Research Article
Research Article
The taxonomic status of the kukri snake Oligodon arenarius Vassilieva, 2015 with a redescription of Oligodon macrurus (Angel, 1927) (Squamata, Serpentes, Colubridae)
expand article infoPlaton V. Yushchenko§, Justin L. Lee|, Hieu Minh Pham#, Peter Geissler¤, Elena V. Syromyatnikova«», Nikolay A. Poyarkov Jr.§
‡ Joint Russian–Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technological Center, Hanoi, Vietnam
§ Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
| Villanova University, Villanova, United States of America
¶ National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, United States of America
# Unaffiliated, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
¤ Natural history Museum of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
« The A. A. Borisyak Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
» Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
Open Access


We investigated the taxonomic status of the recently described kukri snake Oligodon arenarius Vassilieva, 2015 and the morphologically similar Oligodon macrurus (Angel, 1927), two species endemic to the southern coast of Vietnam. Based on phylogenetic analyses using three mitochondrial genes (12S–16S rRNA, cytochrome b), we recovered O. arenarius and O. macrurus in a clade within the O. cyclurus-taeniatus species group, agreeing with previous intrageneric classifications. Genetic distances between O. arenarius and O. macrurus are extremely low (less than 0.5% based on 12S–16S) and render O. arenarius paraphyletic. All preserved specimens of O. arenarius and O. macrurus convey little to no differences in color pattern, hemipenial morphology and osteological features; the latter of which is based on three dimensional micro computer tomography (µCT) scans of one specimen per species. Contrasting these results, univariate and multivariate analyses revealed significant differences in relative tail length, and the number of ventral and subcaudal scales between both species. Although the molecular and morphological datasets present conflicting results, integrating the evidence leads us to synonymize O. arenarius with O. macrurus. We provide a formal redescription of O. macrurus, designate a neotype specimen to avoid future taxonomic confusion, and provide the first detailed osteological description of this species. Oligodon macrurus sensu stricto is endemic to coastal dunefields and adjacent forest habitats in southern Vietnam, where ongoing human development, tourism and road mortality pose significant threats to its conservation. Consequently, we suggest that O. macrurus should be listed as “Vulnerable” based on the assessment criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).


Biodiversity, conservation, hemipenis, molecular phylogenetics, morphology, Reptilia, Vietnam


The kukri snakes of the genus Oligodon Fitzinger, 1826 are a species-rich group of colubrids comprised of 89 recognized species (Nguyen et al. 2022; Uetz et al. 2022; Yushchenko and Lee et al. 2023). Although the genus is taxonomically diverse, most members are infrequently collected in the field and are known from only a few specimens or their name-bearing types (Supsup and Carestia 2020; Lee et al. 2021). As a result, most lack information regarding their basic biology, morphological variation, phylogenetic position and conservation status. Roughly 24 species of Oligodon are known from Vietnam. Of these, eight are considered endemic, and ten have been described in the last decade (David et al. 2008a, 2008b, 2012; Vassilieva et al. 2013; Vassilieva 2015; Nguyen et al. 2016, 2017, 2022; Nguyen et al. 2020). Yushchenko and Lee et al. (2023) recently re-assessed the taxonomy of one newly described Vietnamese species, Oligodon cattienensis Vassilieva et al., 2013, resulting in its synonymziation with the more wide-ranging and morphologically variable Oligodon cinereus Günther, 1864. In addition, Nguyen et al. (2022) described another new species, Oligodon tuani Nguyen et al., 2022 from the Langbian Plateau of southern Vietnam. These studies indicate our knowledge of Oligodon in this country is far from complete, and taxonomic revisions are still needed to understand the species boundaries of many of its members. In this study, we re-assess the status of two poorly documented kukri snakes known only from the coastal dunefields of southern Vietnam: the Angel’s kukri snake Oligodon macrurus Angel, 1927 and the recently described dune kukri snake Oligodon arenarius Vassilieva, 2015.

The first species, O. macrurus, was described as Simotes violaceus macrurus based on a single specimen collected in 1925 by M. Pierre Chevey from “Pointe Lagan”, now the sand dunes surrounding Mui La Gan, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam. The type specimen was deposited in the Museum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN), but according to Nguyen et al. (2009), it has not been traced in the collection and is thereby considered lost (Uetz et al. 2019, confirmed therein by I. Ineich March 2019). Smith (1943) elevated this taxon to species status as Oligodon macrurus and reported a second specimen collected 250 kilometers north of the type locality in what is now Khanh Hoa Province. Based on morphology, Smith (1943) included O. macrurus within the informally defined Oligodon cyclurus species-group specifically due to the presence of forked (bilobed, henceforth) hemipenes without obvious spines or “papillae” (lobular appendages found on the retracted hemipenes when in-situ). Roughly 70 years later, Geissler et al. (2011) rediscovered this species from Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province, approximately 100 kilometers west of the type locality and presented additional morphological data on three specimens.

Vassilieva (2015) described the second species, O. arenarius, based on five specimens (two males and three females) from the coastal dunes surrounding Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve in Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province. Although the type series of O. arenarius share similar color and head scalation features with O. macrurus, Vassilieva (2015) noted several differences between them. A key dissimilarity was the unusual structure of the hemipenes in the male holotype of O. arenarius (ZMMU Re-14503), which was unilobed without spines or obvious ‘papillae’. The two species also had markedly different numbers of ventral scales, subcaudal scales and relative tail lengths, further supporting their differentiation as separate entities. The unique hemipenes of O. arenarius prevented Vassilieva (2015) from allocating it into any previous species grouping in Oligodon, but she surmised the O. cinereus and O. dorsalis species groups might be close relatives. Later, Nguyen et al. (2021) collected another male O. arenarius from the type locality and found that its hemipenial morphology was dramatically different from the description of Vassilieva (2015), bearing a long and deeply bilobed organ compared to the short and unilobed structure of the original male holotype. Therefore, these authors (Nguyen et al. 2021) recommended placing O. arenarius into the O. cyclurus species group, which shares the presence of a deeply bilobed hemipenes without spines or ‘papillae’.

Over the past decade, some of us (PVY, NAP, HMP, PG) have collected additional kukri snake specimens from the dunefields of southern Vietnam that putatively resemble the original descriptions of O. macrurus and O. arenarius. Neither species has been sampled in a molecular phylogenetic assessment, and the descriptions of the O. arenarius hemipenes from Vassilieva (2015) and Nguyen et al. (2021) present two conflicting hypotheses. These circumstances prompted us to investigate the taxonomy of these snakes more carefully. We developed three core objectives for our study. First, we aimed to assess the phylogenetic position of both species to confirm whether their closest relatives are members of the morphologically defined O. cyclurus species group. Second, we wished to resolve the hemipenial morphology of O. arenarius to see if the results of Vassilieva (2015) or Nguyen et al. (2021) were correct. Third, we wished to assess the species boundaries between O. arenarius and O. macrurus under an integrative taxonomic approach to determine if they should be recognized as separate species. By examination of all available specimens of O. arenarius and O. macrurus, plus our newly collected material, and phylogenetic analyses of 16 samples using 3,033 bp of mtDNA, we recovered poor support for the species status of O. arenarius and relegate this taxon to the synonymy of O. macrurus.

Material and Methods

Taxon sampling and species delimitation

This contribution is based on a study of 20 specimens of O. arenarius (n = 9) and O. macrurus (n = 11), including available museum specimens and new material collected by us. Data from an additional O. arenarius and four O. macrurus (including the lost holotype) originate from literature sources (Angel 1927; Geissler et al. 2011; Nguyen et al. 2021), increasing our dataset to a total of 24 specimens. One other specimen of O. arenarius (ZMMU NAP-10091) was excluded from the morphological dataset because it was discovered dead on road (DOR) in too poor of a condition to examine for morphological features. All O. arenarius are from the vicinity of the type locality in the Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province (locality 2; Fig. 1). All examined O. macrurus originate from seven localities: vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City (locality 1; Fig. 1); near Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan Province (locality 3; Fig. 1.); Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province (locality 4; Fig. 1); type locality, Mui La Gan, Binh Thuan Province (locality 5; Fig. 1); Nui Chua National Park, Ninh Thuan Province (locality 6; Fig. 1); Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province (locality 7; Fig. 1); Hon Tre Island, Khanh Hoa Provice (locality 8; Fig. 1). More details are provided in the redescription of O. macrurus. For molecular analyses, we sampled tissues from nine O. arenarius and seven O. macrurus (16 total samples). We also used 47 sequences of other Oligodon species publicly available from GenBank (see Table 2 for sources of each sequence), with the exception of Oligodon melaneus Wall, 1909 (Das et al. 2022). For outgroups, we chose one sequence each of the snake species Oreocryptophis porphyraceus (Cantor, 1839) (subfamily Colubrinae) and Hebius vibakari (Boie, 1826) (subfamily Natricinae) due to their use in previous phylogenies of Oligodon published in the literature (Nguyen et al. 2020).

Figure 1. 

Known distribution of Oligodon arenarius (light blue) and O. macrurus (blue) in Vietnam. Stars denotes type locality. Localities: 1 Ho Chi Minh City; 2 Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov. (type locality of O. arenarius); 3 near Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan Province; 4 Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province; 5 Mui La Gan, Binh Thuan Province (type locality of O. macrurus); 6 Nui Chua National Park, Ninh Thuan Province; 7 Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province; 8 Hon Tre Island, Khanh Hoa Province.

For all aspects of species concepts and delimitation, we follow the General Lineage Concept (De Queiroz 2007), where a species represents a single evolutionarily independent lineage following a separate trajectory compared to its congeners. Specifically, our definition of evolutionary independence is measured by substantial differentiation in genetic divergence, discrete or statistical differences in morphological features, and evidence of monophyly from basic genetic markers, satisfying the criteria of an integrative taxonomic approach (Padial et al. 2010). The concept of the subspecies rank, and its potential applicability towards the taxa studied here, is addressed later (see Discussion). Lastly, we note that we shall eventually consider O. arenarius to be a synonym of O. macrurus, however we will refer to it by its full species combination until the results and subsequent sections. Museum and other natural history collection acronyms are provided as follows: DTU: Duy Tan University, Da Nang City, Vietnam; ITBCZ: Zoology Collection of the Institute of Tropical Biology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; MNHN: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; NHMUK: Natural History Museum, London, UK (formerly BMNH); SIEZC: Herpetological Collection of the Department of Zoology, Southern Institute of Ecology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; UNS: University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; VMNN: Vietnam National Museum of Nature, Hanoi, Vietnam; ZFMK: Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn, Germany; ZMMU: Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.

Molecular analyses

Total genomic DNA was extracted from muscle tissue samples preserved in 95% ethanol using a Qiagen DNAeasy Blood and Tissue Kit following manufacture protocols. We performed polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) to amplify two fragments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): the first fragment including partial sequences of 12S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA)–Valine and 16S rRNA genes (total length 1942 bp), and the second fragment including complete sequences of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene (1091 bp). Primers used for both PCRs and sequencing are summarized in Table 1. PCR protocol for 12S–16S rRNA roughly follows Green et al. (2010). For both primer pairs of 12S–16S rRNA, we used the following PCR protocol: (1) initial denaturation step at 94°C for 5 min; (2) 35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, annealing at 55°C for 1 min and extension at 72°C for 1 min; (3) final extension at 72°C for 10 min; and (4) cooling step at 4°C for storage. For cyt b sequences, we used a modified PCR protocol from Chen et al. (2014) with touchdown: (1) initial denaturation step at 94°C for 5 min; (2) 10 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, annealing for 1 min with temperature decreasing from 50°C to 45°C (with cool-down at 0.5 °C per each cycle) and extension at 72°C for 1 min; (3) 24 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, annealing at 45°C for 1 min and extension at 72°C for 1 min; (4) final extension at 72°C for 10 min; and (5) cooling step at 4°C for storage. All PCR products were sequenced in both directions by the “Evrogen” company at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Science (Moscow, Russia). Obtained sequences were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers OP752557OP752577 and OP764580OP764588 (Table 2).

Table 1.

A list of mitochondrial DNA primers used in this study.

Gene Primer name Sequence (5’–3’) Reference
12S–16S Oligo12S2LM ACACACCGCCCGTCACCCT Green et al. (2010)
16S Oligo16S1LM CCGACTGTTGACCAAAAACAT Green et al. (2010)
cytochrome b H14910 GACCTGTGATMTGAAAAACCAYCGTT Chen et al. (2014)
cytochrome b THRSN2 CTTTGGTTTACAAGAACAATGCTTTA Chen et al. (2014)

To examine the position of O. macrurus and O. arenarius in a mtDNA phylogeny of Oligodon, we aligned our newly obtained sequences with other available Oligodon sequences from GenBank (summarized in Table 2). The final sequence alignment contained 65 specimens, including 63 samples of 28 Oligodon species and two outgroup sequences of O. porphyraceus and H. vibakari, which were used to root the tree. Nucleotide sequences were initially aligned in MAFFT v.7 (Katoh and Standley 2013) with default parameters, and subsequently checked by eye in BioEdit (Hall 1999) and slightly adjusted for translation when appropriate. We used the IQ-TREE web server (; Trifinopoulos et al. 2016) to estimate optimal evolutionary models for our phylogenetic analyses. MODELTEST v.3.6 (Posada and Crandall 1998) was applied to the alignment to estimate optimal evolutionary models for the dataset analyses under the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Mean uncorrected genetic distances (p-distances) were calculated in MEGA 7.0 (Kumar et al. 2016). Bayesian inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) approaches were used to generate phylogenetic trees. The best-fitting model based on the AIC for both BI and ML analyses for 12S–16S rRNA fragments and the second codon partition of cyt b was the GTR+G+I model of DNA evolution. For the remaining partitions of cyt b, the AIC suggested the GTR+G model for the first codon partition, and the HKY+G+I model for the third codon partition. ML analyses were conducted using the IQ-TREE web server. Confidence in nodal topology was estimated by non-parametric bootstrapping (ML BS) with 100 pseudoreplicates (Felsenstein 1985). BI analyses were conducted in MrBayes 3.2.2 (Ronquist et al. 2012), and ran with Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMCMC) analyses with one cold chain and three heated chains for one million generations sampled every 1000 generations; two independent MCMCMC run iterations were performed, and 100 trees were discarded as burn-in. The convergence of the runs was checked by examining likelihood plots in TRACER v1.6 (Rambaut et al. 2020) and the effective sample sizes (ESS) were all above 200. Nodal support was assessed by calculating posterior probabilities ( BI PP). Low ML BS and BI PP values (les than 50% and less than 0.90, respectively) were regarded as unresolved nodes (fide Huelsenbeck and Hillis 1993).

Table 2.

List of sequences and corresponding voucher specimens of Oligodon and outgroup taxa used in this study. Note that the numbers (column one) included in this table do not match the numbers used in other tables or figures in the text. Acronyms not described in the materials and methods include the following: CHS, unknown field tag series; RAP, field tags of R. Alexander Pyron; RS, field tags of Ruchira Somaweera; NP, national park; NR, nature reserve; WS, wildlife sanctuary.

No. Sample ID Genbank AN Species Country Locality Reference
1 ZMMU Re-13857 OP752557; OP752571 Oligodon macrurus Vietnam Khanh Hoa Prov., Hon Tre island this work
2 ZMMU Re-11561 OP752565; OP752576 Oligodon macrurus Vietnam Ninh Thuan Prov., Nui Chua NP this work
3 ZMMU Re-16807 OP752561; OP764583 Oligodon macrurus Vietnam Binh Thuan Prov., Phan Thiet this work
4 ZMMU Re-16808 OP752562; OP764584 Oligodon macrurus Vietnam Binh Thuan Prov., Phan Thiet this work
5 ZMMU Re-16809 OP752563; OP764585 Oligodon macrurus Vietnam Binh Thuan Prov., Phan Thiet this work
6 ZFMK 88884 OP764587 Oligodon macrurus Vietnam Binh Thuan Prov., Mui Ne this work
7 ZFMK 88885 OP764588 Oligodon macrurus Vietnam Binh Thuan Prov., Mui Ne this work
8 ZMMU Re-14502 OP752568; OP752573 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
9 ZMMU Re-15136 OP752569; OP752574 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
10 ZMMU Re-14503 OP752566; OP752577 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
11 ZMMU Re-14504 OP752567; OP752572 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
12 VNMN 04724 OP752570; OP752575 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
13 ZMMU Re-16804 OP752558; OP764580 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
14 ZMMU Re-16805 OP752559; OP764581 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
15 ZMMU Re-16806 OP752560; OP764582 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
16 ZMMU NAP-10091 OP752564; OP764586 Oligodon arenarius Vietnam Ba Ria–Vung Tau Prov., Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu NR this work
17 SIEZC 20201 MN395604; MN396765 Oligodon rostralis Vietnam Lam Dong Prov., Bidoup–Nui Ba NP Nguyen et al. (2020)
18 ZMMU Re-14304 MN395601; MN396762 Oligodon annamensis Vietnam Dak Lak Prov., Chu Yang Sin NP Nguyen et al. (2020)
19 CBC 01899 MN395602; MN396763 Oligodon annamensis Cambodia Pursat Prov., Veal Veng, Samkos WS Nguyen et al. (2020)
20 UMMZ201913 HM591519 Oligodon octolineatus Brunei Tutong Dist., 3 km E of Tutong Green et al. (2010)
21 ROM 35626 HM591526 Oligodon chinensis Vietnam Cao Bang Prov., Quang Thanh Green et al. (2010)
22 ROM 30970 HM591528 Oligodon chinensis Vietnam Nghe An Prov., 24 km W of Con Cuong Green et al. (2010)
23 ROM 34540 HM591527 Oligodon chinensis Vietnam Hai Duong Prov., Chi Linh Green et al. (2010)
24 ROM 31032 HM591524 Oligodon chinensis Vietnam Vinh Phuc Prov., Tam Dao NP Green et al. (2010)
25 ROM 30824 HM591525 Oligodon chinensis Vietnam Tuyen Quang Prov., Pac Ban Green et al. (2010)
26 ROM 30823 HM591529 Oligodon formosanus Vietnam Tuyen Quang Prov., Pac Ban Green et al. (2010)
27 ROM30826 HM591530 Oligodon formosanus Vietnam Vinh Phuc Prov., Tam Dao NP Green et al. (2010)
28 ROM30939 HM591531 Oligodon formosanus Vietnam Cao Bang Prov., Ba Be NP Green et al. (2010)
29 ROM35629 HM591533 Oligodon formosanus Vietnam Cao Bang Prov., Quang Thanh Green et al. (2010)
30 ROM35806 HM591532 Oligodon formosanus Vietnam Hai Duong Prov., Chi Linh Green et al. (2010)
31 ROM32261 HM591534 Oligodon ocellatus Vietnam Dak Lak Prov., Yok Don NP Green et al. (2010)
32 ROM32260 HM591521 Oligodon taeniatus Vietnam Dak Lak Prov., Yok Don NP Green et al. (2010)
33 ROM37091 HM591522 Oligodon taeniatus Vietnam Dong Nai Prov., Cat Tien NP Green et al. (2010)
34 ROM32464 HM591523 Oligodon barroni Vietnam Gai Lai Prov., Krong Pa Green et al. (2010)
35 USNM520625 HM591520 Oligodon cf. taeniatus Myanmar Chatthin, 2 km WNW Chatthin WS Green et al. (2010)
36 CAS204963 HM591535 Oligodon cyclurus Myanmar Ayeyarwady Reg., Mwe Hauk Green et al. (2010)
37 CAS215636 HM591536 Oligodon cyclurus Myanmar Sagaing Reg., Alaungdaw Kathapa NP Green et al. (2010)
38 ROM37092 HM591504 Oligodon cinereus Vietnam Dong Nai Prov., Cat Tien NP Green et al. (2010)
39 CAS213379 HM591506 Oligodon cinereus Myanmar Yangon Reg., Hlaw Ga NP Green et al. (2010)
40 CAS205028 HM591507 Oligodon cinereus Myanmar Rakhine St., Rakhine Yoma Mts. Green et al. (2010)
41 ROM32462 HM591501 Oligodon cinereus Vietnam Hai Duong Prov., Chi Linh Green et al. (2010)
42 ROM29552 HM591502 Oligodon cinereus Vietnam Vinh Phuc Prov., Tam Dao NP Green et al. (2010)
43 ROM30969 HM591503 Oligodon cinereus Vietnam Nghe An Prov., 24 km W of Con Cuong Green et al. (2010)
44 CAS215261 HM591508 Oligodon cinereus Myanmar Shan St., Kalaw Green et al. (2010)
45 CAS204855 HM591509 Oligodon splendidus Myanmar Mandalay Reg., Kyauk Se Green et al. (2010)
46 USNM520626 HM591510 Oligodon splendidus Myanmar Chatthin, 2 km WNW Chatthin WS Green et al. (2010)
47 CAS210693 HM591512 Oligodon torquatus Myanmar Magwe Reg., Pakokku Green et al. (2010)
48 CAS215976 HM591513 Oligodon torquatus Myanmar Mandalay Reg., Min Gone Taung WS Green et al. (2010)
49 CAS213822 HM591514 Oligodon planiceps Myanmar Magwe Reg., Shwe Set Taw WS Green et al. (2010)
50 CAS210710 HM591515 Oligodon theobaldi Myanmar Mandalay Reg., Naung U Green et al. (2010)
51 CAS213896 HM591516 Oligodon theobaldi Myanmar Magwe Reg., Shwe Set Taw WS Green et al. (2010)
52 CAS213271 HM591517 Oligodon cruentatus Myanmar Yangon Reg., Hlaw Ga NP Green et al. (2010)
53 ROM27049 HM591518 Oligodon eberhardti Vietnam Cao Bang Prov., Quang Thanh Green et al. (2010)
54 TNHC59846 HM591511 Oligodon maculatus Philippines Mindanao, Barangay Baracatan Green et al. (2010)
55 RS-OC KC347328; KC347366 Oligodon calamarius Sri Lanka Kandy Dist. Pyron et al. (2013)
56 RAP 504 KC347329; KC347367 Oligodon sublineatus Sri Lanka Kandy Dist. Pyron et al. (2013)
57 RAP 483 KC347327; KC347365 Oligodon arnensis Sri Lanka Hambantota Dist. Pyron et al. (2013)
58 RS 136 KC347330; KC347368 Oligodon taeniolatus Sri Lanka Polonnaruwa Dist. Pyron et al. (2013)
59 CHS 683 MK194147; MK065575 Oligodon ornatus China Li et al. (Unpublished)
60 SYNU 1808001 MW489823 Oligodon bivirgatus China Hainan Qian et al. (2021)
61 CHS 703 MK194159; MK201481 Oligodon catenatus China Li et al. (Unpublished)
62 CHS 187 MK193967; MK201318 Oligodon lacroixi China Li et al. (Unpublished)
63 CHS 850 MK194265; MK201568 Oligodon albocinctus China Li et al. (Unpublished)
64 KP684155 Hebius vibakari
65 GQ181130 Oreocryptophis porphyraceus

Morphological analysis

We included all examined O. arenarius (n = 9) and O. macrurus (n = 11), along with literature data from four specimens in our morphological dataset (n = 24). In all examined specimens, sex was determined by a ventral insertion near the tail base to detect the presence or absence of hemipenes. Color characters and patterns were recorded during examination of specimens in preservation. For some specimens these data were taken from digital images that depicted their coloration in life. Morphological characters and morphometric ratios considered to be of taxonomic importance in Oligodon were used for species descriptions and followed a number of recent taxonomic treatments (David et al. 2008a, 2008b, 2011, 2012; Vassilieva et al. 2013; Vassilieva 2015; Nguyen et al. 2016, 2017, 2022; Nguyen et al. 2020; Qian et al. 2021; Mirza et al. 2021; Amarasinghe et al. 2021; Bandara et al. 2022; Das et al. 2022). Body measurements such as Snout-vent-length (SVL), tail length (TailL) and total length (TotalL) were taken using a flexible ruler. All other measurements were taken under a Leica dissecting microscope using Mitutoyo digital slide-calipers to the nearest 0.1 mm. Specimens were not examined by a single observer (JLL measured NHMUK specimens, Tan Van Nguyen measured DTU specimens, Morris Flecks and PG measured ZFMK specimens, PVY measured all other material). Dorsal scales were counted anteriorly at one head length behind the head, at midbody (halfway between the anterior terminus of the head and the vent), and posteriorly at one head length anterior to the cloacal plate (given as anterior-midbody-posterior in the description); ventral scales were counted according to Dowling (1951); the terminal scute was not included in the number of subcaudal scales; counts for head scales are given in left/right order. The number of total body scales is the sum of the number of ventral scales, the cloacal plate (considered a single scale regardless of whether it is single or divided), and the number of subcaudal scales. Head scale suture angle descriptions are adapted from Kaiser et al. (2019). When possible, hemipenes were everted from freshly preserved male specimens using the protocols outlined by Jiang (2010). Information about structure and size of the hemipenis was taken from preserved specimens both by examination of partially everted and in-situ organs, and from literature data. Terminology for hemipenial structures follows Dowling and Savage (1960). We use the term myoectases (coined from Wagner 1975) instead of the term “papillae” to describe appendages observed on the retracted hemipenes in-situ in some Oligodon species. These structures tend to transform into awn-shaped lobular protrusions when the organ is partially or fully everted.

The micro Computer Tomograph (µCT) scans of O. arenarius and O. macrurus were performed at the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) using a SkyScan 1172 Computer Tomography scanner (Bruker micro-CT, Kontich, Belgium). Scans were generated from one adult specimen of O. arenarius (ZMMU Re-14502, paratype) and one adult specimen of O. macrurus (ZMMU Re-13857), both males. The heads of each specimen were scanned for 150 minutes at a voxel size of 5.3 μm and recorded data at every 0.2° rotation for 180° with an Aluminum 1.0 mm filter. The source voltage for the scan was 60 kV and the source current was 165 μA. For each specimen, a total of 1021 transmission images were reconstructed into a 1160 × 1160 matrix of 1000 TIFF slices using Nrecon reconstruction software. Volume rendering and further processing was performed using Avizo 8.1. Cranial osteological descriptions were based on three dimensional (3D) volume renders of each specimen retrieved from Avizo. Terminology used in osteological descriptions are adapted from Cundall and Irish (2008).

The following linear measurements taken (all in mm), along with acronyms for morphological characters used in Tables 48 and statistical analyses are listed below: snout to vent length (SVL), measured from the tip of the snout to the vent; tail length (TailL), measured from the vent to the tip of the tail; total length (TotalL), sum of SVL and TailL; relative tail length to total length (TailLR) calculated as tail length to total length ratio; head length (HeadL) from the tip of the snout to the posterior margin of the rictus; head width (HeadW) measured at the widest part of the head immediately posterior to the eye; snout length (SnoutL), distance between the tip of the snout and anterior edge of eye; eye diameter (EyeD), maximal horizontal length of the eye; frontal scale length (FrontalL); frontal scale width (FrontalW); interorbital distance (IOD), the shortest distance between the eyes; and internarial distance (IND), distance between the nostrils. Additional morphological characters examined include the number of maxillary teeth (MT), counted based on examining the maxillary bone through µCT-scans or from examining the bone by pulling back the gum layer to count the teeth and its sockets; anterior scale rows (ASR), the number of scale rows at one head length behind the head; midbody scale rows (MSR), the number of scale rows at midbody (halfway between the posterior portion of the head and the vent); posterior scale rows (PSR), the number of dorsal scale rows at one head length prior to the vent; dorsal scale row formula (DSR), a given acronym summarizing the three dorsal scale row counts (i.e., ASR-MSR-PSR); ventral scales (VEN), the number of elongated belly scales starting at the first dorsal scale row to the vent, excluding the cloacal plate; subcaudal scales (SC), the number of paired subcaudal scales excluding the terminal scute; total body scales (TOTAL), the sum of ventral and subcaudal scales and the cloacal plate (included as one scale regardless of whether the plate is single or divided); subcaudal ratio (SCR), namely the ratio between the number of subcaudal scales and the number of total body scales given as a decimal value; cloacal plate (CP), the number of terminal ventral scales immediately anterior to vent (given as single for one scale, and divided for two scales); condition of nasal scale (NASAL), given as either vertically divided, entire, or partially divided; condition of loreal scale (LOREAL), given as present or absent; supralabials (SL), the number of scales on upper lip; number of supralabials in contact with the eye (SL-Eye); infralabials (IL), the number of scales on lower lip; infralabials contacting each other (IL-contact), the number of pairs of infralabial scales in contact; infralabials contacting the anterior chin shields (IL-CS), the number of infralabial scales contacting the anterior chin shields; number of preocular scales (PrO); number of presubocular scales (PrsO); number of postocular scales (PtO); number of anterior temporals (Ate), the number of temporal scales in contact with the postocular scales; number of posterior temporals (Pte), the number of temporal scales immediately contacting the anterior temporal scales. Symmetric characters are given in left/right order. We quantified hemipenis shape into two character states: (1) unilobed, a single organ with no lobes at the apex; (2) bilobed, organ containing two lobes at its apex. Hemipenis length was quantified relative to the number of subcaudal scales when in-situ and when partially everted.

For statistical analyses, we made adaptations to a workflow popularized by Chan and Grismer (2021) to determine whether O. arenarius and O. macrurus differ morphologically from one another. All statistical analyses were conducted in R version 4.1.2 (R Core Team 2022). Univariate analyses were ran separately on males, females and on a pooled dataset with both sexes to reduce the effects of sexual dimorphism; however, we only ran multivariate statistics on the pooled datasets because we lacked sufficient sample sizes for males/females. We used Shapiro–Wilks Tests and Levene’s Tests to test for normality and heteroscedasticity, respectively. We used Mann–Whitney U Tests (also known as Wilcoxon signed-rank tests) using the pairwise.wilcox.test () command and Student’s T-Tests using the t.test () command from the stats package to compare quantitative differences between species. Tests for sexual dimorphism within species were performed using Mann–Whitney U Tests. For all univariate statistics, differences between characters were determined to be statistically significant when p-values were less than 0.05. After univariate analyses, we log-transformed the pooled dataset and conducted a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) using the prcomp () command in R on the remaining residuals to determine whether there was visible structure in the morphological variation observed between species. We ran Mann–Whitney U Tests on PC1 and PC2 factors using the same procedures described above to determine if the PC centroids of the two taxa were also significantly different. Following this, we ran the non-transformed portion of the dataset under a Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA; also known as a Linear Discriminant Analysis, LDA) using the MASS Package in R (Venables and Ripley 2002) to establish if the two species could be separated unambiguously based on the morphological data. The predict () command in MASS was used to calculate the posterior probability of a priori membership for each individual. All data in both the PCA and DFA were scaled to standard deviation prior to analysis to help eliminate the effects of covariance and ensure data was normally distributed. Results from multivariate analyses were visualized using the ggplot2 package (Wickham 2016). The following morphological characters were used for univariate and multivariate analyses (abbreviations in parentheses): TailL/TotalL ratio (TAILR), midbody dorsal scale rows (MSR), ventrals (VEN), subcaudals (SC), total body scales (TOTAL), subcaudal ratio (SCR), supralabials (SL), number of supralabials in contact with the eye (SLE), infralabials (IL), number of infralabials in contact with the anterior chin shields (ILCS), number of postocular scales (PtO), and number of posterior temporal scales (PT).


Molecular analyses

The final concatenated alignment of 12S rRNA–16S rRNA and cyt b gene sequences contained 3033 base pairs, of which, 1889 sites were conserved and 1109 sites were variable, of which 782 were found to be parsimony informative. The transition-transversion bias for (I) was estimated as 2.31. Nucleotide frequencies were 37.2% (A), 22.4% (T), 25.3% (C), and 15.0% (G) (all data given for ingroups only). Our mtDNA-based genealogy for the genus Oligodon (Fig. 2) correlates well with the set of phylogenetic relationships obtained from previous phylogenies (Nguyen et al. 2020; Qian et al. 2021; Mirza et al. 2021; Das et al. 2022; Yushchenko and Lee et al. 2023) and confirms the inferring of five major clades within the genus, along with the suggested presence of one additional clade (see Fig. 2). The first clade is comprised of Indian and Sri Lankan species, including Oligodon taeniolatus (Jerdon, 1853), Oligodon calamarius (Linnaeus, 1758) and Oligodon sublineatus Duméril, Bibron & Duméril, 1854 (1.0/98; hereafter node support values are given for BI PP/ML BS, respectively). The species Oligodon arnensis (Shaw, 1802) was recovered in a more deeper position than in Nguyen et al. (2020), but its relationships compared to the first clade remains unclear; (1/–). The second clade includes species in the morphologically defined Oligodon cinereus and O. torquatus species groups (sensu Green et al. 2010; Vassilieva 2015), including Oligodon splendidus (Günther, 1875), Oligodon theobaldi (Günther, 1868), Oligodon cruentatus (Günther, 1868), Oligodon torquatus (Boulenger, 1888), Oligodon planiceps (Boulenger, 1888), O. cinereus and the Philippines endemic Oligodon maculatus (Taylor, 1918); (1.0/98). The third clade mostly contains species from northern Vietnam and southern China, including Oligodon lacroixi Angel & Bourret, 1933, Oligodon eberhardti Pellegrin, 1910, Oligodon ornatus Van Denburgh, 1909, and Oligodon bivirgatus Qian et al., 2021; (1.0/99). The fourth clade includes species from southern Vietnam, including Oligodon annamensis Leviton, 1953 and the recently described Oligodon rostralis Nguyen et al., 2020 (1.0/100). The fifth major clade includes other species of Oligodon from Indochina and southern China largely assigned to the Oligodon cyclurus-taeniatus species group sensu Green et al. (2010); (1.0/98). Our data suggest that this clade can be divided into two more specific subclades, contrasting some of the phylogenetic results presented by Nguyen et al. (2020). The first cluster, includes Oligodon taeniatus (Günther, 1861) and Oligodon barroni (Smith, 1916), joint with Oligodon cyclurus (Cantor, 1839) and one specimen of Oligodon cf. taeniatus with unclear species status (1.0/76). The second cluster includes the remaining three species, namely Oligodon formosanus (Günther, 1872), Oligodon chinensis (Günther, 1888) and Oligodon ocellatus (Morice, 1875); (1.0/77). Finally, the sixth clade includes our samples of O. macrurus and O. arenarius (1.0/100), which tend to group with the fifth clade, but with no certain node support (1/–). The species Oligodon octolineatus (Schneider, 1801) from Sundaland is recovered sister to Clades 4–6 with strong support (1.0/100) (see Fig. 2).

Figure 2. 

Bayesian inference tree of Oligodon derived from the analysis of 3,019 bp of 12S rRNA–16S rRNA and cyt b mitochondrial DNA gene sequences. For voucher specimen information and GenBank accession numbers see Table 1. Numbers at tree nodes correspond to BI PP/ML BS support values, respectively; an en-dash denotes no support. Outgroup taxa are not shown. Colors of clades and locality numbers correspond to those in Fig. 1. Photographs taken by Nikolay A. Poyarkov Jr.

The uncorrected p-distances for the 16S rRNA gene fragment among and within examined Oligodon species are presented in Table 3. Intraspecific distances varied significantly and ranged from p = 0% in a number of examined species to p = 3.7% in the O. cinereus complex and p = 3.1% in the O. cyclurus complex, which is most likely explained by the incomplete taxonomy of these groups (David et al. 2008a; Green et al. 2010; David et al. 2011). A more detailed study including topotypic materials on these species complexes is desired. The interspecific genetic distances within examined Oligodon varied from p = 2.2% (O. catenatus / O. eberhardti) to p = 11.1% (O. octolineatus / O. torquatus) (Table 3). The O. macrurus-arenarius clade is highly divergent from other congeners, however the sequence divergence in 16S rRNA gene between O. macrurus and O. arenarius reached only 0.5%, which is notably lower than the genetic differentiation between many other Oligodon species (see Table 3). Moreover, samples of O. arenarius in the phylogeny are recovered paraphyletic with respect to the samples of O. macrurus (see Fig. 2).

Table 3.

Genetic differentiation of Oligodon. Uncorrected p-distances (given as percentages) between sequences of 12S–16S rRNA (below diagonal) and intraspecific genetic p-distances of Oligodon species (on diagonal) included in phylogenetic analyses.

No. Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 O. macrurus 0.6
2 O. arenarius 0.5 0.4
3 O. annamensis 5.2 4.9 1.0
4 O. rostralis 6.1 5.6 4.1
5 O. arnensis 6.2 5.9 5.5 6.1
6 O. calamarius 7.0 6.5 6.3 6.6 6.6
7 O. sublineatus 7.7 7.2 6.4 7.3 5.9 3.1
8 O. taeniolatus 6.7 6.3 7.1 6.9 5.4 3.8 3.3
9 O. octolineatus 6.8 6.5 5.0 4.5 7.9 6.9 7.9 8.3
10 O. chinensis 6.3 6.1 5.5 4.9 5.6 6.5 7.2 7.0 7.1 0.8
11 O. ornatus 6.8 6.6 5.3 6.9 5.7 4.7 5.0 5.2 7.9 6.3
12 O. cinereus 7.8 7.4 7.1 8.1 7.1 6.3 6.6 6.1 8.7 7.5 6.9 3.7
13 O. eberhardti 8.4 8.1 6.9 7.9 6.9 6.9 6.7 7.2 8.7 7.4 5.5 6.9
14 O. bivirgatus 8.0 7.8 5.5 7.3 6.1 5.4 5.2 5.4 8.6 7.3 2.4 6.5 6.0
15 O. albocinctus 7.4 7.0 6.0 5.9 6.1 5.4 5.4 5.7 6.2 6.3 6.9 5.5 7.4 6.1
16 O. lacroixi 6.0 5.6 5.0 5.7 5.0 4.5 5.7 5.0 6.4 6.1 3.5 5.9 4.3 3.8 5.2
17 O. catenatus 7.1 6.8 5.2 6.1 5.2 5.9 5.7 6.1 7.4 6.1 4.3 6.3 2.2 4.7 6.6 3.1
18 O. formosanus 5.5 5.3 4.7 4.3 4.9 5.7 6.4 6.2 6.0 1.7 5.5 7.3 7.3 6.7 6.1 5.2 5.5 0.6
19 O. ocellatus 6.3 6.1 4.6 4.5 5.9 6.6 7.1 7.1 6.0 3.7 6.1 6.9 7.9 5.9 5.7 5.0 6.1 3.3
20 O. taeniatus 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.6 6.1 6.3 7.2 6.8 6.3 3.9 5.8 7.4 7.8 7.0 6.8 5.6 6.3 3.6 3.9 0.2
21 O. barroni 5.1 5.0 5.8 5.7 7.3 7.3 8.3 8.0 6.9 4.9 7.1 8.5 9.1 8.3 7.3 6.4 7.6 4.6 5.0 2.8
22 O. cyclurus 6.6 6.5 5.4 6.0 6.9 6.5 7.3 7.2 7.5 5.7 6.4 7.0 8.1 6.9 6.6 6.0 6.6 5.4 4.0 3.4 5.1 3.1
23 O. splendidus 7.2 6.8 7.2 7.3 7.2 5.2 5.4 5.0 8.3 6.2 6.6 4.7 7.4 6.4 4.5 5.9 6.9 6.5 6.4 6.5 7.6 6.7 0.5
24 O. torquatus 8.3 8.0 8.3 9.9 8.4 8.4 8.6 8.3 11.1 10.0 8.6 7.4 9.7 9.1 9.7 8.6 8.4 9.2 9.7 7.8 9.1 8.6 7.6 1.4
25 O. planiceps 7.4 7.1 7.2 7.8 7.3 5.9 7.1 6.2 9.3 7.8 7.3 6.3 8.9 7.8 7.1 6.9 7.6 6.9 7.3 7.1 8.3 7.7 5.9 5.1
26 O. theobaldi 7.0 6.6 7.5 8.5 7.3 6.9 7.6 5.9 9.3 8.7 7.3 6.1 8.6 7.8 7.8 6.6 7.3 7.9 8.3 6.5 8.0 7.5 6.1 2.5 4.3 0.0
27 O. cruentatus 7.7 7.3 8.2 9.2 8.0 7.6 8.3 6.6 10.0 9.4 8.0 6.8 9.3 8.5 8.5 7.3 8.0 8.7 9.0 7.2 8.7 7.9 6.9 3.2 5.0 0.7
28 O. maculatus 7.5 7.3 7.1 8.3 6.1 5.7 5.2 4.7 9.3 6.5 5.7 5.2 5.5 5.7 5.4 5.9 5.9 6.3 6.9 7.0 8.3 7.5 3.8 8.0 6.6 6.6 7.3

Morphological analyses

Four characters (VEN, SC, TOTAL, SCR) exhibited normal distributions in all datasets. Relative tail length (TAILR) was the only normally distributed character in the male and female datasets. All characters were heteroscedastic, except for VEN, which exhibited a non-heteroscedastic distribution in the male and combined datasets. Univariate analyses for both male, female and combined datasets showed significant differentiation in the number of body scales and relative tail length between O. arenarius and O. macrurus (Table 4). Strong sexual dimorphism in body scales and relative tail length were also noted within each species, and when both species were pooled together into one dataset to increase sampling size (Table 5). PCA plots revealed that the two species are modestly separated in morphospace, although considerable overlap exists (Fig. 3A). PC1 accounted for 33.4% of the total variance and loaded most heavily for subcaudals and relative tail length (TAILR and SCR). PC2 accounted for 20.2% of the total variance and loaded most heavily for supralabials (SL and SLE) and midbody scale rows (MSR). PC3 accounted for 14.1% of the total variance and loaded most heavily for the number of ventral scales (VEN). More details on the PCA results can be found in Table 6. Contrary to the PCA, the results from the DFA show that neither species exhibit any overlap with one another in the density plots, and were clearly separated (Fig. 3B). The combined univariate and multivariate analyses show that O. arenarius from O. macrurus differ in body scalation and tail length, as previously mentioned by Vassilieva (2015).

Table 4.

Resulting P-values from univariate morphological analyses of sexual dimorphism in Oligodon arenarius and Oligodon macrurus specimens. Characters in bold are considered statistically significant. Cells denoted with a “—” symbol were not examined. All characters were examined using Mann–Whitney U Tests. Abbreviations include “n” standing for number of specimens; “(m)” standing for males, and “(f)” standing for females.

Character Oligodon arenarius Oligodon macrurus Combined (both species)
n 6 (m) 3 (f) 9 (m) 6 (f) 15 (m) 9 (f)
TailLR 0.023810 0.000400 1.53E-06
MSR 0.447500 0.350200
VEN 0.026880 0.000799 0.002337
SC 0.026880 0.001723 0.000063
TOTAL 0.027530 0.001598 0.083700
SCR 0.023810 0.000400 1.53E-06
SL 0.637400 0.313400 0.236100
SLE 0.637400 0.286400 0.222500
IL 0.637400 0.735700 0.519500
ILCS 0.776200 0.539200 0.857500
PtO 0.819500 0.678800
PT 0.496200 0.491100
Table 5.

Resulting P-values from univariate morphological analyses comparing Oligodon arenarius and Oligodon macrurus specimens. Characters in bold are considered statistically significant. Cells denoted with a “/” symbol were not examined. All characters were examined using Mann–Whitney U Tests, except for those denoted with an asterisk, which were performed using Student’s T-Tests. Abbreviations include “n” standing for number of specimens; “(ar)” standing for O. arenarius, and “(ma)” standing for O. macrurus.

Character Males Females Pooled (Both sexes)
n 6 (ar) 9 (ma) 3 (ar) 6 (ma) 9 (ar) 15 (ma)
TailLR 1.38E-06* 0.010790* 0.083780
MSR 0.496200 0.373000 0.177200
VEN 0.002607 0.000723* 0.001270*
SC 7.02E-07* 0.001027* 0.006939*
TOTAL 4.71E-06* 0.000014* 1.25E-07*
SCR 7.77E-08* 0.057290* 0.106900*
SL 0.477300 0.637400 0.380100
SLE 0.437300 0.637400 0.325200
IL 0.865200 0.637400 0.645500
ILCS 0.590600 0.721600 0.857500
PtO 0.273200 0.107400
PT 0.496200 0.491100
Table 6.

Summary of PC scores and statistics for the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) consisting of Oligodon arenarius and Oligodon macrurus specimens. Abbreviations are listed in the materials and methods. Cells denoted with a “—” symbol were unavailable or not examined.

Dataset Both Sexes Males Females
Character PC1 PC2 PC3 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC1 PC2 PC3
Standard deviation 2.023249 1.558242 1.295387 2.216595 1.657350 1.181847 2.005975 1.984818 1.225493
Proportion of Variance 0.341130 0.202340 0.139840 0.409440 0.228900 0.116400 0.365810 0.358140 0.136530
Cumulative Proportion 0.341130 0.543470 0.683310 0.409440 0.638340 0.754740 0.365810 0.723950 0.860480
Eigenvalues 4.093536 2.428118 1.678028 4.913293 2.746809 1.396762 4.023936 3.939504 1.501833
TailLR –0.447052 0.249969 0.093015 0.411575 0.080445 –0.030511 0.397780 0.281640 –0.097666
MSR 0.079393 0.451285 0.033150 –0.049786 0.399299 –0.488503 0.310159 –0.298034 –0.400251
VEN 0.121912 –0.218162 –0.658141 0.392885 0.137416 0.125126 –0.108163 0.466711 –0.090903
SC –0.464651 0.195618 –0.067444 0.441817 0.061523 0.033930 0.244822 0.422401 –0.041109
TOTAL –0.371280 0.051907 –0.458409 0.442466 0.092669 0.062183 0.021248 0.496294 –0.080813
SCR –0.453981 0.232653 0.094943 0.427830 0.031792 0.007443 0.374383 0.239351 0.005688
SL 0.265283 0.414914 –0.134708 –0.094948 0.483870 0.244680 0.424064 –0.215350 0.195111
SLE 0.282019 0.464760 –0.157841 –0.098610 0.552936 0.030383 0.424064 –0.215350 0.195111
IL 0.174564 0.223896 –0.251328 –0.023924 0.327676 –0.458959 –0.013762 –0.178912 –0.724594
ILCS –0.123575 –0.205080 –0.171953 0.193702 –0.111878 –0.573417 –0.376499 0.019319 –0.169292
PtO 0.126148 0.251417 0.251800 –0.168949 0.286459 0.131426 –0.178102 –0.082965 0.428848
PT –0.086975 0.218224 –0.366335 0.119898 0.244964 0.349555
Figure 3. 

Multivariate analyses of morphology between Oligodon arenarius (light blue) and O. macrurus (dark blue) including: A plot of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) comprised of data from both sexes; B density plot of Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) comprised of data from both sexes.

Besides body scalation, two other morphological traits are considered distinct in O. arenarius and O. macrurus, specifically the hemipenes and the condition of the loreal scale (absent in O. arenarius vs. usually present in O. macrurus). However, Nguyen et al. (2021) reported a specimen of O. arenarius with a loreal scale on one side of the head. Our examination of additional specimens confirms that the loreal scale condition is variable within O. arenarius, with three of the nine specimens we examined bearing the scale on at least one side of the head. We also everted the hemipenes of freshly preserved O. arenarius and O. macrurus specimens and found that the organs more closely resemble the structuring described by Nguyen et al. (2021), rather than Vassilieva (2015) (Fig. 4). The hemipenes in O. macrurus specimens also match those in Smith (1943), who described the retracted organ of this species in-situ. We could not find any putative differences in ornamentation or overall shape between the organs of O. arenarius and O. macrurus. In both species the hemipenes are deeply bilobed, with the point of bifurcation starting around one-third of the organ’s length. No spinous calyces were found along the lobes or at the base of the hemipenes, nor myoectases. It is likely the eversion process attempted by Vassilieva (2015) failed to fully evert the organ, which resulted in the small unilobed looking hemipenes figured in the original description of O. arenarius (Fig. 4D).

Figure 4. 

Hemipenes of Oligodon arenarius. A sulcal and B asulcal side of the fully everted hemipenis of ZMMU Re-16804; C partially everted hemipenis of the same specimen demonstrating the overall similar shape to the partially everted organ of the holotype figured by Vassilieva (2015); D partially everted hemipenis of the holotype ZMMU Re-14503 from the original description (Vassilieva 2015), copyright Magnolia Press, reproduced with permission from the copyright holder. Photographs A–C taken by Nikolay A. Poyarkov Jr.

The skulls of O. macrurus and O. arenarius are quite similar in cranial shape, bone structure, and number of teeth (Fig. 7). Nevertheless, some differences can be revealed. Between the two specimens examined, the neurocranium in O. macrurus is flat and elongated, whereas it is rounder and stouter in O. arenarius. The nasals in O. macrurus have a more humped profile and are fused anteriorly forming the sharp tip of the snout; in O. arenarius the nasals are less humped and blunter at the tip. The frontals in O. macrurus are well separated from each other and slightly concave laterally in dorsal view, but in O. arenarius are more ossified and less concave. The parietal segment of the skull in O. macrurus is longer, thus making the whole skull more elongated. The postorbitals in O. macrurus are also longer and thinner distally than O. arenarius. The total number of teeth in O. macrurus is higher: 12/12 maxillary teeth (vs. 11/10), 15/17 mandibular teeth (vs. 14/14), 12/10 pterygoid teeth (vs. 10/9). However, our analyses is still based on only two µCT-scans (one model per each species). Since intraspecific and interspecific variation within and between Oligodon taxa have not been investigated thoroughly, all the differences noted probably represent individual variation, and we interpret these differences with caution. We therefore consider the overall external morphological differences between O. arenarius and O. macrurus to be negligible.

Taxonomic conclusions

Our phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that the genetic differentiation between O. arenarius and O. macrurus is much lower (p = 0.5%) than the pairwise distances observed in other species within Oligodon. These results are more complex when our morphological data are incorporated (see above), which show significant differences in body scalation and relative tail length between O. arenarius and O. macrurus, but weak differences in other characters (i.e., color pattern, head scalation, hemipenial morphology and cranial osteology). Based on our species concept, delimitation criteria (see Materials and methods) and combined evidence, it is clear that the specific status O. arenarius should be downgraded. However, two taxonomic acts could be considered. Either O. arenarius could be synonymized with O. macrurus as a subjective junior synonym, or O. arenarius could be relegated as a subspecies of O. macrurus. The first decision would eliminate the paraphyly present between the two taxa and consider a single morphologically variable species, while the second would conserve the recognition of a potentially morphologically divergent population but maintain the paraphyly recovered in the phylogeny. We elect to choose the first decision and consider O. arenarius a morphologically divergent population within the variable O. macrurus. Synonymizing the two taxa would not affect the diagnosis of O. macrurus amongst other congeners, and stabilizes the paraphyly demonstrated by our phylogenetic results. Additional justifications for our decision are provided in the discussion section.

Redescription of Oligodon macrurus

The addition of O. arenarius into the synonymy of O. macrurus, along with the paucity of known specimens, prompts us to provide a formal redescription of this species. The type specimen of Simotes violaceus macrurus, collected from “Annam: Pointe Lagan (sur les dunes)” (now Cape Lagan or Mui La Gan, northeast Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam), was once part of the herpetological collection of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Paris, but was lost between 1943 to 2009 (Nguyen et al. 2009; Geissler et al. 2011; Wallach et al. 2014; Uetz et al. 2019). Owing to the fact that the name-bearing type no longer exists and there is no other type material by the original author, we elect to designate a neotype for this species in compliance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN; Article 72.2 and Article 75) (Anonymous 1999). We choose specimen ZFMK 88885 as the neotype for Oligodon macrurus (Angel, 1927) due to its close proximity to the original type locality and overall similarity with the lost holotype. As a result of this action, the type locality of O. macrurus is emended to the catalogued locality of this specimen in accordance with ICZN Article 76.3. The new type locality for O. macrurus is now the “coastal dune area about 1 km from the coast line, Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam (near 10°57’59.6″N, 108°19’46.5″E)”, based on ZFMK 88885 collected DOR by Peter Geissler on 27 April 2009. The neotype is on permanent loan to the herpetological collection of the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK) in Bonn, Germany.

Oligodon macrurus (Angel, 1927)

Figs 2, 4, 5, 6; Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Simotes violaceus macrurus: Angel (1927: 496). Holotype: “Annam: Pointe Lagan (sur les dunes)” [= now Cape Lagan or Mui La Gan, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam]


Oligodon arenarius : Vassilieva (2015: 212). Holotype: “Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province, southern Vietnam, coordinates 10°29′46″N, 107°27′54″E, elevation 5 m a.s.l.”


MNHN-RA 1928.0119, an adult male from “Annam: Pointe Lagan (sur les dunes)” (now Cape Lagan or Mui La Gan, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam, 11°10′N, 108°42′E), collected by M. Pierre Chevey on 17 May 1926 (Chevey 1927). Lost fide Nguyen et al. (2009) and Uetz et al. (2019).


ZFMK 88885, an adult male from “coastal dune area about 1 km from the coast line”, Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province (10°57’N, 108°19’E), collected by Peter Geissler on 27 April 2009.

Referred specimens (n = 23)

All from Vietnam. NHMUK 1938.8.7.39 male, “Nha Trang, S. Annam” (now Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province), collected by M. A. Smith; NHMUK 1969.1854 female, “Saigon” (now Ho Chi Minh City); NHMUK 1969.1855–1856 two females, “near Na Thrang” (now Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province); ZMMU Re-11561 female, Nui Chua National Park, Ninh Thuan Province (11°46′N, 109°09′E), collected by V. V. Bobrov on September 10, 2003; ZMMU Re-13857 male, Hon Tre Island, Khanh Hoa Province (12°11′N, 109°17′E), collected by A. B. Vassilieva on 2 January 2011; ZMMU Re-15136 female, paratype of O. arenarius, Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Binh Chau, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province (10°29′N, 107°27′E), collected by A. B. Vassilieva on 9 November 2010; ZMMU Re-14502 male, paratype of O. arenarius, Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Binh Chau, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province (10°32′N, 107°28′E), collected by A. B. Vassilieva on 9 November 2010; ZMMU Re-14503 male, holotype of O. arenarius, Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Binh Chau, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province (10°29′N, 107°27′E), collected by A. B. Vassilieva on 14 November 2014; ZMMU Re-14504 female, paratype of O. arenarius, Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Binh Chau, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province (10°29′N, 107°27′E), collected by A. B. Vassilieva on 16 November 2014; VNMN 04274 female, paratype of O. arenarius, Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Binh Chau, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province (10°30′N, 107°28′E), collected by N. A. Poyarkov on 10 July 2012; UNS05001–05002, two males, Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province (10°58′N, 108°20′E), collected by P. Geissler on 4–5 March 2011 respectively (Geissler et al. 2011); DTU 532, female, Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province, collected by Hieu Minh Pham on July 2019; ITBCZ 6884, male, on the coastal road near Ho Coc Resort, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province, Vietnam (10°29′49.2″N, 107°27′36″E), collected on 15 June 2019 by Sang Ngoc Nguyen and Vu Dang Hoang Nguyen (Nguyen et al. 2021); ZMMU Re-16804–16806, three males, previously identified as O. arenarius, Binh Chau–Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Binh Chau, Xuyen Moc District, Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province (10°30′N, 107°28′E), collected by N. A. Poyarkov and P. V. Yushchenko on 24–28 December 2020; ZMMU Re-16807–16809, three males, Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province (10°56′N, 108°17′E), collected by Hieu Minh Pham on October 2020; ZFMK 88884, female from Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province (10°56′N, 108°17′E), collected by Peter Geissler on 27 April 2009 .

Revised diagnosis

An Oligodon species distinguished from all other members of the genus by having the following morphological characters: 1) medium body size in adults (TotalL 245–510 mm); 2) a very long relative tail length, especially in males (TAILR 25.4%–37.3% in males, 14.0–19.6% in females; SCR 29.3%–38.7% in males, 20.0%–25.0% in females); 3) head small and slightly spade-shaped, comparatively short and wide (HW/HL 0.53–0.90); 4) dorsal scale rows usually 17-17-15, rarely 18 scale rows anteriorly and 16 rows at midbody; 5) ventral scales 131–152 in males, 139–169 in females, with significant sexual dimorphism; 6) subcaudals 60–94 in males, 36–48 in females with significant sexual dimorphism; 7) total body scales trending towards sexual dimorphism, 191–243 in males, 178–214 in females (178–243 in both sexes); 8) cloacal plate single; 9) 1 preocular and usually 2 postoculars (rarely 1 postocular); 10) nasal scale divided, loreal scale and presubocular condition variable (can be present or absent); 11) usually 8 supralabials (rarely 7), with the 4th and 5th scales in contact with the orbit (occasionally just the 4th supralabial contacting the orbit); 12) usually 9 infralabials (rarely 8 or 10), anterior 4th and 5th infralabials contacting the first pair of chin shields; 12) internasals present, separate from prefrontals; 13) temporal scale formula 1+2 (rarely 1+3); 14) maxillary teeth 9–12, with posterior teeth enlarged and blade-like; 15) hemipenes deeply bilobed, retracted organ reaching the 29th subcaudal in-situ, without spinous calyces and with flounced structures across lobes; 16) dorsal color pattern variable, ochre brown or orange–brown above with light dark brown reticulations and a dark V-shaped nuchal collar present; 17) ventral color pattern pale gray and immaculate.


We compare O. macrurus to other members of Oligodon found in the O. cyclurus-taeniatus species group (Green et al. 2010; similar in composition to the O. cyclurus and O. taeniatus groups fide Smith 1943). We divide the O. cyclurus-taeniatus species-group into two further subgroups, the O. cyclurus subgroup and the O. taeniatus subgroup, since they are apparently closely related and are recovered sister to one another in the same clade (Leviton 1962; Green et al. 2010; Nguyen et al. 2020; Nguyen et al. 2022; present paper). It differs from all other species of the genus by the unique combination of the following characters: usually 17-17-15 dorsal scale rows; 134–169 ventrals; expressed sexual dimorphism in relative tail length (TAILR), varying from 14.0% in females and 37.3% in males and the number of subcaudals, varying from 36 in females to 94 in males; an entire cloacal plate; divided nasal scale; a deeply bilobed hemipenis without spines or obvious myoectases, and the absence of a specific dorsal coloration pattern (i.e., large blotches or bright longitudinal stripes). Additional comparisons between the Oligodon native to Vietnam can be found in Table 8.

Members of the informal O. taeniatus subgroup (sensu David et al. 2008b; Smith 1943; Vassilieva 2015) possess deeply bilobed hemipenes with myoectases visible when retracted, whereas O. macrurus does not possess myoectases on the retracted hemipenes. Furthermore, the O. taeniatus subgroup all have a dorsum with vertebral stripes or blotches (vs. dorsum without vertebral stripes or large blotches, reticulate and only with crossbars anteriorly). Oligodon barroni has a red venter with black quadrangular spots (vs. immaculate venter); Oligodon deuvei David, Vogel and Van Rooijen, 2008 by having the 3rd and 4th supralabials contacting the eye (vs. usually 4th and 5th contacting eye) and a venter with black rectangular blotches (vs. immaculate venter); Oligodon moricei David, Vogel & Van Rooijen, 2008 has a higher number of ventrals (175 vs. 131–169) and a venter with grayish–brown blotches (vs. immaculate venter); Oligodon mouhoti (Boulenger, 1914) and O. pseudotaeniatus David, Vogel & Van Rooijen, 2008 have a venter with black quadrangular spots (vs. immaculate venter); and O. taeniatus has 19 midbody scale rows (vs. usually 17).

The O. cyclurus subgroup (sensu David et al. 2008a; Green et al. 2010; Smith 1943; Vassilieva 2015) have deeply bilobed hemipenes without spines or myoectases, which greatly resemble the morphology observed in O. macrurus. Compared to O. macrurus, O. chinensis has a higher number of ventrals (170–206 vs. 131–169) and has a dorsum with large dark brown blotches (vs. dorsum without blotches); Oligodon condaoensis Nguyen et al., 2016 has a higher number of ventrals (168–176 vs. 131–169) and has a dark gray dorsum (vs. dorsum light brown, ochre brown or orange–brown); O. culaochamensis Nguyen et al., 2017 has a higher number of ventrals (167–182 vs. 131–169), 2+2 temporals (vs. 1+2 temporals), and a dorsum with large dark brown blotches (vs. dorsum without blotches), O. cyclurus has 19 midbody scale rows (vs. usually 17), a higher number of ventrals (167–197 vs. 131–169); Oligodon fasciolatus (Günther, 1864) has 21–23 midbody scale rows (vs. usually 17); O. formosanus has 19 anterior scale rows (vs. no more than 18); Oligodon huahin Pauwels et al., 2017 has a slightly higher number of ventrals (166–173 vs. 131–169), only 8 infralabials (vs. usually 9, rarely 8–10) and a distinct gray dorsum (vs. dorsum mostly ochre brown); Oligodon juglandifer (Wall, 1909) has 19 midbody scale rows (vs. usually 17), 7 supralabials (vs. usually 8, rarely 7), 8 infralabials (vs. usually 9, rarely 8–10), and a higher number of ventrals (162–208 vs. 131–169); Oligodon kampucheaensis Neang, Grismer & Daltry, 2012 has 15 midbody scale rows (vs. usually 17) and 8 infralabials (vs. usually 9, rarely 8–10); Oligodon kheriensis Achardji & Ray, 1936 has 19 midbody scales (vs. usually 17), and a bright red dorsum (vs. dorsum light brown, ochre brown or orange–brown); O. ocellatus has 19 midbody scale rows (vs. usually 17); and Oligodon saintgironsi David, Vogel & Pauwels, 2008 has a higher number of ventrals (166–184 vs. 131–169) and 2+2 temporals (vs. 1+2). A few species share a close relationship to the O. cyclurus and O. taeniatus subgroup, but are basal phylogenetically and are compared here. Oligodon annamensis has 13 dorsal scale rows (vs. usually 17-17-15), 6 supralabials and 6 infralabials (vs. usually 8 supralabials and 9 infralabials), and has a dorsal coloration with orange crossbars (vs. dorsum with dark brown crossbars only anteriorly); O. rostralis has 15 dorsal scales (vs. usually 17-17-15), 6 supralabials and 6 infralabials (vs. usually 8 supralabials and 9 infralabials) and a dorsal coloration with dark blotches (vs. dorsum with no blotches); O. octolineatus, which is seems to be the sister taxa to the informal O. taeniatus-cyclurus species group, usually has 6 (rarely 5–7) supralabials (vs. usually 8, rarely 7), 2+2 temporals (vs. 1+2), and a dorsum with bright longitudinal stripes (vs. dorsum without stripes).

Description of the neotype (ZFMK 88885)

An adult male specimen in good condition, found DOR. Partial incision anteriorly and a longer incision made posteriorly before the cloaca. SVL 279 mm, TailL 146 mm (TotalL 425 mm). HeadL 12.5 mm, HeadW 7.9 mm, SnoutL 3.9 mm, EyeD 1.9 mm, FrontalL 3.5 mm, FrontalW 2.9 mm, IOD 4.4 mm, IND 3.3 mm. TailLR 34.4%, HeadW/L 0.63, SnoutL/HeadL 0.31, EyeD/SnoutL 0.49, EyeD/HeadL 0.15, FrontalL/W 1.21, IND/IOD 0.21, IOD/HeadW 0.56. Body elongated but somewhat flattened due to preservation state, slightly robust anteriorly and at midbody; head ovoid, slightly distinct from neck; snout narrowing in dorsal view, depressed and truncate towards the rostral in dorsolateral view; snout tip terminating past lower jaw; eyes moderately-sized with a round pupil; nostrils pointed laterally; mouth flat, curving slightly posteriorly; tail long, consistent in diameter until the posterior half where it tapers gradually to a sharp terminal scute.

Rostral distinctly enlarged and truncate laterally, wider than high and triangular in dorsal view, partially separating internasals; posterior scale suture of rostral with internasals “deep-V” shaped, vertex of rostral rising far onto the dorsal surface of the head in-line with nostrils as a narrow obtuse angle (~97º); internasals subrectangular, longer than wide, internasal suture shorter than prefrontal suture, anterior border with rostral and nasal concave; prefrontals subpentagonal, longer than wide, wider than internasals; frontal subpentagonal and shield shaped; length of frontal longer than prefrontals and internasals; anterior suture of frontal bordering prefrontals straight but somewhat indented; eyes placed posterior relative to the anterior edge of the frontal; angle formed by the sutures producing the posterior vertex of the frontal narrowly obtuse (~94º); supraoculars subrectangular, longer than wide, narrower anteriorly than posteriorly; length of frontal longer than supraoculars; parietals subpentagonal, slightly longer than wide, width of each scale wider than length of parietal suture; length of parietal scale slightly longer than length of frontal; parietal suture shorter than length of frontal; anterior parietal angle formed by the sutures between the parietal/frontal and the suture between the supraocular/parietal an obtuse angle (~122º) with the lateral ray of the angle pointing posterolaterally; nasal scale subrectangular, longer than wide and fully divided; loreal scale present (1/1), also subrectangular, slightly longer than wide, around half the size of nasal; supralabials 8/8, with the 4th and 5th scales in contact with the orbit; 7th supralabials largest, 1st supralabial smallest; preoculars 1/1; presuboculars (1/1), smaller and less wide than preocular; postoculars 2/2, uppermost postocular larger in size on left side, bottommost postocular on right side slightly wider; temporal scale formula 1+2, uppermost posterior temporal longer with 6/6 scales surrounding scale; infralabials 9/9, first pair contacting eachother; 4/4 infralabials contacting the first pair of chin shields; 5th infralabial largest, 2nd infralabial smallest; mental subtriangular, wider than long; small mental groove present starting below the mental scale where the first pair of infralabials contact, then terminating at the level of the posterior chin shields; anterior pair of chin shields longer than the posterior pair; anterior chin shields slightly wider than posterior chin shields.

Dorsal scale rows 17-17-15, smooth throughout; reduction from 17 to 15 scale rows occurring on 87th ventral on either side; ventral scales 142, subcaudals 87, cloacal plate divided (total body scales 230); subcaudal ratio 38.0%. Maxillary teeth not counted (see General description and variation for details on dentition). The hemipenes were partially everted in an unilobed state, but not fully prepared. The base of the organ is relatively naked with a few flounces present and the sulcus spermaticus partially visible.

In preservative, dorsum light brown with small dark brown or black reticulations formed by dark edges along the dorsal scales; dorsal reticulations concentrated anteriorly and at midbody, whereas the posterior portion of the dorsum is mostly immaculate; vertebrally a series of crossbars, beginning anteriorly as a pair of dark brown spots and continuing as narrow black bars around one or one-half a scale wide, slowly fading in size by midbody and continuing up to the tail as small subrectangular spots. The head is brown dorsally with a poorly defined gray–brown ocular bar edged posteriorly with black, extending across the eyes then meeting at the prefrontals and anterior portion of the frontal; a grayish brown and black-edged temporal streak present on each side of the head starting from the medial portion of each parietal through the posterior temporals and supralabials before dissipating at the gular region. The frontal and parietals have small dark vermiculations present on the scales, along with a dark brown irregularly-shaped spot on the posterior vertex of the frontal and on the suture of the parietals. Along the nape there is a large gray–brown V-shaped nuchal chevron beginning at the posterior end of the parietals around six dorsal scales in length before forking at the nape as a dark brown streak terminating along the flanks of the first two dorsal scale rows. The remainder of the head, including the labial and ventral regions, are beige and mostly immaculate. Ventral surface light brown to beige, immaculate without any spotting or makings. Dorsal surface of tail light brown, immaculate laterally and vertebrally between two dark brown longitudinal stripes originating from the dorsum and extending posteriorly from the cloaca as a pair of stripes extending across the tail to its tip. Ventral surface of tail beige and immaculate.

General description and variation

All examined specimens agree with the original description of the lost holotype and the newly designated neotype (ZFMK 88885). A summary of morphological data for all presently known specimens of O. macrurus is presented in Table 7. In all specimens, body elongated and semi-cylindrical, slightly robust anteriorly and at midbody; head ovoid, slightly distinct from neck; snout narrowing in dorsal view, depressed towards the rostral in dorsolateral view; snout tip terminating past lower jaw; eyes moderately-sized with a round pupil; nostrils pointed laterally; mouth flat, curving slightly posteriorly; tail long in males, consistent in diameter until the posterior half before tapering gradually to a sharp terminal scute; in females, tail still elongate but much shorter than males, tapering gradually starting anteriorly from the cloaca to the terminal scute.

Table 7.

Summary of examined morphological characters for all known specimens of O. arenarius and O. macrurus, with the third column including all specimens under Oligodon macrurus sensu stricto (herein redescribed including O. arenarius as a synonym). All characters include data for both sexes except TailLR, VEN, SC, TOTAL and SC, which are separated based on male (m) and female (f) material. Abbreviations are listed in the materials and methods. Cells denoted with a “/” symbol were unavailable or not examined.

Character O. arenarius O. macrurus Combined (O. macrurus s. str.)
n 6 (m) 3 (f) 9 (m) 6 (f) 15 (m) 9 (f)
TailLR 14.0–27.5 14.3–37.3 14.0–37.3
22.09±6.27 28.07±8.58 25.62±7.96
TailLR (m) 25.4–27.5 30.0–37.3 25.4–37.3
26.49±0.80 34.06±2.18 31.03±4.21
TailLR (m) 14.0–15.1 14.3–19.6 14.0–19.6
14.56±0.54 17.61±1.95 16.59±2.18
DSR 17-17-15 17-17-15 17-17-15
(18-17-15) (17-16-15) (18-17-15, 17-16-15)
VEN 131–143 135–169 131–169
135.9±4.8 149.0±10.3 144.1±10.5
VEN (m) 131–136 135–152 131–152
133.2±1.8 142.7±5.6 138.9±6.5
VEN (m) 139–143 150–169 139–169
141.3±2.1 158.7±6.5 152.9±10.1
SC 36–60 44–94 36–94
50.8±10.7 70.3±18.3 62.5±17.8
SC (m) 55–60 75–94 55–94
58.3±1.9 82.9±6.3 73.1±13.4
SC (m) 36–40 44–53 36–53
38.0±2.0 48.2±3.4 44.8±5.9
TOTAL 178–195 203–243 178–243
187.6±6.5 220.3±12.3 207.5±18.5
TOTAL (m) 188–195 211–243 188–243
192.5±2.7 226.6±10.6 212.9±19.1
TOTAL (f) 178–183 201–214 178–214
180.3±2.5 207.7±5.1 198.6±14.3
SCR 20.0–31.3 20.6–38.7 20.0–38.7
26.91±4.89 31.64±7.00 29.72±6.39
SCR (m) 29.3–31.3 34.72–38.68 29.3–38.7
30.30±0.71 36.55±1.43 34.05±3.38
SCR (f) 20.00–21.86 20.56–25.37 20.0–25.4
21.07±0.96 23.22±1.86 22.50±1.88
SL 8/8 7/8 or 8/8 8/8
(7/7) (8/7) (7/7, 7/8, 8/7)
SLE 4+5 4/4+5 or 4+5/4+5 4+5/4+5 or 4/4+5
(4/4) (3+4/4+5) (4/4, 3+4/4+5)
IL 9/9 9/9 9/9
(7/9) (8/8, 8/9 or 10/10) (7/9, 8/8, 8/9, 10/10)
ILCS 4/4 4/4 or 5/5 4/4
(3/4, 4/5 or 5/5) (3/4, 4/5, 5/5)
PtO 2/2 2/2 2/2
(1/1, 1/2 or 2/1) (1/1, 1/2 or 2/1)
PT 2/2 2/2 2/2
(2/3) (2/3)

SVL 210–320 mm (212–320 mm in males, 210–319 mm in females); TailL 35–190 mm (72–190 mm in males, 35–75 mm in females); TotalL 245–510 mm (284–510 mm in males, 345–385 mm in females). The largest specimen is an adult male (UNS 5001) with a SVL of 320 mm and TailL of 190 mm (TotalL 510 mm; TailLR 37.3%). HeadL 8.9–14.3 mm, HeadW 6.1–10.3 mm, SnoutL 3.1–4.9 mm, EyeD 1.5–2.1 mm, FrontalL 2.8–4.2 mm, FrontalW 2.3–3.4 mm, IOD 3.6–5.6 mm, IND 2.1–3.8 mm; TailLR 14.0%–37.3% (25.4%–37.3% in males, 14.0–19.6% in females), HeadW/L 0.53–0.90, SnoutL/HeadL 0.30–0.40, EyeD/SnoutL 0.35–0.52, EyeD/HeadL 0.13–0.18, FrontalL/W 1.10–1.35, IND/IOD 0.44–0.73, IOD/HeadW 0.48–0.64. Rostral distinctly enlarged and truncated laterally, wider than high, triangular shaped in dorsal view, partially separating internasals; posterior scale suture of rostral with internasals “deep-V” shaped; internasals subrectangular, longer than wide, internasal suture longer than prefrontal suture, anterior border with rostral and nasal concave; prefrontals subpentagonal, longer than wide, wider than internasals; frontal subpentagonal and shield shaped, length longer than prefrontals; anterior suture of frontal bordering prefrontals broad, either concave or straight; eyes placed posterior to the anterior margin of frontal; angle formed by the sutures producing the posterior vertex of the frontal a narrow obtuse angle; supraoculars subrectangular, longer than wide, length of frontal longer than supraoculars; parietals subpentagonal, slightly longer than wide, width of each scale wider than length of parietal suture; length of each parietal scale equal or slightly longer than length of frontal, but length of the parietal suture shorter than length of frontal; anterior parietal angle formed by the sutures between the parietal/frontal and the suture between the supraocular/parietal a broad obtuse angle with the lateral ray of the angle pointing posterolaterally. Nasal scale subrectangular and longer than wide, fully divided; loreal scale condition variable, 1/1 or 0/0 (0/1 in two specimens); when present, loreal square or subrectangular-shaped, slightly longer than wide, around half the size of nasal; supralabials usually 8/8 (7/7 in one specimen, 7/8 in four specimens, 8/7 in one specimen), with the 4th and 5th scales in contact with the orbit (3rd and 4th scale in contact on one side in one specimen, just the 4th scale in contact on both sides in one specimens, on one side in four specimens); 7th supralabial largest, 1st supralabial smallest; preoculars 1/1; presubocular usually present (1/1) but sometimes absent (0/0 in five specimens), when present smaller than preocular; postoculars usually 2/2 (rarely 2/1 in one specimen, 1/2 in two species, 1/1 in one specimen), uppermost postocular usually larger in size when two scales are present (occasionally the bottommost postocular is wider); temporal scale formula 1+2, with one specimen having 2/3 posterior temporals; infralabials usually 9/9 (rarely 8/8 in two specimens, 8/9 in two specimens, 7/9 in one specimen, 10/10 in one specimen); first pair of infralabials in contact with each other; usually 4/4 or 5/5 infralabials contacting the first pair of chin shields, one specimen with 4/5 and another with 3/4 infralabials in contact; 5th infralabial largest, 2nd infralabial smallest; mental subtriangular, wider than long; small mental groove present, starting below the mental scale where the first pair of infralabials contact and extending until the posterior chin shields; length of anterior pair of chin shields longer than posterior pair; anterior chin shields slightly wider than posterior chin shields.

Dorsal scale rows 17-17-15 (rarely 18-17-15 in two specimens, or 17-16-15 in two specimens), smooth throughout; reduction from 17 to 15 scale rows occurring on ventrals 71–98; ventral scales 131–169 (131–152 in males, 139–169 in females); subcaudals 36–94 (60–94 in males, 36–48 in females); total body scales 178–243 (191–243 in males, 178–214 in females); subcaudal ratio 20.0%–38.7% (29.3%–38.7% in males, 20.0%–25.0% in females). Maxillary teeth 9–12, all blade-like, with the posterior two or three greatly enlarged. Vassilieva (2015) provided lower tooth counts ranging from 6–9 for the type series of O. arenarius, however our examination of the maxilla using µCT-scanning revealed that the number of teeth is likely higher by at least three. These differences can reflect the difficulties of counting dislodged teeth on the maxilla, especially when the gum layer can obscure views of the upper jaw when examined carelessly. Significant sexual dimorphism was observed in the number of ventrals, subcaudals, TailLR and subcaudal ratio (Table 5). In general, the tails of male specimens are much longer and less tapered in female O. macrurus and are some of the longest tails out of any members of the genus Oligodon. The hemipenes are deeply bilobed in both retracted and everted specimens examined, in-situ extending from the 25th to 29th subcaudal (fide. Smith 1943 and our own data); myoectases absent on retracted organ. When partially everted the hemipenis may appear unilobed with small apical flounces. Fully everted, the organ is obliquely flounced until the point of bifurcation, which occurs at the first fourth or third of the organ; lobes calyculate and without spines, becoming smoother posteriorly; lobes terminating as blunt apices; base of organ nude without ornamentation; sulcus spermaticus bifurcate (forked), extending straight from the base and then dividing at the point of bifurcation and continuing along the lobes to the apices.

Most O. macrurus specimens exhibit a similar color pattern, but some intraspecific variation is present. The dorsum in-life is ochre brown, light brown or orange–brown, and all specimens have small dark-brown reticulations across the body formed by dark edges along the dorsal scales; dorsum usually darker vertebrally, occasionally with two darker lines creating a small weakly-distinguished and dusky pair of longitudinal stripes, especially distinct on the tail. The head is marked with a dark ocular bar that extends across the eyes and meeting at the prefrontals and anterior portion of the frontal, a temporal streak on each side of the head starting from the parietals to the supralabials and flanks, and a V-shaped nuchal chevron. The ventral surface is plain white or beige and without any spots or blotches. Three main color variants can be observed, well correlated with geographic location. The first is a “north” form observed in specimens from Khanh Hoa Province (NHMUK 1938.8.7.39, 1969.1855–56, ZMMU Re-13857). In these individuals, the ocular bar is indistinguishable or barely distinguishable from the rest of the head, the temporal streak is faint (and reduced to the lower half of its length in NHMUK 1938.8.7.39 and NHMUK 1969.1855), and the narrow V-shaped nuchal collar is only 2–4 dorsal scales in length and of equal width. There are no dark markings on the frontal scale, and the dorsum has small dark brown crossbars starting posterior to the nuchal collar fading by midbody to small indistinguished reticulations. The second “middle” form (Figs 5, 6A) is found in specimens from Binh Thuan Province (ZFMK 88885 [neotype], UNS05001-05002, the lost holotype and ZMMU Re-14502), where the ocular bar is dark brown and fairly distinct (faint in ZMMU Re-14502, but this is probably due to preservation conditions), the temporal stripe is also distinct (divided on two parts in ZMMU Re-14502), and V-shaped nuchal collar is more elongated (4–6 scale rows long) and widest medially before narrowing laterally, including the posterior portion of the parietals. The frontal spot is present and usually distinct (with exception of the lost holotype), and the remainder of the dorsum has several paravertebral pairs of narrow spot-shaped crossbars on the anterior half of the body. The “south” form (Figs 6B–D) occurs in specimens from Ba Ria–Vung Tau (ZMMU Re-11561, Re-14503–04 and VNMN 04724) and Ho Chi Minh City (NHMUK 1969.1854), where the ocular bar is distinct and dark-brown (faint in NHMUK 1969.1854, but again probably due to conditions of preservation), the temporal stripe is also usually distinct (faint in NHMUK 1969.1854) and the V-shaped nuchal collar is 4–5 scales long but wide both medially and on the flanks and fused with markings on the frontal. The dorsum has paravertebral pairs of dark-brown spots present mostly anteriorly (ZMMU Re-11561, R-14503, NHMUK 1969.1854) or throughout the whole body (ZMMU Re-14504 and VNMN 04724). Oblique lateral streaking on the dorsum are also displayed on a few specimens (with exception of NHMUK 1969.1854). The specimen ZMMU Re-15136 (from Ba Ria–Vung Tau) stands out for its saturated orange color in life and black speckling evenly distributed along the body. However, it seems to share more in common with the “south” form. The presence of more or less distinct vertebral stripe, especially on the tail, seems to be the common feature for all three groups with exception of ZMMU Re-15136 and, apparently, the lost holotype. It should be noted that the color present in the “south” form includes specimens previously referred to O. arenarius, as well as specimens identified as O. macrurus.

Figure 5. 

Photographs of the preserved neotype of Oligodon macrurus (ZFMK 88885), an adult male specimen. A dorsal and B ventral views of the whole specimen, and C dorsal D ventral, E right lateral and F left lateral views of the head. Scale bars for A–B represent 10.0 mm, and scale bars for C–F represent 5.0 mm. All photographs taken by Morris Flecks, used with permission.

Figure 6. 

Living specimens of Oligodon macrurus sensu stricto from various locations in southern Vietnam. A adult male ZMMU Re-16807 from Mui Ne, Binh Thuan Province, representing the ‘middle’ color phase; B adult female VNMN 04724 (formerly ZMMU NAP-03884) from Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve; C and D two adult males ZMMU Re-16804 and ZMMU Re-16805 from Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, B–D formerly identified as Oligodon arenarius. Photographs taken by Hieu Minh Pham A and Nikolay A. Poyarkov Jr. B–D.

Osteological description

The description of the skull of Oligodon macrurus is based on 3D reconstructed µCT-scans of two specimens: ZMMU Re-13857 and ZMMU Re-14502 (one of the paratypes of O. arenarius); (Fig. 7). The skull of O. macrurus is short, rounded, and well ossified. The snout is composed of the premaxilla, nasals, septomaxillae and vomers. The circumorbital bones include the prefrontals and postorbitals. Premaxilla single, flat and curved anteriorly, representing the front tip of the snout; deeply wedged in the space between and beneath the septomaxillae and the nasals. Nasals spatulate-shaped and sharpened at the tip with an S-shaped profile; left and right articulated nasals form median septum between the nasal cavities covering them dorsally; ventrally nasals form a posterior process lying between the anterior edge of the frontals. Septomaxillae paired and plate-like, in contact medially, forming the floor of nasal cavity, partially fused with vomers; conchal processes of septomaxillae well defined; each septomaxilla in contact with nasal septum medially and form a posterior process contacting anterior edge of frontals through the prokinetic joint. Vomers toothless, positioned beneath and behind the two septomaxillae and forming a pair of spherical fenestrae, in which lies the vomeronasal organs, opened by paired orifices into the buccal cavity. Prefrontals on either side of the head, block shaped and obliquely positioned forming the anterior edge of the orbit; dorsally prefrontals in broad contact with the anterolateral surface of the frontals, ventrally in loose contact with the maxillae. Left and right postorbitals articulate with the anterolateral surfaces of the parietal and form the dorsoposterior boundary of each orbit.

Figure 7. 

Three-dimensional CT reconstruction of the skull, lower jaw and maxilla of AC Oligodon arenarius (ZMMU Re-14502, paratype) and DF O. macrurus (ZMMU Re-13857) showing A1, D1 dorsal, A2, D2 lateral, and A3, D3 palatal view of the skull labial view. B, E of the lower jaw, C1, F1 labial, C2, F2 lingual, and C3, F3 dorsal view of the maxilla. Reconstructions by Elena V. Syromyatnikova.

The braincase is composed of compactly ossified bones consisting of the frontals, parietal, basisphenoid, basioccipital, prootics, supraoccipital and exoccipital; partially fused to each other forming the complete enclosure of the brain. Frontals well separate. Parietals elliptical shaped and the largest cranial element, fused together to form a single bone that dorsally roofs the braincase, bearing no elaborated crests; laterally parietal extends far down contacting the basisphenoid and the prootics. Basisphenoid and parasphenoid fused with each other, forming the posterior snout and anterior floor of braincase. Basioccipital forms the floor of the posterior portion of the brain cavity, and completes the foramen magnum creating a large and raised occipital condyle. Left and right prootics large, subrectangular ventrally and dome contoured dorsally, partly fused with the parietal and forming the anterior walls of each internal otic capsule; prootics form the anterior half of each fenestra ovalis and the posterolateral wall of the braincase. Supraoccipitals fused together to form a single bone, externally roofing the posterior brain cavity, internally expanding to form the posterior part of each otic capsule. Exoccipital forming the posterolateral wall of the braincase and part of its roof; exoccipital fused with the opisthotics, surrounding the jugular foramen and extending forward to form the posterior border of the fenestra ovalis, the entire oval foramen magnum, and a small ventral portion of the occipital condyle along with most of the basioccipital. Stapes slender, rod like, proximally enlarged and form a footplate fitting into the fenestra ovalis and distally connect to the inner surface of the quadrate at about mid length level.

The palatomaxillary arches consists of the palatine, pterygoid, ectopterygoid and maxilla. Palatines long and narrow, in contact with the prefrontal process of the maxilla laterally and pterygoid posteriorly; 7 small sized palatine teeth. Pterygoids long and slightly bent bones, narrower anteriorly, flattened posteriorly, and extend from the posterior palatines to the posterior mandible. Each pterygoid bears 10–12/9–10 teeth. Ectopterygoids flat, bifurcate anteriorly, notched posteriorly and connect the maxillae to the pterygoids. Left and right maxillae comparatively straight and posteriorly broadened due to the dorsal ridge, connected to the flattened ventral surface of the ectopterygoid by a mesial process; the maxilla medially contacts the ventral surface of the prefrontal. Each maxilla almost has no edentulous region anteriorly, and bears 10 to 12 teeth, with the posterior 2–3 enlarged and blade-like. This number of maxillary teeth agrees well with the known data for O. macrurus and differs from the data represented in the original description of O. arenarius (Vassilieva 2015).

The suspensorium contains the quadrate and supratemporal, connecting to the mandibles by elastic tissue. Supratemporals narrow, flattened, dermal elements, connected to the proximal end of quadrates and the posterolateral part of braincase by fibrous connective tissue; each is long, straight, slightly bent toward the braincase, and overlay the exoccipital and prootic. Quadrates long, widely flattened, concave dorsally with a fenestra found posterolaterally; proximal end contacting the posterolateral edge of each supratemporal; distally articulated surface of each quadrate narrow, extended transversely and directed backward. Mandibles long and connected to each other anteriorly by an elastic ligament; each composed of the compound, angular, splenial and dentary. The compound is strongly concave dorsally, narrow distally, and massive and laterally flattened proximally; prearticular crest higher than subarticular crest. Angular and splenial both triangular shaped elements that fuse at their broadest point of contact. Dentaries somewhat dorsally curved, bearing sockets for closely set 14–15/14–17 small teeth that decrease in size posteriorly.

Distribution and natural history

To date O. macrurus is reliably known from five provinces in southern Vietnam (Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Ba Ria–Vung Tau and possibly the vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City), where it is only found in coastal ecosystems associated with the Mui Ne dunefields and sandy coastlines to its north and south (Fig. 1). The locality of Ho Chi Minh City (based on specimen NHMUK 1969.1854) has no precise information associated with it, and requires additional confirmation; although, suitable habitat may exist within the region. Vassilieva (2015) described aspects of behavior and habitat of O. arenarius. One specimen was found feeding on a frog Microhyla pulchra Hallowell, 1861 (Vassilieva 2015). During the collection of new material, we found specimens crossing roads at night and on the crawl in habitat during daytime searches, including a few that were recovered DOR. Based on collection records with dates, this species appears to be surface active year-round, although there is a slight increase in records between the months of November to March, corresponding with the end of southern Vietnam’s monsoon season. Habitats where O. macrurus were found include low-sloped littoral dunefields with short vegetation and ecotones with sandy clearings along lowland dipterocarp forests adjacent to dune habitats.


The specific name “macrurus” is a Greek adjective derived from the words “makrós” (μακρός) meaning “long”, and “orá” (οὐρά) meaning “the tail”, here latinized as -urus and thus literally denoting “long-tailed”. Common names previously attributed to this species include “Angel’s kukri Snake” (English) and “Oligodon anzhela” (Russian). The synonym O. arenarius was not given a common name during its description, although “Dune kukri snake” has sometimes been attributed, due to its epithet translating to “coast” or “dunes”. Since this species now includes this combination, we herein suggest the common name “Long-tailed kukri snake” (English), “Rắn khiếm đuôi dài” (Vietnamese), and “Dlinnohvostiy oligodon” (Russian), respectively, for O. macrurus, which directly translates to its Greek species epithet.

Conservation status

This species is now known specifically from seven localities across the coast of southern Vietnam. A few of these sites are found within nature reserves and other preserved tracts of land, however human development and increased tourism around these areas could pose a significant threat to this species. Geissler et al. (2011) collected two specimens as roadkill indicating that road mortality could be a potential hazard in some locations. Additionally, Vassilieva (2015) noted that the type locality of the synonym O. arenarius was highly disturbed, with surrounding areas where specimens were collected consisting of hotels and residential properties. The protection and management of dunefield habitats across the known localities of O. macrurus should be of conservation priority. Based on the assessment criteria adopted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), we suggest that O. macrurus should be listed as “Vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List, due to the risks associated with habitat destruction and disturbance. Additional research understanding the population dynamics and ecology of this species would greatly improve conservation efforts.


Using an integrative taxonomic approach, we found that the recently described kukri snake O. arenarius represents a junior synonym of the species O. macrurus. Our study also provides new data on the distribution, taxonomy and phylogenetic position of O. macrurus and confirms its confinement to the coastal dunefields and sandy regions of southern Vietnam. The weak genetic divergence (less than 1.0% pairwise distance) and non-monophyly of O. arenarius certainly justifies its demotion from species rank. However, the significant differences in body scalation and relative tail length may lead some readers to question whether O. arenarius should be considered a subspecies of O. macrurus instead of a junior synonym. In herpetology, the contemporary application, criteria and usage of subspecies is controversial (Hawlitschek et al. 2012; Torstrom et al. 2014; Kindler and Fritz 2018; De Queiroz 2020; Hillis 2020; Burbrink et al. 2022) and a discussion of its utility is beyond the scope of this paper. Recent designations of subspecies generally follow the suggestions of Mayr and Ashlock (1991) and Braby et al. (2012), who define subspecies as a distinct metapopulations that are phenotypically diagnosible and are on a trajectory towards evolutionary independence. Following these standards, we offer the following justifications for treating O. arenarius as a synonym rather than a subspecies: (1) Our phylogeny demonstrates that O. arenarius is paraphyletic with respect to O. macrurus, whereas other snake taxa recently described as subspecies with weak genetic divergence still display clear monophyly based on traditional genetic markers (Hawlitschek et al. 2012; Göçmen et al. 2017; Hofmann et al. 2018; Kindler and Fritz 2018). (2) When subspecies are nonmonophyletic, as is the case for North American night snakes (Hypsiglena) and the Southeast Asian pit viper subspecies of Trimeresurus (Popeia) sabahi Regenass & Kramer, 1981, they usually display allopatric or parapatric distributions with different habitat preferences (Mulcahy 2008; Mulcahy et al. 2017) and are still exhibit morphological diagnosibility (Vogel et al. 2004). Oligodon arenarius so far is known from one population at the southern end of the range of O. macrurus and occupies a very similar habitat and ecological role. Furthermore, there exists one record of O. macrurus directly south of O. arenarius in the vicinity of Ho Chi Minh City, albeit with imprecise locality information. Pending its rediscovery in this province, it would eliminate any sense of allopatry between the two taxa. (3) All other morphological features examined between O. arenarius and O. macrurus, besides body scalation and tail length, show broad overlap (color pattern, dentition, and hemipenial morphology). Regardless of whether O. arenarius is treated as a synonym or subspecies, the overall diagnosis of O. macrurus would not be affected, as its combination of morphological characteristics readily separate it from all other members of the genus, especially its uniquely elongate tail found in males (Table 8).

Table 8.

Morphological comparisons between Oligodon macrurus sensu stricto and the other species of Oligodon native to Vietnam. Characters highlighted in bold are considered diagnostic. Abbreviations for characters can be found in the materials and methods. Data for other species are based on the following literature sources: Pope (1935), Smith (1943), Wagner (1975, 1976), David et al. (2008a, 2008b, 2011, 2012), Orlov et al. (2010), Vassilieva et al. (2013), Pham et al. (2014), Vassilieva (2015), Nguyen et al. (2016, 2017, 2022), Nguyen et al. (2020), Lalbiakzuala and Lalremsanga (2020), Lee (2022), Yushchenko and Lee et al. (2023).

Character O. macrurus O. annamensis O. barroni O. catenatus O. chinensis O. cinereus O. condaoensis O. culaochamensis O. deuvei O. eberhardti
TailLR 25.4–37.3 (m) 16.5–19.7 (m) 17.0–18.9 (m) 12.0-13.3 (m) 18.7–19.5 (m) 12.1–15.6 (m) 12.8–13.2 (m) 21.8–21.9 (m) 15.8–17.2 (m) 10.8–15.1 (m/f)
14.0–19.6 (f) 11.6–13.5 (f) 13.7–14.9 (f) 10.2–10.7 (f) 15.2–15.8 (f) 9.4–13.3 (f) 12.6 (f) 16.6–16.9 (f) 13.2–14.9 (f)
MT 9–12 7–8 10–12 (13) 7 9 10–13 11–13 9 12–15
DSR 17(18)-17(16)-15 13-13-13 17-17-15 13-13-13 17-17-15 17-17(15)-15(13) 17-17-15 17/19-17-15 17-17-15 13-13-13
VEN 131–152 (m) 146–157 (m) 136–147 (m) 179–203 (m) 175–184 (m) 155–182 (m) 168–172 (m) 175–184 (m) 140–147 (m) 165–174 (m)
139–169 (f) 155–170 (f) 141–160 (f) 190–212 (f) 182–206 (f) 162–185 (f) 169–176 (f) 179–182 (f) 147–155 (f) 179–187 (f)
SC 60–94 (m) 43–46 (m) 36–48 (m) 31–37 (m) 60–64 (m) 33–45 (m) 37 (m) 63–66 (m) 36–47 (m) 37–40 (m)
36–48 (f) 30–34 (f) 28–35 (f) 30–43 (f) 47–53 (f) 29–39 (f) 33–34 (f) 51–52 (f) 31–38 (f) 31–34 (f)
CP Single Single Single Divided Single Single Single Single Single Divided
SL 8 (7) 6 (5) 7–8 6 8 (7) 7–8 8 8 7 (8) 6
SLE 4+5 (3+4) 3+4 3+4–4+5 3+4 4+5 (3+4) 3+4–4+5 4+5 4+5 3+4 3+4
IL 9 (7–10) 6 8–9 (7) 6 9 (8) 7–8 (9) 8 (7) 9 8–9 6
LOREAL 0–1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
PtO 2 1 2 2 2 2 (1) 2 2 2 1
AT 1 1 1 1 1–2 1–2 1 2–3 1 (2) 1
PT 2 (3) 2 2 2 2 2–3 2 2–3 2 2
Character O. fasciolatus O. formosanus O. lacroixi O. moricei O. mouhoti O. nagao O. ocellatus O. rostralis O. saintgironsi O. taeniatus O. tuani
TailLR 15.5–21.6 (m) 16.5–19.5 (m) 10.5–12.4 (m/f) 13.3 (f) 17.2–18.5 (m) 13.9–14.6 (m) 11.6–14.2 (m) 19.6 (m) 19.1–20.3 (m) 16.5–20.4 (m) 18.4–18.8 (m)
11.6–15.8 (f) 14.9–16.4 (f) 12.2–13.1 (f) 10.6–11.4 (f) 16.1 (f) 12.8–15.1 (f) 12.3–14.2 (f)
MT 8–10 7–10 8–12 12 14–16 9–10 9 6 10–12 15–18 10
DSR 21/23-21/19-17/15 19-19/17-15 15-15-15 17-17-15 17-17-15 17-17-15 19-17-15(13) 15-15-13 19-17(18)-15 19-19-15 19-19-15
VEN 160–186 (m) 155–176 (m) 162–178 (m/f) 175 (f) 145–152 (m) 184–193 (m) 159–166 (m) 167 (m) 166–170 (m) 142–159 (m) 173–179 (m)
163–196 (f) 164–189 (f) 154–163 (f) 157–180 (f) 184 (f) 151–165 (f) 187–193 (f)
SC 43–61 (m) 49–55 (m) 25–34 (m/f) 41 (f) 39–43 (m) 43–47 (m) 32–44 (m) 47 (m) 55–59 (m) 38–48 (m) 58–59 (m)
34–48 (f) 43–48 (f) 29–33 (f) 26–33 (f) 53 (f) 31–39 (f) 44–45 (f)
CP Single Single Divided Single Single Single Single Single Single Single Single
SL 8 7–8 (6) 5 8 8 8 (7) 8 (7) 6 8 8 8
SLE 4+5 (3+4) 3+4–4+5 2+3 4+5 4+5 4+5 (3+4) 4+5 3+4 4+5 4+5 4+5
IL 8–9 9 6 9 9–10 8 (7) 9–10 6 9 9 9
LOREAL 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1
PtO 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
AT 2–3 (1) 1 (2) 1 1 1 (2) 1 1–3 1 2 1 2
PT 2–3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 (1) 2

Our study attempted to examine all material available for O. macrurus, but still has limitations related to sample size and geographic scope. In total, we examined 24 specimens of O. macrurus and O. arenarius, yet it is still difficult to conduct analyses related to geographic variation with such a sample size, which could reveal clinal patterns in the number of body scales and body size (sensu Ashton 2001; Lee et al. 2016). Both traits are known to vary within snakes, and are often influenced by environmental pressures, directional selection, and phenotypic plasticity (Kelley et al. 1997; Krause et al. 2003; Fornasiero et al. 2007; Martínez-Freiría et al. 2009). On one hand, these factors could explain why the O. arenarius population has such a divergent number of body scales (178–195 total scales) compared to other O. macrurus populations (203–243 total scales). On the other hand, the addition of more specimens may cause the differences in body scalation to disappear. Besides morphology, results recovered in our molecular analyses could be influenced by mitochondrial introgression, which is a plausible explaination for the nonmonophyly of O. arenarius and O. macrurus in the mtDNA phylogeny. Finer scale population genomics using rapidly-evolving markers such as nuclear SNPs or microsatellites, along with denser sampling between the southernmost localities of O. macrurus, might present different patterns of genetic variation in this species. If there is evidence that O. arenarius is headed on a trajectory towards evolutionary independence, then designating the taxon as a subspecies could be considered. However, we are currently convinced that it is most appropriate to consider O. arenarius a synonym of O. macrurus, given the evidence at hand.

As mentioned previously, members of Oligodon have traditionally been partitioned into several informal groupings based on hemipenial morphology, scalation, and dentition (Wall 1923; Smith 1943; Leviton, 1962; David et al. 2008a, 2008b; Green et al. 2010; Neang et al. 2012; Vassilieva et al. 2013; Vassilieva 2015). The role of the hemipenis in delimiting clades within Oligodon was partially confirmed by the phylogenetic analyses of Green et al. (2010), although the sampling in their study was quite limited. Among the species with available data on hemipenial morphology, only select members of the O. cyclurus-taeniatus species grouphave bilobed hemipenes without spinous calyces or myoectaces (papillae). Smith (1943), describing the hemipenial morphology of male specimen NHMUK 1938.8.7.39, showed that O. macrurus has a deeply bilobed hemipenis without spines or myoectases, and suggested this species should be part of his informal O. cyclurus species group (interchangeable with the O. cyclurus-taeniatus species group). Our observations of the same specimen confirm the presence of deeply bilobed hemipenes. In some later works (Pauwels et al. 2017; Sumontha et al. 2017), O. macrurus was considered as part of the O. cinereus group, however such an allocation was not confirmed by any data and was an accidental mistake (P. David, pers comm). Our phylogenetic analysis places O. macrurus in one clade with the members of the “taeniatuscyclurus–complex” (sensu Green et al. 2010; Nguyen et al. 2020), thereby confirming the earlier hypothesis of Smith (1943). By this notion, in combination with the discoveries pointed out by Nguyen et al. (2021) on what was O. arenarius, we are confident allocating O. macrurus into the O. cyclurus-taeniatus species group.

So far, all recent reports of O. macrurus have been from dunefields and adjacent sandy habitats surrounding the southern coast of Vietnam. Based on geological evidence, most of the dunefields in southern Vietnam were formed during the last interglacial period of the late Pleistocene, with deposits continuing throughout the Holocene as a result of climate change and alterating monsoon conditions in the South China Sea (Murray-Wallace et al. 2002; Quang-Minh et al. 2010; Tamura et al. 2020). These findings substantiate Geissler et al. (2011), who suggested that the lack of sand-adapted reptiles (namely, burrowing skinks and sand-swimming lizards) indicated that these coastal regions were comparatively young in age. It is possible that the formation of these dunefields over the course of the Quarternary period may have influenced the phylogeography and evolutionary history of O. macrurus, however these conjectures remain speculative until more detailed studies can be conducted. A few reptile species, such as Dibamus deharvengi Ineich, 1999, Dixonius aaronbaueri Ngo & Ziegler, 2009, Dixonius vietnamensis Das, 2004, and Leiolepis ngovantrii Grismer & Grismer, 2010 also appear endemic to the sandy coastal habitats of southern Vietnam like O. macrurus. The continued conservation of these animals could be jeopardized in the future by increased tourist and development activities. We recommend the pursuit of additional studies and continued herpetological surveys in these regions to understand and conserve these animals.


Permission to conduct fieldwork in Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province was granted by the Bureau of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, by local administration (Peoples’ Committee of Ba Ria–Vung Tau Province: No 14449/UBND–VP of 21.12.2020) and by the southern branch of Joint Russian–Vietnamese Tropical Research and Technological Center (JVRTRTC) in Ho Chi Minh City (No 769/CNPN of 03.12.2020). PVY and NAP thank Anna A. Bannikova for her kind permission to conduct molecular research in the genetic laboratory of the Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. We are grateful to academician Alexey V. Lopatin (Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia [PIN RAS]) for the permission to work on the μCT-tomograph of his institution, and to Roman A. Rakitin (PIN RAS) for constant help and assistance during the processing of our specimens during the µCT-scanning. We also thank Valentina F. Orlova (ZMMU), Ivan Ineich (MNHN), Patrick D. Campbell (NHMUK) and Claudia Koch (ZFMK) for permission to examine specimens under their care. Our sincere thanks go to Morris Flecks (ZFMK) who provided us with excellent photographs and measurements of the neotype of O. macrurus; Tan Van Nguyen (DTU), who collected morphological data on additional specimens of O. macrurus and helped clarify important details on localities in southern Vietnam; and to Gernot Vogel (Heidelberg, Germany), who while not sharing all of our viewpoints, still provided insightful discussions on Oligodon taxonomy and auxillary assistance. Patrick David (MNHN), Frank Tillack (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin) and an anonymous reviewer provided useful comments and suggestions that greatly improved earlier versions of this manuscript. We are also indebted to the editorial team of Zootaxa (Magnolia Press) for permission to use an image from Vassilieva (2015). JLL is partially supported by Aaron M. Bauer (Villanova University, USA) and the Gerald M. Lemole, MD, Endowed Chair Funds. NAP and PVY are grateful to Andrei N. Kuznetsov (JVRTRTC, Vietnam), Leonid P. Korzoun (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), Vyacheslav V. Rozhnov (Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) and Hoi Dang Nguyen (JVRTRTC, Vietnam) for support and organization of fieldwork in Vietnam. PG thanks Canh Xuan Le, Thinh Huy Ta and Truong Quang Nguyen (Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam) for the donation of specimens to ZFMK. The study was completed with financial support from the Russian Science Foundation (RSF grant No. 22–14–00037) to NAP (molecular phylogenetic analyses).


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