Research Article |
Corresponding author: Daniel Jablonski ( ) Academic editor: Uwe Fritz
© 2021 Daniel Jablonski, Marco Antônio Ribeiro-Júnior, Shai Meiri, Erez Maza, Oleg V. Kukushkin, Marina Chirikova, Angelika Pirosová, Dušan Jelić, Peter Mikulíček, David Jandzik.
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Jablonski D, Ribeiro-Júnior MA, Meiri S, Maza E, Kukushkin OV, Chirikova M, Pirosová A, Jelić D, Mikulíček P, Jandzik D (2021) Morphological and genetic differentiation in the anguid lizard Pseudopus apodus supports the existence of an endemic subspecies in the Levant. Vertebrate Zoology 71: 175-200.
The Levant represents one of the most important reptile diversity hotspots and centers of endemism in the Western Palearctic. The region harbored numerous taxa in glacial refugia during the Pleistocene climatic oscillations. Due to the hostile arid conditions in the warmer periods they were not always able to spread or come into contact with populations from more distant regions. One large and conspicuous member of the Levantine herpetofauna is the legless anguid lizard Pseudopus apodus. This species is distributed from the Balkans to Central Asia with a portion of its range running along the eastern Mediterranean coast. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, microsatellite genotypes, and morphology show that populations in this region differ from the two named subspecies and presumably had a long independent evolutionary history during the Quaternary. Here we describe the Levantine population as a new subspecies and present biogeographic scenarios for its origin and diversification. The new subspecies is genetically highly diverse, and it forms a sister lineage to Pseudopus from the remaining parts of the range according to mtDNA. It is the largest-bodied of the three subspecies, but occupies the smallest range.
הלבאנט מהווה את אחד האזורים העשירים ביותר במינים בכלל, במינים אנדמיים ובמגוון פילוגנטי של זוחלים בממלכה הפליארקטית. מינים רבים התקיימו באזור במהלך תקופות הקרח, כשהוא שימש מפלט מהאקלים הקר בצפון. אחד ממיני הזוחלים הגדולים והבולטים בלבאנט הוא קמטן החורש, Pseudopus apodus מין זה נפוץ מהבלקן בצפון אל מרכז אסיה במזרח, ומגיע בחוף הים התיכון המזרחי לגבול תפוצתו הדרומי. לפי רצפי DNA מיטוכונדריאלי, DNA גרעיני ומיקרוסטליטים, כמו גם נתוני צורה, גודל ודגמי צבע, נראה כי אוכלוסיות הלבנט של מין זה שונות משמעותית משני תתי המינים המתוארים המצויים מצפון ללבאנט. הנתונים מצביעים על כך שאוכלוסיות הלבאנט נפרדו מתתי המינים האחרים ומראות היסטוריה פילוגנטית עצמאית לאורך הרביעון. אנו מתארים את אוכלוסיות הלבאנט כתת מין חדש. ומציגים תרחישים אפשריים להסבר מוצאו והיפרדותו מתתי המינים האחרים. תת המין החדש הוא קבוצה אחות לשני תתי המינים המתוארים על פי הניתוח הגנטי. הוא הגדול בין תתי המינים, אך מאכלס את תחום התפוצה הקטן מבין כל השלושה.
منطقة الشرق الاوسط تعتبر احدى اغنى المناطق بانواع الحيونات المختلفة بشكل عام, وبالعديد من الحيوانات المتوطنة ومجموعة متنوعة من الزواحف من مملكة Palearctic. كانت المنطقة تأوي العديد من الأنواع في الفترة الجليدية, اذ ان المنطقة كانت بمثابة ملجأ لها من برد المناطق الاكثر شمالاً. من احدى انواع الزواحف الكبيرة والبارزة في منطقة الشرق الاوسط هي السحلية Pseudopus apodus. هذا النوع من الزواحف ينتشر في الشمال من منطقة البلقان الى مركز آسيا في الشرق ويصل انتشاره حتى شواطئ البحر الابيض المتوسط الشمالية, والتي تعد اقصى منطقة جنوبية ينتشر بها.استنادا لتسلسل الحمض النووي الميتوكوندريالي والحمض الخلوي الصبغي, بالاضافة الى معلومات اخرى منها الشكل والحجم ونماذج من الالوان, نرى ان هذا النوع من السحلية التي تعيش في منطقة الشرق الاوسط يختلف كثيرا عن انواع اخرى المنتشرة في المناطق الاكثر شمالاً.تشير المعلومات الى ان مجموعات السحلية عديمة الارجل القاطنة بمنطقة الشرق الاوسط انفصلت من النُّويعات (انواع فرعية) الاخرى وتظهر تاريخ تطوري مستقل خلال العصر الرباعي. نصف هنا ان هذا النوع من السحالي يُصَنَّف كنُوَيع مختلف وجديد ونعرض احداث ممكنة لشرح اصلها وانفصالها من النويعات الاخرى .يبدو أن النوع الفرعي الجديد له علاقة قريبة (أُخت) مع النوعين الاخرين ,ورغم انه الاكبر حجما لكنه يحتل اصغر نطاق انتشار من بينها.
Middle East, mitochondrial DNA, microsatellites, Ophisaurus, phenotype, Reptiles, sheltopusik, Squamata
We dedicate this article to Professor Fritz Jürgen Obst (1939–2018) acknowledging thus his precocious contribution to the taxonomy of Pseudopus (Ophisaurus) apodus published in Zoologische Abhandlungen (1978), today Vertebrate Zoology journal, 40 years before the information appeared about the possible existence of the subspecies described here.
The Levant forms a biogeographical crossroad between European, African, and Asian biotas. It is currently formed by territories of Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, the West Bank, Lebanon, western Syria, and southern Turkey. The Levant is known for high endemism of amphibians and reptiles at the genus (Latonia nigriventer, Phoenicolacerta;
A very similar pattern of distribution is also typical for the Levantine populations of Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775) from the southernmost part of the species range (Sindaco and Jeremcenko 2008). This anguid species is the only living member of the genus Pseudopus (previously considered congeneric with Ophisaurus; e.g.
Here we studied genetic diversity and morphology of P. apodus from across its range taking an advantage of an improved geographic sampling, especially in the Levant, which had previously not been analyzed in depth. This allows us to better understand the patterns of genetic differentiation and obtain deeper insights into the biogeographic history of the species. As a result, we propose to adjust the intraspecific taxonomy by describing a third P. apodus subspecies.
We used 156 tissue samples of P. apodus for genetic analyses and we analyzed the morphology of 479 specimens covering the entire distribution range of the species (Table S1, S2 and Figure
Geographic distribution of the samples and specimens used in the molecular-phylogenetic (A, B) and morphological analyses (C). Some specimens used in morphological analyses were from unknown localities, so those are not indicated in the map. Color scheme corresponds with the one used in Fig.
As a source of DNA, we used buccal swabs, blood (taken from the caudal vein) or scale clips from living individuals, and liver or muscle biopsies from ethanol-preserved museum specimens and road-killed animals. We studied variation in two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers and eight microsatellite loci. In total, we newly obtained DNA data from 52 individuals for mtDNA and 155 individuals for microsatellites and combined them with previously published data (Table S1).
Total genomic DNA was extracted from the tissue samples using the NucleoSpin Tissue kit (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Germany), following the manufacturer’s instructions. For molecular-genetic analyses, we used fragments of two mtDNA markers (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, ND2, and cytochrome b, Cyt b) and eight microsatellite loci. The PCR strategy for mtDNA is described in detail in
Eight microsatellite loci (
After manual aligning and trimming the low-quality sequence ends the resulting alignments contained sequences of 727-bp fragment of ND2 and 805-bp fragment of Cyt b. These were used in the tree analysis, along with a concatenated ND2+Cyt b dataset (1532-bp) which was constructed by combining the two former alignments. For the network analysis of all available sequences, we used the same length fragment of ND2, although only 423-bp fragment of Cyt b. Only the 575-bp long fragment of Cyt b was used for network analysis from the Southern lineage. In both cases this was due to variable lengths of the available sequences. No stop codons were detected when checked in the program DnaSP 6.00 (
We constructed Bayesian Inference (BI; MrBayes 3.2.6;
Genealogical relationships between mtDNA haplotypes were separately assessed with haplotype networks (32 sequences in ND2, 85 in Cyt b) based on alignments of the network analyses as mentioned above, and from the concatenated dataset. Haplotype networks of both analyzed markers were constructed and drawn using PopArt ( and the implemented parsimony network algorithm of TSC (
DnaSP 6.00 (
Principal Component Analyses (PCAs) of mtDNA markers were carried out using 33 sequences of both the concatenated and ND2 datasets, and 85 sequences of Cyt b dataset in the R package Adegenet (
We used two approaches to assess genetic structure among the samples: a Bayesian-based method implemented in the Structure 2.3.4 software (Pritchard 2000) and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) implemented in the R package Adegenet (
To assess genetic diversity and differentiation between clusters, the samples were pooled into three geographical regions based on the outcomes of the mtDNA phylogenetic, Bayesian and PCA analyses (see below). A number of different (NA) and private (NP) alleles, allele frequencies, percentage of polymorphic loci (P), and observed (HO) and unbiased expected (HE) heterozygosity were calculated using GenAlEx 6.5 (
We examined the external morphology of 479 P. apodus specimens (Fig.
Metric characters were taken with a measuring tape (±0.1 cm; body and tail lengths) and with a digital caliper (±0.1 mm; other measurements); meristic characters, and other morphological characters, were observed using a stereomicroscope when needed (e.g., for small juveniles). Metric characters are (all in mm; abbreviation in parentheses, for details see Table S4): snout-vent length (SVL); length of the intact tail (TL); total length (TotL); head length 1 (HL1); head length 2 (HL2); pileus length (PL); head width 1 (HW1); head width 2 (HW2); head width 3 (HW3); eye-nostril distance (ENL); frontal shield length (FL); frontal shield width (FW); Frontal shield-snout length (FSL); snout width (SW); intermaxillar shield height (IMH); intermaxillar shield width (IMW); rudiments length (RL).
We used the following meristic characters (abbreviations in parentheses, for details see Table S4): dorsal scales longitudinal (DSL); ventral scales longitudinal (VSL); dorsal scales transversal (DST); ventral scales transversal (VST); subcaudal scale rows (SCR); preanal scales (PAN); and supralabial scales (left and right sides; SPLl/r).
Coloration of the body was recorded via direct observation in the field or from photographs of live specimens (when available). Coloration in preservative is based on observation of the specimens the abovementioned collections.
For the initial analysis of the differences in metric and meristic characters among the three groups (P. a. apodus, P. a. thracius and the Southern lineage, below described as a new subspecies) we used analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) with subspecies and sex as main effects and SVL as a covariate. Analyses were conducted in R statistical environment (
Our comprehensive sampling (Fig.
Phylogenetic relationships of Pseudopus apodus reconstructed from concatenated and single locus trees of ND2 & Cyt b sequences and presented as collapsed Bayesian trees (A, C, E) and haplotype networks (B, D, F). The numbers at the tree nodes represent Bayesian Posterior Probabilities/Maximum Likelihood Bootstraps showing branch support (for details see Figures S1 and S2). The numbers at the end of main lineages or with haplotypes show the sampling code (DJab acronym) or GenBank numbers (see also Table S1). Circle sizes in the haplotype networks are proportional to the relative frequency of the haplotypes and small black circles represent the missing haplotypes.
The network visualization from the concatenated dataset corresponded to the phylogenetic division into three groups, P. a. apodus, P. a. thracius, and the Southern lineage. We found seven haplotypes of P. a. apodus forming a star-like pattern with shallow genetic substructure, four distinct haplotypes of P. a. thracius, and eight haplotypes of the Southern lineage, showing deep intra-lineage diversity. More than 40 mutation steps were recognized between haplotypes of P. a. apodus and the Southern lineage, and more than 33 between P. a. thracius and the Southern lineage (Fig.
In the 727 bp long fragment of ND2 (32 sequences) used to build the haplotype network, we found four haplotypes of P. a. apodus, two haplotypes of P. a. thracius, and six haplotypes of the Southern lineage. The most distant in-group haplotypes (P. a. apodus and the Southern lineage) spanned 31 mutation steps. Between the most distant haplotypes of P. a. apodus and P. a. thracius there were 19 mutation steps. A star-like pattern was partially found in P. a. apodus haplotypes (Fig.
In the 423 bp long fragment of Cyt b (85 sequences) used for the haplotype network, we found seven P. a. apodus haplotypes, ten haplotypes of P. a. thracius, and four haplotypes of the Southern lineage. Between the most distant in-group haplotypes (P. a. thracius and the Southern lineage) there were 29 mutation steps, nine mutation steps between P. a. apodus and P. a. thracius, and 13 mutation steps between P. a. apodus and the Southern lineage. Pseudopus a. thracius had the highest number of haplotypes, and all lineages showed star-like pattern (Fig.
The dataset of the 727 bp long ND2 fragments of the Southern lineage revealed four, well-diverged haplogroups: two in southern Turkey and two in Israel. Three of these haplogroups comprised single haplotypes each. The most common haplogroup (19 sequences), detected in central and northern Israel, contains three haplotypes. All haplogroups are separated by at least six mutation steps. The most distant haplogroup was found on the southern border of the species range (at least eight mutation steps from the adjacent haplotypes; Fig.
In the 575 bp long Cyt b fragments dataset of the Southern lineage we detected lower haplotype separation with two main haplogroups separated by three mutation steps from each other. One haplogroup containing a single haplotype was detected in southern Turkey, another, containing four haplotypes and 21 sequences separated by one mutation step, was found in Israel (Fig.
Maps showing the localities and sampling numbers related to the collection with DJab acronym or GenBank number (see Table S1) of the genetically investigated populations of Pseudopus apodus levantinus ssp. nov. (ND2 & Cyt b) in the Levant with the haplotype networks for each DNA marker. Circle sizes in the haplotype networks are proportional to the relative frequency of haplotypes and small black circles represent missing haplotypes. The expected distribution range (orange) of the Levantine subspecies (see also Figure S4) follows Sindaco and Jeremcenko (2008) and
We found clear differences in mtDNA polymorphism between the lineages with values of Hd = 0.800 and π = 0.18% for P. a. apodus (n = 6 sequences), Hd = 0.667, π = 0.09% for P. a. thracius (n = 3), and Hd = 0.458, π = 0.34% for the Southern lineage (n = 23) on the ND2 dataset and Hd = 0.722 and π = 0.28% for P. a. apodus (n = 28), Hd = 0.494, π = 0.17% for P. a. thracius (n = 35), and Hd = 0.271, π = 0.11% in the Southern lineage (n = 22) in the Cyt b dataset.
The ranges of uncorrected p distances were as follows: ND2 + Cyt b (concatenated dataset, 1532 bp) 2.6% between P. a. apodus and P. a. thracius, 3.5% between apodus and the Southern lineage, and 3.6% between thracius and the Southern lineage. In ND2 alone (727 bp): 3.0% between apodus and thracius, 3.8% between apodus and the Southern lineage, 3.6% between thracius and the Southern lineage. With Cyt b (805 bp): 2.6% between apodus and thracius, 3.3% between apodus and the Southern lineage, and 3.7% between thracius and the Southern lineage.
In accordance with the phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses, the PCAs revealed three highly distinct clusters corresponding to P. a. apodus, P. a. thracius and the Southern lineage with non-overlapping 95% confidence intervals (Fig.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of three lineages of Pseudopus apodus for mitochondrial DNA (A) and microsatellite data (B) with the Structure plot of posterior probabilities for K=3 (C). The oval outlines in PCAs represent 95% confidence intervals. First (PC1) and second (PC2) principal components explain 45.9% and 21.3% of the observed variance in the concatenated dataset, 44.9% and 17.4% in ND2 dataset, 26.3% and 20.7% in Cyt b dataset, and 10.8% and 6.7% in microsatellites, respectively. The plot of two principal components shows a clear separation between three groups of samples. Color scheme corresponds with the one used in Fig.
For detection of genetically homogeneous groups of individuals in Structure, we used two approaches: direct posterior probabilities [LnP(K)] and ad hoc statistic ΔK. Direct posterior probabilities increased sharply from K=1 to K=3 and then, with larger Ks, increased just slightly and reached a plateau. The statistic ΔK estimated the most likely number of clusters as K=2, followed by K=3. For higher Ks the analysis obtained much lower probabilities.
Assuming K=2, all individuals from the Balkans and western Turkey were assigned to cluster 1, corresponding to P. a. thracius. Specimens from the Crimea, through the Caucasus region, Iran up to Central Asia were assigned to cluster 2, corresponding to P. a. apodus. Lizards from the Levantine region (Israel, Syria, and an adjacent part of southern Turkey) were either assigned to cluster 1 or showed admixture. Assuming K=3, Levantine specimens formed a separate cluster 3, corresponding to the Southern lineage (Figs
PCA analysis of microsatellite data showed similar results (Fig.
To assess genetic diversity and differentiation, all samples were assigned to three groups corresponding to the Structure and PCA clusters. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) was lower in P. a. apodus and P. a. thracius (87.5% polymorphic loci) than in the Southern lineage, in which all microsatellite loci were polymorphic. Individuals from the Levant showed substantially higher genetic diversity [numbers of different (NA) and private (NP) alleles and observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosity; Table
Genetic differentiation, as measured by unbiased Nei’s genetic distance (DS) and FST statistics, reached similar values between the Southern lineage and both of the subspecies (Table
Parameters of genetic variation in three subspecies of Pseudopus apodus based on eight microsatellite loci. N – number of analysed individuals, P – percentage of polymorphic loci, NA – a number of different alleles, NP – a number of private alleles, HO – observed heterozygosity, HE – unbiased expected heterozygosity, SD – standard deviation.
Subspecies | N | P (%) | NA (mean±SD) | NP (mean±SD) | HO (mean±SD) | HE (mean±SD) |
P. a. apodus | 74 | 87.5 | 5.875±1.217 | 1.625±0.625 | 0.388±0.089 | 0.473±0.096 |
P. a. thracius | 56 | 87.5 | 3.625±0.625 | 1.125±0.125 | 0.342±0.080 | 0.397±0.076 |
P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. (Southern lineage) | 25 | 100 | 6.375±1.017 | 1.750±0.453 | 0.563±0.086 | 0.639±0.092 |
Genetic differentiation among three subspecies of Pseudopus apodus estimated using FST statistics (above diagonal) and unbiased Nei’s genetic distance DS (below diagonal) based on microsatellites. Genetic differentiation between the subspecies based on FST was highly significant (*** P<0.001).
Subspecies | P. a. apodus | P. a. thracius | P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. (Southern lineage) |
P. a. apodus | — | 0.395*** | 0.247*** |
P. a. thracius | 0.796 | — | 0.248*** |
P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. (Southern lineage) | 0.475 | 0.388 | — |
Snout-vent length (SVL) differed significantly between subspecies and sexes. Males are longer than females, specimens of the Southern lineage are longer than P. a. apodus, and P. a. thracius specimens are the shortest (Tables
Intercepts (in mm) of the analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) models with subspecies and sexes main effects and SVL as a covariate (for details see Table S4).
Metric data | P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. | P. a. apodus | P. a. thracius | Pairwise comparisons |
Snout-vent length (DF = 281) | 1.818 | 2.609 (p = 0.2373) | 5.538 (p = 0.0005) | thracius > apodus = levantinus |
Head length 2 (DF = 291) | 0.808 | 1.28 (p = 0.4345) | 3.233 (p = 0.0132) | thracius > apodus = levantinus |
Pileus length (DF = 259) | 3.979 | 5.977 (p = 0.0008) | 8.662 (p = 5.03e-07) | levantinus > apodus = thracius |
Head width 1 (DF = 329) | –0.717 | –1.73 (p = 0.0368) | –0.014 (p = 0.3752) | levantinus = thracius > apodus |
Head width 2 (DF = 245) | 7.835 | 3.488 (p= 3.11e-16) | 6.700 (p = 0.367) | levantinus = thracius > apodus |
Head width 3 (DF = 297) | 8.288 | 5.763 (p = 1.87e-09) | 10.054 (p = 0.0067) | thracius > levantinus > apodus |
Frontal shield length (DF = 266) | 2.558 | 2.730 (p = 0.5528) | 4.196 (p = 0.0004) | thracius > apodus = levantinus |
Frontal shield width (DF = 266) | 0.360 | 0.989 (p = 0.001) | 1.807 (p = 1.78e-06) | apodus = thracius > levantinus |
Frontal shield-snout length (DF = 203) | 1.530 | 1.727 (p = 0.4982) | 0.902 (p = 0.1412) | levantinus = apodus = thracius |
Snout width (DF = 203) | 3.409 | 3.418 (p = 0.9748) | 4.975 (p = 0.0002) | thracius > apodus = levantinus |
Intermaxillar shield height (DF = 300) | 2.178 | 1.590 (p = 8.23e-07) | 1.770 (p = 0.0312) | levantinus > apodus = thracius |
Intermaxillar shield width (DF = 299) | 0.569 | 0.127 (p = 0.0165) | 0.808 (p = 0.4199) | thracius = levantinus > apodus |
Rudiments length (DF = 239) | –1.675 | –1.163 (p = 0.0094) | –2.042 (p = 0.2079) | thracius = levantinus > apodus |
Meristic data | ||||
Dorsal scales longitudinal (DF = 249) | 98.250 | 103.779 (p = 1.25e-09) | 97.492 (p = 0.5860) | apodus > thracius = levantinus |
Ventral scales longitudinal (DF = 268) | 120.227 | 121.571 (p = 0.0145) | 116.397 (p = 2.08e-05) | apodus > levantinus > thracius |
Subcaudal scale rows (DF = 162) | 213.670 | 240.662 (p = 0.0006) | 238.797 (p = 0.0593) | apodus > levantinus = thracius |
Preanal scales (DF = 259) | 7.640 | 6.060 (p = 9.59e-10) | 4.614 (p = 1.17e-12) | levantinus > apodus = thracius |
Supralabial scales left (DF = 190) | 10.146 | 9.626 (p = 0.0108) | 9.582 (p = 0.0595) | thracius = levantinus > apodus |
Summary of the variation of the characters in Pseudopus apodus apodus, P. a. thracius, and P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. Counts and measurements (in mm) are presented as minimum–maximum (mean±standard deviation); n = total number of specimens studied. Only intact and non-regenerated tails were considered in SCR, TL, and TotL (for details see Table S4).
Metric data | P. a. apodus | P. a. thracius | P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. |
Snout-vent length (SVL) | 310–487 (387.61±37.60) (n=304) | 320–410 (360.06±31.47) (n=17) | 317–610 (490.22±76.15) (n=55) |
Length of the tail (TL) | 320–765 (567.38±75.61) (n=232) | 463–645 (552.71±55.56) (n=17) | 416–757 (600.70±107.04) (n=27) |
Total length (TotL) | 635–1230 (948.40±99.98) (n=232) | 796–1025 (912.76±73.52) (n=17) | 733–1367 (1072.30±194.60) (n=27) |
Head length 1 (HL1) | 28.63–58.00 (38.61±4.90) (n=219) | 31.10–49.50 (39.55±5.15) (n=17) | 29.30–63.75 (47.60±7.99) (n=53) |
Head length 2 (HL2) | 23.60–47.20 (35.77±4.67) (n=226) | 27.20–43.40 (35.40±4.76) (n=17) | 27.59–59.58 (44.12±7.65) (n=53) |
Pileus length (PL) | 26.40–46.30 (35.82±4.02) (n=197) | 28.80–44.10 (36.93±4.56) (n=17) | 26.85–54.79 (41.98±6.78) (n=53) |
Head width 1 (HW1) | 17.96–36.50 (24.47±3.62) (n=267) | 20.10–29.50 (24.35±2.95) (n=17) | 16.62–44.90 (32.04±6.34) (n=53) |
Head width 2 (HW2) | 15.20–28.76 (19.44±2.37) (n=183) | 17.30–26.30 (22.33±2.48) (n=17) | 16.06–39.33 (28.21±4.95) (n=53) |
Head width 3 (HW3) | 13.00–26.87 (17.13±2.26) (n=235) | 16.40–25.00 (20.74±2.34) (n=17) | 14.21–28.59 (22.62±3.31) (n=53) |
Eye-nostril distance (ENL) | 6.99–13.90 (10.29±1.28) (n=176) | 8.10–11.20 (10.02±0.91) (n=17) | 6.58–15.23 (10.13±1.94) (n=54) |
Frontal shield length (FL) | 8.00–18.50 (11.59±1.60) (n=202) | 9.50–15.30 (12.50±1.76) (n=17) | 8.63–19.74 (13.75±2.49) (n=52) |
Frontal shield width (FW) | 5.10–11.75 (8.72±1.09) (n=202) | 6.50–10.60 (9.05±1.10) (n=17) | 5.69–15.78 (10.23±2.01) (n=52) |
Frontal shield-snout length (FSL) | 11.00–18.00 (13.90±1.64) (n=137) | 10.30–15.98 (12.58±15.98) (n=17) | 10.28–23.39 (17.27±2.96) (n=54) |
Snout width (SW) | 5.40–12.81 (7.76±1.31) (n=137) | 6.30–12.77 (9.17±1.74) (n=17) | 5.40–12.41 (8.95±1.57) (n=54) |
Intermaxillar shield height (IMH) | 3.00–9.00 (4.32±0.63) (n=235) | 3.30–5.20 (4.32±0.48) (n=17) | 3.22–7.78 (5.61±0.86) (n=53) |
Intermaxillar shield width (IMW) | 4.00–12.60 (6.49±1.09) (n=234) | 5.30–8.20 (6.73±0.90) (n=17) | 4.22–11.62 (8.53±1.69) (n=53) |
Rudiments length (RL) | 1.00–6.55 (3.50±1.01) (n=169) | 2.00–4.80 (3.31±0.77) (n=17) | 2.68–8.56 (5.55±1.53) (n=55) |
Meristic characters | |||
Dorsal scale transversal (DST) | 11–14 (12.11±0.40) (n=103) | 12 (n=17) | 12 (n=55) |
Ventral scale transversal (VST) | 10–11 (10.01±0.10) (n=83) | 10 (n=17) | 10 (n=55) |
Dorsal scales longitudinal (DSL) | 88–119 (105.71±3.88) (n=182) | 92–110 (99.30±4.09) (n=17) | 88–119 (100.71±5.43) (n=55) |
Ventral scales longitudinal (VSL) | 111–129 (123.30±2.53) (n=201) | 108–124 (118.00±3.61) (n=17) | 115–137 (122.40±3.19) (n=55) |
Subcaudal scale rows (SCR) | 175–249 (228.68±15.43) (n=78) | 173–237 (214.22±24.72) (n=9) | 199–222 (208.67±7.54) (n=28) |
Preanal scales (PAN) | 5–11 (7.94±1.44) (n=197) | 5–8 (6.37±0.72) (n=17) | 10 (n=55) |
Supralabial scales left (SPLl) | 9–13 (11.17±0.98) (n=124) | 10–12 (11.06±0.43) (n=17) | 11–14 (12.13±0.85) (n=54) |
The three PCA analyses with (1) both males and females; 2) only males; 3) only females, presented similar results. The first component explained 98.7, 98.6, and 98.9%, respectively, of total variance of the 17 analyzed characters, with the most important character being SVL (Table S5). Most of the specimens from Israel (the Southern lineage) had much higher PC1 scores than any specimen of the other subspecies, while the majority of P. a. apodus and P. a. thracius specimens had a combination of high scores on PC2 and low scores on PC1, not seen in the Southern lineage. However, there were areas of morphological overlap among all three lineages, especially between P. a. apodus, and P. a. thracius, which showed near-complete overlap (Fig.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the examined phenotypic characters among the adult specimens of Pseudopus apodus apodus (red dots), P. a. thracius (blue dots), and P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. (yellow dots): A - adult females and males together, B – females only, C – males only. The oval outlines correspond to 95% confidence intervals. For A, PC1 explains 98.7% of variance, PC2 0.59%; for B, PC1 explains 98.9% of variance, PC2 0.45%; for C, PC1 explains 98.6%, PC2 0.59% (see details in Table S5), respectively.
We found no evidence for sexual dimorphism in meristic characters in the Southern lineage. None of the eight measures significantly differ between males and females and three characters (DST, VST, PAN) do not vary at all. The sexes do not differ in their overall size, but males have generally wider heads than females (significant in HW1–3, SW, and IMW; Table S6). In the PCA analysis of the sexual dimorphism of the Southern lineage the first axis explained 99.2% of the total variance of the four analyzed characters, and each analyzed character was presented as the most important in each component (HL1 in the first component; HW1 in the second; PL in the third one; and HW2 in the fourth component; Fig. S3).
Pseudopus apodus comprises three clearly genetically and slightly morphologically differentiated allopatric populations (
A large Pseudopus (up to 610 mm snout-vent length, 1,367 mm total length and a mass of 1,100 g) that can be distinguished from the other two subspecies by a combination of the following characters (means followed by standard deviations; Table
Pseudopus apodus levantinus ssp. nov. can be distinguished from P. a. apodus and P. a. thracius by having 10 preanal scales (PAN) in all morphologically examined specimens (vs. 5–11, with the mean of 8 in P. a. apodus, and 5–8 and mean of 6 in P. a. thracius). Other differences can be used in combination to support differences between P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., P. a. apodus, and P. a. thracius: longer body (SVL; 610 mm maximum length and mean of 490.22 mm in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., vs. 487 mm maximum and mean of 387.61 mm in P. a. apodus, and 410 mm maximum and mean of 360.06 mm in P. a. thracius); longer distance between the ear aperture and the tip of the snout (HL1; 63.75 mm maximum length and mean of 47.60 in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., vs. 58 mm maximum and mean of 38.61 mm in P. a. apodus, and 49.50 maximum and mean of 39.55 mm in P. a. thracius); longer pileus (PL; 54.79 mm maximum length and mean of 41.98 in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., vs. 46.30 mm maximum and mean of 35.82 mm in P. a. apodus, and 28.80 mm maximum and mean of 36.93 mm in P. a. thracius); longer distance between the anterior frontal scale to the tip of snout (FSL; 23.39 mm maximum length and mean of 17.27 mm in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., vs. 18 mm maximum and mean of 13.90 mm in P. a. apodus, and 15.98 mm maximum and mean of 12.58 mm in P. a. thracius); wider head (HW1; 44.90 mm maximum width and mean of 32.04 mm in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., vs. 36.5 mm maximum and mean of 24.47 mm in P. a. apodus, and 29.50 mm maximum and mean of 24.35 mm in P. a. thracius); wider distance between the posterior edge of the orbits (HW2; 39.33 mm maximum width and mean of 28.21 mm in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., vs. 28.76 mm maximum and mean of 19.44 mm in P. a. apodus, and 26.30 mm maximum and mean of 22.33 mm in P. a. thracius); and longer limb rudiments (RL; 8.56 mm maximum length and mean of 5.55 mm in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov., vs. 6.55 mm maximum and mean of 3.5 mm in P. a. apodus, and 4.8 mm maximum and mean of 3.31 mm in P. a. thracius). The remaining differences are presented in Tables
An adult male (
The coloration of the holotype in life was not recorded. The coloration of the holotype in preservative is brownish or slightly orange with some of the scales on the body that have darker coloration creates an impression of tiny dark spots on the body. The head is lighter than the body, which is especially apparent on its dorsal side. The dorsal side of the body is light brown to gray, again with the impression of darker spots on the tail.
Details on variation among the type specimens of P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. are presented in Table S7. The overall morphology and coloration of the paratypes (
No name is available for the glass lizards from the Levantine region. We hence suggest a new name, Pseudopus apodus levantinus, as a reference to the isolated and allopatric distribution of this subspecies exclusively in the Levant region. This region covers present-day (western) Syria, Lebanon, (north-western) Jordan, Israel, West Bank, Cyprus, and most of Turkey south-east of the middle Euphrates, which is almost identical to the known distribution range of the new subspecies. The term “Levant” is derived from the Italian “Levante”, meaning “rising” and implying the rising of the Sun in the east as an equivalent to the Arabic “al-Mashriq” (المشـرق) and the Hebrew “Mizrāḥ” ((מִזְרָחboth meaning “east”.
According to the genetic data, P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. occurs in southern Turkey, western Syria, northern and central Israel (
The new subspecies is known in Mediterranean habitats of the Levant (see the type locality Fig.
The specimens analyzed in this study showed certain variation in both genetic and morphological markers. Some intra-lineage variation in P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. can be found in ND2 and Cyt b sequences as well as in microsatellites (see details in the Results). The haplotype pattern of nuclear genes PRLR and RAG1 indicates incomplete lineage sorting among all three subspecies, with one recorded heterozygote of P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. (
Color and pattern variation in the Pseudopus apodus subspecies: A – adult male of P. a. apodus in a typical steppe habitat from Samarkand, Uzbekistan (photo by Daniel Jablonski). B – juvenile individual of P. a. apodus from Kyz-Kermen, Bakhchisarayi, Crimea (photo by Oleg V. Kukushkin). C – adult female of P. a. thracius from Dadia, Greece (photo by D. Jablonski). D – juvenile individual of P. a. thracius from National Park Paklenica, Croatia (photo by D. Jablonski). E – adult female of P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. from Antakya, Turkey (photo by David Jandzik). F – juvenile individual of P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. from Ness Ziyona, Israel (photo by David David).
Based on the data presented here, the distribution range of P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. covers approximately 30,000 km2. Together with human overpopulation and accelerated development in the Mediterranean parts of the Levant, high traffic density (most individuals nowadays brought to the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in Tel Aviv are road-kills), development of mass tourism, extensive use of pesticides in the agricultural areas, proliferation of human commensals such as domestic cats, cattle egrets, dogs, rats, and golden jackals, and challenging political situation have potential to worsen the conservation status of this endemic subspecies. Pending a formal assessment, we preliminary recommend the IUCN category of Vulnerable (VU) based on the criteria A2c,e and strongly encourage further surveys benefiting from international collaboration allowing to open a dialogue across the conflict zones (e.g. EcoPeace Middle East,;
Pseudopus apodus is the single extant species of the genus Pseudopus that has been known as a relatively common member of the fossil assemblages from the Early Miocene or possibly even the Oligocene (
The simplified morphology and lack of conspicuous markings may be among the reasons why the species had been considered monotypic until F. J. Obst described the subspecies P. a. thracius based on a slightly distinctive morphology (
This new subspecies is currently known from the area south of the Nur Mountains in Turkey, to the Mediterranean regions of Syria and Israel. While we lack direct genetic evidence, it is highly probable that also the populations from the Mediterranean coast of Lebanon and from Jordan belong to P. a. levantinus ssp. nov. Not so clear are the taxonomic relationships of the populations from the south-central Turkey around the Gulfs of Iskenderun and Mersin (particularly Mersin and Adana Provinces), the only area where two subspecies likely come into contact and, potentially, hybridize (Fig.
All three subspecies are genetically differentiated in both mtDNA and nDNA. Strongly supported subspecific lineages in the phylogenetic analysis and relatively long distances among mtDNA haplotypes (Figs
In addition to the genetic level differentiation, we provide morphological evidence supporting independent evolutionary history of the three subspecies. The new subspecies differs from P. a. apodus and P. a. thracius in several traits, most notably in the overall size. It attains significantly longer average and maximum lengths (Tables
The Levant is a major biodiversity hotspot (
The molecular-genetic data we obtained from different markers, and by different methods, show some incongruence in detailed relationships among the three subspecies. The genetic distances, network, tree and PCA analyses analyses using mtDNA sequences (Figs
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the following friends and colleagues for their support during this research, providing photos, tissue samples, information, assistance in the field, and/or laboratory work: Amir Arnon, Markus Auer, Aziz Avcı, Ivan Bartík, Petr Balej, Lukáš Blažej, Jana Christophoryová, David David, Martin Dobrota, Raffael Ernst, Daniel Gruľa, Václav Gvoždík, Sahar Hajyahia, David Hegner, Tomáš Husák, Vuk Iković, Simon Jamison, Matej Kautman, Gábor Kardos, Carolin Kindler, Daniel Koleška, Martin Kulma, Petros Lymberakis, Edvárd Mizsei, Jiří Moravec, Flecks Morris, Hamzeh Oraie, Michal Páleník, Petr Papežík, Simona Papežíková, Boyan Petrov (†), Jana Poláková, Ilana Rosenstein, Ofer Shimoni, Eugen Simonov, Guy Sion, Radovan Smolinský, Márton Szabolcs, Jan Štěpánek, Peter Török (†), Melita Vamberger, and Oleksander Zinenko. We also thank three anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions. This project was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contracts no. APVV-15-0147 and APVV-19-0076, the Gans Collections and Charitable Fund Inc. (M.A.R.-J. postdoctoral fellowship), the Rector scholarship (Tel Aviv University; M.A.R.-J. postdoctoral fellowship), the Alexander and Eva Lester Fund scholarship (I. Meier Segals Garden for Zoological Research; M.A.R.-J. postdoctoral fellowship), by the fellowship within Initiative of deserts of Central Asia which is a part of the international initiative of protection of climate (M.C.), and by the framework of research topics of the State assignment No. АААА-А19-119012490044-3 and АААА-А19-119020590095-9 (O.K.).
Morphological and genetic differentiation in the anguid lizard Pseudopus apodus supports the existence of an endemic subspecies in the Levant
Daniel Jablonski, Marco Antônio Ribeiro-Júnior, Shai Meiri, Erez Maza, Oleg V. Kukushkin, Marina Chirikova, Angelika Pirosová, Dušan Jelić, Peter Mikulíček, David Jandzik
Pseudopus apodus thracius (Obst, 1978) is nomen protectum
To maintain the current usage of Pseudopus apodus thracius (Obst, 1978), we qualify the name Ophisaurus apodus thracius Obst, 1978 as nomen protectum with respect to nomen oblitum Pseudopus Durvilii Cuvier, 1829 (type locality: “L’Archipel”, Greece). According to the Article of
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