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Habitus, habitat and distribution of Horaglanis in Kerala, southwestern India. A Horaglanis in life. B Typical laterite rock showing tiny pores. C Homestead lateritic dug-out well in Kerala – habitat of Horaglanis. D Range and species-specific localities within the lateritic soil zone of Kerala based on published distribution records prior to current study. E Current distribution records resulting from our citizen science campaign. Colored circles are genetically confirmed species, while unfilled/white circles indicate records available from social and print media that were not genetically analyzed.

Phylogenetic tree of species of Horaglanis and their delimitation. A Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree based on concatenated mitochondrial COI, cyt b, 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene sequences employing best partition scheme and nucleotide substitution models. B Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis based on COI gene employing best partition scheme and nucleotide substitution models. Species delimitation based on ASAP, PTP, bPTP and mPTP processes shown as bars adjacent to species names. C Box plots of intraspecific and interspecific genetic p-distances in COI gene. Genetic gap between greatest intraspecific (5.3%) and smallest interspecific (7.0%) genetic distance shown in light grey. A, B Clarias species used as outgroups. Values along nodes are bootstrap supports based on 1000 iterations. Asterisks indicate sequences generated in the current study.

Mismatch distribution and median joining genetic network based on cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 for A, E Horaglanis populi; B, F H. abdulkalami; C, G H. alikunhii; D, H H. krishnai. Haplotype labels as in Table

Principal Component Analysis of multivariate morphometric data presented in Table

Horaglanis populi holotype (KUFOS.F.2022.101, 32.5 mm standard length) in A life and B–F immediately after preservation. A, B Lateral view; C ventral view; D dorsal view; E lateral view of head; F ventral view of head.

3-D reconstructed CT-images of head and anterior vertebrae of Horaglanis populi, KUFOS.F.2022.106, 29.3 mm. A Lateral view, note large trigeminofacial foramen (marked by asterisk) in lateral wall of neurocranium; B dorsal view illustrating lack of epiphyseal bridge and large cranial fontanelle (margin marked by line of dots); C anterior view of upper and lower jaws, showing rows of sharply pointed recurved, villiform teeth.