) is relatively congruent with the mtDNA tree (Icong = 1.42 with P = 0.01, meaning that both trees are more congruent than expected by chance), but incongruent with the nDNA tree (Icong = 1.14 with P = 0.31, not more congruent than expected by chance). This suggests that the mtDNA phylogenetic signal is predominantly contributing to the topology of the combined mtDNA+nDNA tree (Fig.
Although this phylogeny and the underlying mito-nuclear discordance remains to be confirmed by more comprehensive phylogenomic studies, it is worth noting that the suggested relationships of P. ibityensis with the (P. neglecta, P. tanjaka) clade coincide with the occurrence of these two groups at localities relatively distant from one another in central Madagascar: P. ibityensis at high elevations on rocky mountain tops in the central high plateau, and P. neglecta and P. tanjaka in the central-west (Fig.
Within the P. bastardi clade, the two species P. neglecta and P. tanjaka can easily be diagnosed because both of them have the nostril in contact with the rostral scale (
Morphological differentiation among four lineages of the Paroedura bastardi clade, here considered as representing distinct species. A Scatterplot of first two principal components (PC1, PC2) from a Principal Component Analysis using the morphological variables (adults and subadults only, males and females not analysed separately). Genotyped specimens are highlighted in bold italics (other specimens tentatively assigned to one of the molecular clusters based on morphological examination). B Violin plot of SVL (in mm), illustrating lower maximum body sizes in P. ibityensis and especially, in P. guibeae despite overlap of size ranges among all lineages. See appendices 6 and 7 for details.
While P. ibityensis is a highland species apparently not occurring in sympatry with any other lineage of the P. bastardi clade, among the other lineages there are several instances of co-occurrence without genetic admixture that are informative to infer reproductive isolation, as examined in the following.
(1) Sympatry in Isalo. Several specimens from Isalo are placed in P. bastardi A (ACZC 1828, 6464, 7932, and 7934, plus MH063363–69 available on GenBank) in the mitochondrial (CO1) tree, and those sequenced for the nuclear genes consistently show affinities to other P. bastardi A specimens (from Toliara and Tranoroa) in the KIAA1239 and CMOS haplotype networks. In contrast, three other specimens from Isalo are placed in P. bastardi C (ACZC 6438, 6534, and 7938) in the CO1 tree and consistently show affinities to other P. bastardi C specimens (from Kirindy and Anja) in the KIAA1239 and CMOS networks.
(2) Sympatry in Tranoroa. Three specimens of P. bastardi A in the CO1 tree (FGZC 352, 353, and 354) present affinities to other samples of this lineage in the KIAA1239 network, whereas in the CMOS network, they share a haplotype with specimens of P. ibityensis. In contrast, two other individuals of Tranoroa placed in the P. bastardi B clade in the CO1 tree (FGZC 332 and 327) have their nuclear haplotypes consistently recovered as closely related (or identical) to those of other P. bastardi B specimens (from Tolagnaro).
(3) Sympatry in Anja. Haplotypes of two specimens placed in P. bastardi C in the CO1 tree (ZCMV 12789 and 12791) consistently show affinities to other specimens of P. bastardi C (from Kirindy and Isalo) in both the KIAA1239 and CMOS networks. In contrast, the only representative of P. bastardi D (ZCMV 12790), shows either affinities to specimens of P. bastardi A (KIAA1239 network) or to P. bastardi B (CMOS network).
(4) Sympatry in Bemaraha. Paroedura neglecta and P. tanjaka are sympatric in this locality. Both species represent distinct mtDNA lineages and do not share any nuclear haplotypes (CMOS, KIAA1239).
Such patterns, consistently involving the same clusters of specimens for each of the three sequenced markers, strongly support the hypothesis of at least four occurrences of sympatry with reproductive isolation between different pairs of lineages. To summarize, our dataset supports reproductive isolation between: P. bastardi A and C in Isalo, P. bastardi A and B in Tranoroa, P. bastardi C and D in Anja, and between Paroedura neglecta and P. tanjaka in Bemaraha (Fig.
The molecular evidence for reproductive isolation between different pairs of sympatric lineages of the P. bastardi complex in Anja, Isalo, and Tranoroa also offers an opportunity to understand more precisely the morphological variability encountered, by differentiating the features whose variability is due to intraspecific polymorphism within the same species (and which are most often variable across the distribution range), from those which characterize each of the considered species. The distinction between these two cases of polymorphism (intra- versus interspecific) could even be facilitated if the interspecific morphological differentiation has been exacerbated in sympatry by reinforcement mechanisms (i.e. character displacement). Unfortunately, the heterogeneity of the material at our disposal, and the lack of multiple adult individuals, did not always allow us to objectively link molecular and phenotypic data. For instance, for Anja, we had only two voucher specimens available for morphological examination (
Luckily, our sampling from the population of Tranoroa was richer and provided us with several specimens unambiguously belonging to each of the two co-occurring lineages: three genotyped vouchers of P. bastardi A (an adult,
Adults and subadult specimens in Tranoroa. Despite the limited sample size and lack of molecular assignment of one specimen (
Differences in coloration between juveniles of lineages provisionally named P. bastardi A and P. bastardi B (corresponding to the species P. guibeae and P. bastardi, according to the taxonomic hypothesis proposed herein), with a special emphasis on those from Tranoroa. A Digit coloration. Juveniles of P. bastardi A present a very characteristic banded pattern on fingers and toes (finger schematically represented in green). The same pattern is also present in the holotype of P. guibeae, and this name is therefore assigned to P. bastardi A. B Juvenile of P. bastardi A showing a dull dorsal coloration, whereas the juveniles of P. bastardi B show a highly contrasted pattern color consisting in a dark brown dorsal background with two very light transverse bands. C Detail of the dorsal side of the head of the newly designated lectotype of P. bastardi (above, a schematic drawing represent the “butterfly” pattern characterising juveniles of P. bastardi B, which is also present, although hardly distinguishable (probably faded) in the lectotype of P. bastardi). Scale bars = 5 mm. Genotyped specimens are marked by the letter (G). Photo credits:
Juvenile specimens in Tranoroa. Juvenile coloration can be informative in lizard taxonomy, as their patterns tends to be more pronounced (more contrasted and differentiated) than in adults, and especially in Paroedura, juveniles often have a distinct and species-specific color pattern. For instance,
The three molecular datasets (Fig.
(1) Phyllodactylus bastardi Mocquard, 1900, whose type series is composed of five syntypes: three females (including two subadults) collected by Grandidier (
We therefore elect to designate the syntype
An overview of morphological diversity among the P. bastardi complex plus P. ibityensis. All specimens (adults, subadults and juveniles) are represented at the same scale (scale bar = 1 cm). Genotyped specimens are marked by the letter (G). Photo credit:
(2) Paroedura guibeae Dixon & Kroll, 1974, whose holotype is an adult male (
Note: The spelling of the epithet of Paroedura guibeae Dixon & Kroll, 1974 has been subsequently changed into guibei by
No earlier name is available for the species corresponding to P. bastardi C, and consequently, this lineage is, in the following, described as a new species.
This species was previously named P. sp. aff. bastardi Ca01 “Marofandilia/Miandrivazo” by
Paroedura rennerae sp. nov. is characterized by the unique combination of the following characters: (1) presence of prominent dorsal tubercles arranged in regular longitudinal rows, (2) presence of three broad light crossbands on the dorsum in juveniles and subadults, (3) spines on the tail, (4) nostril separated from rostral scale by prenasal, and (5) a curly-bracket shaped marking in the occipital region.
Paroedura rennerae sp. nov. can be distinguished from most other currently recognized Paroedura species by the presence of only three broad light crossbands on the dorsum in juveniles and subadults (the first one between forelimbs, the second one at midbody, and the third one between hindlimbs) versus four light crossbands in all other species except those of the P. bastardi clade (P. bastardi, P. guibeae, P. ibityensis, P. neglecta, and P. tanjaka, which all have three crossbands) and P. oviceps and P. vahiny (in which the juvenile coloration is still unknown). It can be distinguished from P. gracilis by larger dorsal scales, absence of a white tip to the original tail, absence of a raised vertebral ridge on the dorsum and shorter forelimbs, which do not extend forward beyond tip of snout; from P. masobe by much smaller eyes and absence of a dorsal row of paired spines on the tail; from P. fasciata, P. homalorhina, P. hordiesi, P. vahiny, and P. spelaea by presence of spines on the original tail (versus absence); from P. gracilis, P. homalorhina, P. kloki, P. maingoka, P. masobe, P. oviceps (from its type locality Nosy Be), P. picta, P. spelaea, most P. tanjaka, and P. vahiny by the presence of prominent dorsal tubercles arranged in regular longitudinal rows (versus rather irregular rows of dorsal tubercles).
Within the P. bastardi clade, the species can easily be distinguished from P. tanjaka and P. neglecta by the absence of contact between the nostril and the rostral scale (versus presence). It can be distinguished from P. ibityensis by larger maximum SVL (> 70 mm versus 61 mm). In comparison with P. bastardi sensu novo and P. guibeae, the new species can be distinguished by the presence of a very sharp and contrasting dark transverse pattern, evoking the shape of a thin curly-bracket ({) , in the occipital region and delimiting the skull from the neck. Moreover, Paroedura rennerae sp. nov. is unambiguously larger in size than P. guibeae (adult SVL > 70 mm versus < 60 mm in P. guibeae), and its dorsal tubercles are more prominent. It also lacks striped fingers (versus striped in P. guibeae), and the light patch on its head lacks concave anterior edge and central vacuity in juveniles (versus both present in P. bastardi).
Adult female in very good condition, with the exception of the regenerated tail tip, which is amputated (ca. 10 mm missing). Head distinctly wider than neck, as wide as the body. Canthal ridges relatively well developed with a marked median depression. Ear opening is a vertical slit. Tail regenerated, nearly round (slightly flattened dorso-ventrally) in cross section in its proximal part; ventral pygal section of tail with a pair of poorly developed postcloacal sacs. Digits distinctly expanded at tips. Rostral scale rectangular, more than two times wider than tall and barely wider than mental. Nostrils separated from the rostral by prenasals. The two enlarged prenasals in contact with rostral and first supralabials, both separated by a single small granular scale. 12/12 (left/right) smooth supralabials, followed by two carinated tubercules above the mouth commissure. Eyes desiccated. Scales covering canthal ridges, loreal, temporal and periphery of the parietal region distinctly enlarged, spiny and tuberculate. Scales covering the dorsolateral side of neck and body heterogeneous, with enlarged, spiny, carinate and tuberculate scales regularly separated from each other by one (most often transversally) to three (most often longitudinally) rows of small, flat and juxtaposed scales or, along the vertebral line, by a single distinct row of smaller spiny tubercles. Seventeen longitudinal rows of tuberculate scales at midbody. Dorsal scales of forelimbs and hindlimbs mostly tuberculate and keeled, with a tetrahedral outline. Ventral scales of forelimbs distinctly smaller than surrounding ventral scales of the body. Three transverse rows at the base of the tail with six very spiny pygal scales per row. Ventrally, six rows of pygal scales squared and flat. Tail segments with irregular transverse row of spiny tubercles. Mental triangular, bordered posteriorly by a pair of elongated, irregular hexagonal postmentals. Each postmental in contact with six scales: other postmental, mental, first infralabial, one enlarged lateral gular, one smaller posterolateral gular, and one larger central gular. First three infralabials slightly larger (taller) than others. Gulars small, slightly granular. Ventrals of chest and abdomen flat and roundish. Proximal subdigitals in rows of mostly two. One pair of squarish terminal lamellae. Claws curving downwards between terminal pads of digits.
Measurements of the holotype (in mm): SVL = 73.6; TaL = 34.2 (tail regenerated and incomplete, distal tip of ca. 10 mm missing); HL = 21.0; HW = 16.9; HH = 10.1; AGL = 32.4; distE = 2.7, ED = 5.3, EO = 2.7; HAL = 8.6; TIBL = 13.0; FoL = 11.5.
After nine years in alcohol (Fig.
Coloration in life (Fig.
Details of the dorsal side of the head of the P. bastardi complex. Genotyped specimens are marked by the letter (G). Horizontal curly bracket ({) highlights the dark, contrasted and curved nuchal pattern evoking this symbol characterizing the specimens of Paroedura rennerae sp. nov. All pictures taken by AM.
Both paratypes, from Anja, present a lighter and more contrasted color pattern, with sharper dark lines (anterior and posterior margin of the light dorsal cross bands and dark curly-brackets delimiting the occipital region) (Figs
Phenotypic variation in Paroedura rennerae sp. nov. See Materials and Methods for abbreviations of measurements and scale counts.
Collection number |
Status | Holotype | Paratype | Paratype | none |
Description | adult female | subadult | adult | juvenile |
Locality | Kirindy | Anja | Anja | Isalo |
Genotyped | yes | yes | yes | no |
IO | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 |
SnoutS | c | s/i | s/i | c/s |
SO (each sides) | 5 (both sides) | 4 (both sides) | 5 (both sides) | 4 (both sides) |
Toe coloration | uniform | uniform | uniform | uniform |
SVL (mm) | 73.6 | 49.7 | 80.9 | 39.9 |
TL (mm) | N/A | 42.5 | N/A | 36.3 |
HL (mm) | 21.2 | 16.0 | 25.9 | 13.3 |
HW (mm) | 17.1 | 12.6 | 17.3 | 10.1 |
HH (mm) | 10.4 | 7.5 | 10.3 | 6.4 |
distE (mm) | 2.7 | 2.0 | 2.8 | 1.7 |
AGL (mm) | 32.2 | 18.5 | 32.7 | 16 |
ED (mm) | 5.3 | 3.7 | 4.8 | 4 |
EO (mm) | 2.7 | 1.9 | 3.3 | 1.7 |
HAL (mm) | 8.6 | 6.7 | 8.9 | 5 |
TIBL (mm) | 13.0 | 9.6 | 13.3 | 8.3 |
This new species, elegant and prickly, is dedicated to Susanne Renner, eminent botanist and evolutionary biologist, and Professor Emeritus of the University of Munich, in recognition of her substantial contributions to taxonomy and her invaluable collaboration in the framework of the “Taxon-omics” priority program of the German Research Foundation, DFG.
Paroedura rennerae is reliably known from five localities, some of them relatively distant from each other, suggesting this species is widely distributed in the central/southern region of Madagascar. In the dry forest of Kirindy CNFEREF, specimens have been observed on vertical surfaces (tree trunks, wooden walls of the CNFEREF camp huts), around 1 to 2 m above the ground. Like other members of the P. bastardi species complex, it is quick to bite when handled. In Anja, several specimens have been collected on granitic boulders.
The genus Paroedura has seen a remarkable increase in the number of recognized species. Only nine species were recognized by
As seems to be typical for many other reptiles in Madagascar, Paroedura contains several regional endemics with moderately large distributions, as well as a handful of extremely range-restricted species. For instance, several Paroedura species specialized on karstic limestone often inhabit caves, and are restricted to particular limestone massifs (
The improved knowledge on the taxonomy of the P. bastardi complex will, in the future, allow specifically targeting questions on possible ecological or behavioral specialization of the taxa involved. Especially in cases of sympatric occurrence, we assume that possibly, the taxa involved may prefer different substrates. We have found P. bastardi mostly on tree trunks and other vertical wooden surfaces, and the same is true for P. rennerae in Kirindy, but not in Anja, where at least
Instances of sympatric occurrence of lineages may not only serve to understand their ecological specialization; they can also provide one of the most reliable lines of evidence to delineate species, and this has been applied both by
In the P. bastardi clade, there are at least two examples that will require future scrutiny: in P. tanjaka, three mitochondrial haplogroups of substantial divergence co-occur in the Tsingy de Bemaraha (Fig.
To conclude, we advocate that sympatry of lineages without genetic admixture is one of the most immediate means to delimit species, even with limited sample size, if several other biological phenomena are appropriately considered and can be excluded. It is important to emphasize the need for concordance of various characters or unlinked markers; by no means should new species be based on co-occurrence of different, even strongly divergent mitochondrial haplotypes alone. The probability of recovering by chance concordant differentiation among different unlinked markers, or between molecular markers and morphology, decreases drastically with increasing numbers of markers and sampled individuals, and we suggest that this could be taken into account by probabilistic approaches to species delimitation.
The Portuguese National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – supported the Investigador FCT (IF) grant to AC (IF/00209/2014). This study would not have been possible without the support to AM and TB in the framework of the Taxon-Omics priority program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SPP 1991 - RE 603/29-1).
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
We are grateful to the Malagasy institutions for research, collection and export permits. The numerous samples analyzed in this study have been assembled over many years with the help of many colleagues, of whom we would like to acknowledge especially Parfait Bora, Franco Andreone, Gonçalo M. Rosa, Vincenzo Mercurio, Fabio Mattioli, Devin Edmonds, Isabella Lau, D. James Harris, Iker A. Irisarri, Alexandra Lima, Solohery Rasamison, Emile Rajeriarison, Anicet, Haza, Aroniaina Rajaonarivo, Gennaro Aprea, Hildegard Enting, Kathrin Glaw, Marta Puente, Liliane Raharivololoniaina, Luris Rakotozafy, Roger Randrianiaina, R. Razafindrasoa, Meike Teschke, and David R. Vieites. We are furthermore grateful to Alan Resetar for the loan of specimens from the Field Museum of Natural History (