Research Article |
Corresponding author: Shamna Rajan Palakkool ( ) Corresponding author: Ramachandran Kotharambath ( ) Academic editor: Raffael Ernst
© 2022 Shamna Rajan Palakkool, David J. Gower, Ramachandran Kotharambath.
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Palakkool SR, Gower DJ, Kotharambath R (2022) Osteology of the caecilian Gegeneophis carnosus (Beddome, 1870) (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Grandisoniidae) from the Western Ghats of peninsular India. Vertebrate Zoology 72: 561-576.
The osteology of the poorly known grandisoniid caecilian Gegeneophis carnosus is described for the first time by applying high-resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography to some recently collected material. The ossified skeleton comprises a stegokrotaphic skull, lower jaw, and vertebral column. The braincase, composed of the sphenethmoid and os basale, is covered by eight other cranial elements viz. nasopremaxilla, frontal, parietal, squamosal, pterygoquadrate, maxillopalatine, vomer, and stapes. The eye is covered by the maxillopalatine, and an (open) orbit is absent. The sphenethmoid is not exposed and lacks a solum nasi or a ventral flange. The olfactory chamber lacks an olfactory eminence. Slight asymmetries were observed in the structure and/or size of the left and right frontals and parietals and in the number and size of some foramina. Except for pterygoquadrate and stapes, all bones are pierced by foramina for nerves and/or blood vessels. The lower jaw shows a typical caecilian pattern with dentigerous pseudodentary and edentulous pseudoangular. Numbers of vertebrae range from 123–130 (mean 126). The vertebrae are somewhat heterogenous, varying in size and proportions along the column. Comparisons are made with other caecilians, especially other grandisoniids. Aspects of the cranial osteology of Gegeneophis, such as the closed orbit, subterminal mouth, and stegokrotaphy are possible adaptations to dedicated fossoriality, but functional, behavioural, and field ecological data are not yet available to test this.
Cranium, lower jaw, mandible, micro-CT, skeleton, skull, stegokrotaphy, vertebrae
Gegeneophis Peters, 1880 is a genus of soil-burrowing caecilians endemic to the Western and Eastern Ghats of peninsular India. Caecilians (Gymnophiona) lack limbs and limb girdles, and most species burrow in soils, at least as adults. The ossified skeletal systems of adult caecilians comprise a robust skull, lower jaw, and a flexible vertebral column with a short or absent tail (
Current knowledge of Gegeneophis skeletal morphology is based mostly on studies of G. ramaswamii (see
Here we present the first detailed documentation of the skeletal anatomy of G. carnosus based on newly generated μCT data. We make comparisons with available data for other members of Grandisoniidae, and especially with the only congener for which skeletal anatomy has been described in any detail, G. ramaswamii.
Nine specimens of G. carnosus were collected from the vicinity of its type locality Peria, Wayanad, on 14th July 2015 by Ramachandran Kotharambath and colleagues. The specimens were lethally anaesthetised using MS222 solution followed by fixation in 4–6% formalin for 48 hours and preservation in 70% alcohol. The specimens ranged from 112–209 mm in total length, and all are female, based on observation of ova via incisions into the coelom. Specimens are currently stored in the Department of Zoology of Central University Kerala with field tags RAM 0020, 0023, 0031, 0033, 0035, 0044, 0045, 0047, 0049. The specimen subjected to the µCT technique, RAM 0020, has a preserved total length of 198 mm, and a maximum skull length of approximately 4.8 mm. All nine specimens were subjected to two-dimensional (2D) radiography to count vertebrae. We followed
The specimen was subjected to high-resolution X-ray µCT scanning (Bruker SkyScan 1272, 20 to 100 kV, 10 W) at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platform (C-CAMP), National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. The specimen was folded and mounted in a tube, without ethanol, and Styrofoam balls were added to prevent movement during rotation. The scan was conducted in 180˚, with rotation steps of 0.8˚ (i.e., 225 projections) for 20 min 12 s with an exposure of 1452 ms and an image resolution of 3.1 µm. The source voltage was 45 kV with a source current of 220 µA. The scanned images were reconstructed using NRecon (Bruker µCT, Kontich, Belgium) with a voxel size of 3.1 μm. Visualisation of the 3D morphology of the skull and vertebrae was undertaken with CTvox (Bruker µCT, Kontich, Belgium). The 3D model of the µCT dataset was constructed using CT Analyser Version: (Bruker µCT, Kontich, Belgium), and the model was analysed using MeshLab v2020.06 for Windows 64 bits version. The description includes only the ossified structures because the µCT scan data did not permit faithful rendering of cartilaginous structures. The third and fourth vertebrae are excluded from the figures because scan data were obtained only for the anteriormost, midbody, and posteriormost vertebrae.
The specimens were radiographed with an X-ray machine (Wipro GE 300 mA) at Krishna Medical Centre, Kanhangad, Kasaragod, Kerala. Vertebrae were counted on radiographs under a binocular stereoscopic microscope (Olympus SZ61) using a pin.
We followed
ac – atlantal cotyle
ae – anterolateral expansion of sphenethmoid
af – alveolar foramen
afp – articular facet for pseudoangular on pterygoquadrate
aot – anterior opening of tentacular canal
aps – anterior process on stapes
aw – antotic wall
ba – basicranial articulation of os basale
bp – basal process of pterygoquadrate
c – centrum
ca – capitulum
cc – concavity holding the Choanenschleimbeutal on maxillopalatine
ch – choana
cp – columellar process
cpr – canalis primordialis
d – dentary tooth row
dch – depression for cerebral hemisphere
dh – depression for hypophysis
dlw – dorsal facet of lateral wall of sphenethmoid
dns – dorsal facet of nasal septum
dp – dorsomedial process of sphenethmoid
dpp – diapophysis
ds – dorsal surface of otic occipital complex of os basale
dv – depression for vomeronasal organ on maxillopalatine
dvv – depression on the vomer continuous with dv on maxillopalatine
en – external naris
f – frontal
fca – foramen for carotid artery
fdf – foramen for ‘dorsal fifth’ nerve (sensory nerve from the dorsal branch of the trigeminal nerve)
fdv – foramen for dorsal vein
fe – endolymphatic foramen
ff – facet for the frontal on parietal
fId – foramen for dorsal branch of the olfactory nerve
fII – foramen for the optic nerve
fIv – foramen for ventral branch of the olfactory nerve
fj – jugular foramen
fm – foramen magnum
fmp – facet for the maxillopalatine on squamosal
fn – facet for the nasopremaxilla on frontal
fo – fenestra ovalis
fp – perilymphatic foramen
fpa – facet for the processus ascendence on squamosal
fpd – facet overlapped by the pseudodentary on pseudoangular
fpp – facet overlapped by the pseudoangular on pseudodentary
fpq – facet for pterygoquadrate on os basale
fps – facet for the parietal on squamosal
fri – foramen for the intermandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
fsn – foramina for spinal nerve
ft – foramen transmitting the tentacular (nasolacrimal) duct
fVII – foramen for the facial nerve
fVIIIa – foramen for anterior branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve
fVIIIm – foramen for medial branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve
fVIIIp – foramen for posterior branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve
fVmd – foramen for the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
fVmd, ma – foramen for the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve and mandibular artery
fVmxl – foramen for lateral branch of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
fVmxm – foramen for medial branch of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
fVop – foramen for the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
fVop,mx,md – foramen for ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular divisions of the trigeminal nerve
fVopv – foramen for ventral branch of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve
fvv – foramen for the ventral vein
hy– hypapophysis
i – inner mandibular tooth
lb – labial row of teeth on maxillopalatine
lf – lateral facet of parietal
lg– lingual row of teeth on maxillopalatine
m – meckelian bone
mc – mandibular cotyle
mp – maxillopalatine
mpc – mediopalatinal cavity
na – neural arch
np – nasopremaxilla
nr – nuchal ridge
ns – nasal septum
ob – os basale
oc – occipital condyle
p – parietal
pa – pseudoangular
pas – processus ascendens of pterygoquadrate
pc – processus condyloideus of pseudoangular
pd –pseudodentary
pf – facet for parietal on os basale
pi – processus internus of pseudoangular
po – processus oticus
poc – petro-occipital cavity
poz – postzygapophysis
pp – premaxillary process
pq – pterygoquadrate
pr – parasphenoid rostrum
prp – parapophysis
prz – prezygapophysis
ps – parasphene
r – rib
rp – retroarticular process
rv – ridge on vomer
s – squamosal
sph – sphenethmoid
sr – ‘splenial’ ridge
srf – spinal root foramen
st – stapes
sv – sulcus on vomer
t – tuberculum
tc – tentacular canal
tr – transverse ridge on maxillopalatine between the dv and cc
v – vomer
vf – vomerine foramen
vk – ventral keel
vns – ventral facet of nasal septum
wp – wing-like projection ventral to the otic capsule
Ten ossified cranial elements constitute the stegokrotaphic skull. The neurocranium is composed of sphenethmoid and os basale and is partly encased by the nasopremaxillae, frontals, parietals, maxillopalatines, squamosals, vomers, pterygoquadrates, and stapes (Figs
The skull of Gegeneophis carnosus (RAM 0020). A dorsal view (arrowhead indicates the facet for the parietal on the squamosal; B lateral view (white arrowhead indicates the lateral facet for the maxillopalatine; black arrowhead indicates the lateral facet for the pterygoquadrate on the squamosal); C ventral view. Scale bar: 1mm.
The eyes are small and covered by maxillopalatines, and so orbits are absent (closed). The seven major external openings are the foramen magnum and the paired external nares, openings of the tentacular canals, and choanae (Figs
The dermatocranial elements and stapes of Gegeneophis carnosus (RAM 0020). A posterior view of the nasopremaxillae; B dorsal view of the frontals (arrowheads indicate foramina for branchlets of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve): C ventral view of the left frontal (black arrowheads indicate foramina for branchlets of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve; white arrowheads indicate the channel for a branch of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve); D dorsal view of the parietals; E lateral view of the left parietal; F medial view of the right squamosal; G–I left pterygoquadrate in G lateral view; H medial view; I ventral view; J–M the right maxillopalatine in J dorsal view (arrowhead indicates the internal apical foramen on the maxillopalatine posterior to the choana); K ventral view (arrowhead indicates the internal apical foramen on the maxillopalatine posterior to the choana); L posterior view (arrowhead indicates the internal apical foramen on the maxillopalatine posterior to the choana); M anterior view; N–P the right vomer in N dorsal view; O ventral view; P anterior view (arrowhead indicates the foramen serving as an anterolateral opening of the sulcus on vomer); Q–R the left stapes in Q dorsal view; R internal view showing the footplate. Scale bars: 1 mm.
The anterior of the braincase is constituted by the compound sphenethmoid. It has a main body, from which arises an anteriorly projecting long slender nasal septum and a posteriorly projecting, slightly shorter but broader dorsomedial process (mesethmoid). The lateral wall of the main body has a very short anterior expansion (Fig.
After passing through the anterior wall of the element, the passage of the dorsal and ventral branches of the olfactory nerve opens at the foramina at the base of the nasal septum (Fig.
The compound os basale lies immediately behind (and articulates with) the sphenethmoid and constitutes the major part of the braincase (Fig.
A large foramen, transmitting the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular divisions of the trigeminal nerve, occupies most of the antotic wall (Fig.
The ceiling of the otic capsule has three interconnected chambers. The foramina for the perilymphatic duct and the posterior branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve lie along the median wall of the otic capsule immediately above the floor (Fig.
The occipital condyle projects back beyond the posterior limit of the otic capsule (Figs
The nasopremaxilla of caecilians is a compound, dentigerous bone formed by the fusion of nasal, premaxilla, and septomaxilla, with an internal cavity that houses the olfactory sac and vomeronasal organ (
A depression on the medial floor of the nasopremaxilla accommodates the premaxillary process of the vomer. A medial foramen found in this depression ventral to the ventral facet of the nasal septum (Fig.
The frontal lies posterior to the nasopremaxilla with which it shares a tight sutural contact. The frontal also contacts the parietal posteriorly, the maxillopalatine anteroventrally, and the squamosal posteroventrally (Fig.
The parietal, the largest bone in the dermatocranium, is longer than wide. In dorsal view, it is widest at the level with the posterior of the pterygoquadrate (Fig.
The squamosal forms most of the lateral surface of the ‘cheek’ region, and it lies ventrolateral to the frontal and parietal, and posterior to the maxillopalatine (Fig.
The pterygoquadrate comprises a short but broad quadrate portion and a long spatulate pterygoid portion (Fig.
The maxillopalatine is dentigerous, irregularly shaped with a maxilla part laterally and palatine part ventrally with an extension that forms most of the choanal border (Fig.
More than a dozen foramina are found throughout the bone. Oval foramina, two on the left maxillopalatine (not shown in the figure) and three on the right (Fig.
Additionally, the dorsal surface of the maxilla enclosing the tentacular canal bears three or four foramina. A foramen at the anterolateral side of the maxillopalatine, dorsal to the anterior opening of the tentacular canal (Fig.
A large foramen (Fig.
The vomer is longer than wide, having three functional teeth on its lingual row, along with a single replacement tooth on each bone (Fig.
The depression on the dorsal surface at the anterior end of the maxillopalatine for the vomeronasal organ extends onto the lateral part of the dorsal surface of the vomer (Fig.
The dorsal surface of the vomer bears a short sulcus (Fig.
The imperforate stapes forms a lateral joint between the os basale and pterygoquadrate (Fig.
The tip of the lower jaw is subterminal, being overhung by the anterior of the snout by approximately 0.75 mm when in articulation with the skull. It is composed of extensively overlapping units of dentigerous pseudodentary and edentulous pseudoangular. They form a non-kinetic articulation that makes them a single mechanical unit (Fig.
The posterior of the medial surface of the pseudodentary bears a large, anteriorly tapering region (Fig.
The pseudoangular is an elongate bone with a pointed anterior terminus inserted into the pseudodentary, and a prominent, slightly curved, and upwardly directed retroarticular process at its posterior end (Fig.
The canalis primordialis, through which the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve and the mandibular artery pass, lies immediately anterior to the mandibular cotyle and opens as an oval foramen on the region overlapped by the pseudodentary (Fig.
Total number of vertebrae, from nine specimens, ranges from 123 to 130, with a mean of 126.7 (standard deviation ±2.4). The µCT-scanned specimen has 129 vertebrae. The vertebral centra are amphicoelous except for those of the atlas and terminal vertebra. Except for the atlas and terminal vertebra, other vertebrae have associated bicipital ribs. Tail vertebrae are absent because the species has a near-terminal vent and lacks a true tail. A sacral region is also absent. Neural arch and centrum are common for all vertebrae. All vertebrae lack a haemal arch.
The atlas is characterised by the presence of a large, bipartite atlantal cotyle (Fig.
The axis, the second vertebra, articulates with the atlas anteriorly via its prezygapophyses and the anterior face of the centrum, and it articulates with the third vertebra posteriorly via the postzygapophyses and the posterior face of the centrum. The axis is the anteriormost rib-bearer of the column. The ribs, which are stout, mostly straight, and with blunt termini, terminate posteriorly before the level of the postzygapophyses (Fig.
The third and fourth vertebrae are similar to the axis in having a longitudinal nuchal ridge, pre-and postzygapophyses, parapo- and diapophyses, ribs, and ventral keel. In addition, they also possess a pair of anteroventral parasphenes for articulation with the preceding vertebra. The ribs are straight and slightly longer than the ribs of the axis. The rib capitulum is considerably longer than the tuberculum. The para- and diapophyses are less prominent than on the axis. A pair of spinal nerve foramina are present between the para- and diapophyses. The midline of the neural arch anterior to the longitudinal nuchal ridge on the third vertebra has a more rounded projection than that of the axis, and it is pointed in the fourth vertebra. The nuchal ridge is slightly more prominent than that on the axis.
The neural arch and hourglass-shaped centrum of the midbody vertebrae are longer than those in the third and fourth vertebrae (Fig.
As noted in the previous section, the vertebral dimensions reduce considerably in the posteriormost vertebrae. The length of the neural arch and centrum reduces substantially in the posteriormost five vertebrae (Fig.
This is the first detailed study of the osteology of Gegeneophis carnosus since it was described by
The cranium of G. carnosus differs from that of G. ramaswamii in some details (Figs
As in G. ramaswamii, the sphenethmoid of G. carnosus lacks sola nasi and ventral flanges. The dorsal facet of the nasal septum of G. ramaswamii is broader than that of G. carnosus. The height of the nasal septum declines sharply anteriorly in G. carnosus but gradually in G. ramaswamii. The sphenethmoid of G. carnosus has an anterolateral expansion from its lateral wall in contrast to the anterolateral process of G. ramaswamii. The anterolateral expansion in G. carnosus is more anteriorly projecting than the anterolaterally projecting anterolateral process of G. ramaswamii. The posterior of the dorsomedial process of the sphenethmoid of G. carnosus is narrower than in G. ramaswamii, and it gradually forms an acute terminus, unlike the abrupt acute posterior end of the dorsomedial process of the latter (
Interspecific variation is also observed in the position of the foramina for the dorsal and ventral trunk of olfactory nerves in the sphenethmoid; both foramina are closer to the midline in G. carnosus. The number of foramina for medial branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve also varies in both species: one in G. carnosus and two in G. ramaswamii. The incision of the lateral wall of the sphenethmoid and antotic wall of the os basale by the optic foramen is deep and equal in G. carnosus versus unequal in G. ramaswamii. The facet for the pterygoquadrate in the antotic wall is less pronounced in G. carnosus than in G. ramaswamii. The parasphenoid rostrum reaches only to the base of the nasal septum in G. carnosus but to the midpoint of the septum in G. ramaswamii. The ventral wing-like projection of the otic capsule in G. carnosus is not as prominent as in G. ramaswamii. The insertion of the apical process of the footplate of stapes into the void in the antotic wall observed in G. carnosus has not been reported for G. ramaswamii. A similar void is not discernible in the os basale of G. ramaswamii (
Gegeneophis carnosus is one of 12 currently recognised species of Gegeneophis (
The absence of an orbit is the major difference between Gegeneophis and all other confamilial taxa (
In G. carnosus and G. ramaswamii, the tentacular aperture lies at the extremity of maxillopalatine, but in Sylvacaecilia grandisonae and Grandisonia alternans, it is midway between the eye and nostril; in Indotyphlus it is closer to the eye than the nostril, and in Praslinia cooperi it is adjacent to the eye (
The braincase of G. carnosus also differs notably from that of other (non-Gegeneophis) grandisoniids. The sola nasi is present in Grandisonia alternans (
It is not fully clear whether the differences summarized above can be explained by phylogenetic signal, intraspecific variation and/or function. Features such as the closed orbit shared by G. carnosus and G. ramaswamii are putatively synapomorphic. However, more comparative data are needed for more specimens and for more congeneric species, and greater sampling and resolution for grandisoniid phylogeny (e.g.,
We documented asymmetry in the structure and size of the left and right frontals and parietals of G. carnosus; a structural variation on the facet overlain by the preceding bone. Minor variations were also observed in the position, size, and occasionally the number of foramina on the left and right sides of the skull. The number of dorsal foramina on the nasopremaxilla is four on the left and five on the right. Though the number is the same, the size and distribution of foramina on the left and right frontals are also different. Squamosals and maxillopalatines also show variations in the number, distribution, and size of the foramina. The size of the foramina on one side is comparatively larger than that on the other side if the number of foramina is less on that side.
We observed replacement teeth on all dentigerous bones of G. carnosus. Tooth counts slightly differ for all series except for inner mandibular from the type specimens described by
Detailed accounts of vertebral anatomy are not available for other grandisoniids, so intrafamilial variation cannot yet be assessed. The vertebral column of G. carnosus has a similar general pattern to that described for other tailless caecilians (e.g., see
The cranium of G. carnosus resembles that of G. ramaswamii in bearing features that have been interpreted as adaptations to head-first burrowing in presumably highly fossorial caecilians, such as a subterminal mouth, closed (absent) orbit, and a compact, stegokrotaphic skull (e.g.,
As far as we know, all reported G. carnosus specimens have been dug from soil or found under cover objects and not found in loose leaf litter or moving on the surface, in contrast to broadly sympatric ichthyophiids that are occasionally observed in these microhabitats (pers. obs.). Thus, we believe that individuals of G. carnosus are largely fossorial and spend most of their lives in soil, and we consider this species’ cranial morphological features as likely explained to a substantial degree by adaptations to their fossoriality. However, we lack quantitative field ecological data to test this, or functional data or behavioural observations that might allow other explanations of stegokrotaphy and closed orbits to be tested (such as variation in angle of the head during burrowing:
The phylogenetic relationships of species of Gegeneophis are incompletely resolved (
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
SRP is grateful to CSIR, Government of India, New Delhi for a PhD fellowship. RK was supported by a Start-Up Grant from the University Grants Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, and a DBT-Stanford Foldscope Grant from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi. RK and DJG were also supported by a Visiting Advanced Joint Research (VAJRA) award from the Science and Engineering Research Board of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The Dept. of Forests, Government of Kerala is thanked for a research permit. Dr Sheetal Kalme and Sunil Prabhakar at C-CAMP in NCBS-TIFR Campus provided help during the μCT scanning. SRP and RK are grateful to Ranjith Vengot for his help at NCBS and Krishna Medical Centre and Sulu Mohan for her help at NCBS. The authors thank Krishna Medical Centre, Kanhangad for permitting the use of their X-ray facility, and Nikhil Ramachandran for his technical assistance. The submitted manuscript was improved by review comments from Alex Kupfer. Hendrik Müller provided helpful discussion about some anatomical details.